Topic Review
Cyber-ethnography, also known as virtual ethnography, digital ethnography and most commonly online ethnography, is an online research method that adapts ethnographic methods to the study of the communities and cultures created through computer-mediated social interaction. As modifications of the term ethnography, cyber-ethnography, online ethnography and virtual ethnography (as well as many other methodological neologisms) designate particular variations regarding the conduct of online fieldwork that adapts ethnographic methodology. There is no canonical approach to cyber-ethnography that prescribes how ethnography is adapted to the online setting. Instead individual researchers are left to specify their own adaptations. Netnography is another form of online ethnography or cyber-ethnography with more specific sets of guidelines and rules, and a common multidisciplinary base of literature and scholars. This article is not about a particular neologism, but the general application of ethnographic methods to online fieldwork as practiced by anthropologists, sociologists, and other scholars.
  • 599
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Cyberbullying and Mental Health among University Students
Bullying is an aggressive behavior that is intentionally and repeatedly directed at individuals who have less power than the attacker does. Bullying may take many forms, including physical, verbal, and social bullying. In its physical form, bullying includes hitting, pushing, spitting, and other physical acts. Bullying in the oral form includes mocking, name-calling, and threatening. In its social form, it consists of spreading rumors (slander), exclusion from peer groups, and other forms. When dealing with perpetrators, these three forms of bullying most commonly occur face to face.
  • 758
  • 16 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Cybersecurity (CS) field is a complex discipline with multiple layers. We deconstruct the CS specialist as a material (naturally/ genetically determined) and non-material (psychologically determined) entity. This entity is mapped to CS competences required to conduct everyday tasks where psychological factors are also present (e.g. stress). All the structural prerequisites for the development and functioning of the psyche are genetically coded and controlled. Behavior genetics addresses the interdisciplinary effort to establish causal links between genomic loci and human behavioral traits and neural mechanisms. Almost every human behavioral trait is a result of many genome variants in action altogether with environmental factors. Cybergenomics focuses on contextualizing the behavior genetics aspects in the application of cybersecurity.
  • 465
  • 30 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Cyberstalking Victimization Model
Cyberstalking is a growing anti-social problem being transformed on a large scale and in various forms. Cyberstalking detection has become increasingly popular in recent years and has technically been investigated by many researchers. However, cyberstalking victimization, an essential part of cyberstalking, has empirically received less attention from the paper community.
  • 951
  • 03 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Cytokines as Selected Biomarkers of Depression
Depression is one of the leading mental illnesses worldwide and lowers the quality of life of many. According to WHO, about 5% of the worldwide population suffers from depression. Studies report a staggering global prevalence of 27.6%, and it is rising. Professionally, depression belonging to affective disorders is a psychiatric illness, and the category of major depressive disorder (MDD) comprises various diagnoses related to persistent and disruptive mood disorders. Due to this fact, it is imperative to find a way to assess depression quantitatively using a specific biomarker or a panel of biomarkers that would be able to reflect the patients’ state and the effects of therapy. Cytokines, hormones, oxidative stress markers, and neuropeptides are studied in association with depression. 
  • 511
  • 31 Jan 2023
Topic Review
D-VET Education and Academic Engagement and Academic Burnout
In Spain, vocational education and training (VET) is a type of non-university higher education leading to the award of Higher Vocational Training Technician qualifications, with a MECES 1 level (Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education), equivalent in the context of the European Union to an EQF 5 level (European Qualification Framework).
  • 225
  • 09 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Daighi Tongiong Pingim
Daī-ghî tōng-iōng pīng-im (Taiwanese phonetic transcription system, abbr: DT; Chinese: 臺語通用拼音) is an orthography in the Latin alphabet for Taiwanese Hokkien based upon Tongyong Pinyin. It is able to use the Latin alphabet to indicate the proper variation of pitch with nine diacritic symbols.
  • 230
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Dan Role
Dan is the general name for female roles in Chinese opera, often referring to leading roles. They may be played by male or female actors. In the early years of Peking opera, all dan roles were played by men, but this practice is no longer common in any Chinese opera genre.
  • 1.8K
  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Dark Triad Psychopathy
Dark Triad traits and self-control are considered viable causal precursors to antisocial and criminal outcomes in youth. 
  • 528
  • 20 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Darwin–Wedgwood Family
The Darwin–Wedgwood family is composed of two interrelated English families, descending from prominent 18th-century doctor Erasmus Darwin, and Josiah Wedgwood, founder of the pottery company, Josiah Wedgwood and Sons. Its most notable member was Charles Darwin, a grandson of both. The family included at least ten Fellows of the Royal Society and several artists and poets (including the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams). Presented below are brief biographical descriptions and genealogical information with links to articles on the members. The individuals are listed by year of birth and grouped into generations. The relationship to Francis Galton and his immediate ancestors is also given. Note that the data tree below does not include all descendants or even all prominent descendants.
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  • 27 Nov 2022
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