Topic Review
Perceived Security in Childhood on Adult Self-Concept
Secure attachment, developed through consistent relationships with attachment figures in childhood, is a crucial factor in fostering healthy interpersonal relationships and a positive self-perception. The ability to cope with adversity and personal acceptance underlie the impact of perceived security on self-concept. It is recommended to promote family intervention programs framed within positive parenting that focus on fostering secure attachment given its influence on adult life. 
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  • 11 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Short-Term Rental and Its Classification
The rise of short-term rental (STR) platforms such as Airbnb in the past decade has brought about significant changes in the tourism industry. To be specific, these platforms have transformed the way people travel by directly connecting hosts and guests, providing individuals and property owners with the opportunity to offer their homes or spare rooms for short-term stays. This shift has offered a wide range of lodging options to travelers in terms of price and location, allowing travelers to choose accommodations that suit their preferences and budgets. This variety has resulted in increased tourism demand and has contributed to the local economy, particularly in rural areas that heavily rely on tourism as a vital source of income and employment. The accessibility and affordability of STRs have attracted tourists who seek unique experiences and a more intimate connection with the local culture and community.
  • 161
  • 11 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Concepts of Rural Tourism and Farm Tourism
The analysis of environmental, social, and economic factors as vectors for the sustainable development of farm tourism is introduced.
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  • 11 Sep 2023
Topic Review
COVID-19's Impact in Korean Kinship Foster Care Children
When experiencing stress because of a disaster, boys and girls may respond, and be affected, differently. Analysis of developmental outcomes measured before and during the pandemic showed no significant changes. However, significant interaction effects existed between time (before and during the pandemic) and gender, indicating that boys and girls recorded different patterns of change before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 210
  • 08 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Victims of Stalking
Stalking is a crime characterized by persistent, unwanted pursuit, often inciting fear and emotional distress in victims through experiences such as unwanted following or communication.
  • 384
  • 07 Sep 2023
Topic Review
National Identity Education Intentions of Pre-Service Teachers
National identity education is a form of education that fosters a stable sense of national identity among citizens and plays a crucial role in the sustainable development of the country. However, with the deepening of economic globalisation and cultural pluralism, pre-service teachers, in their dual roles as school students and prospective teachers, have encountered challenges in practicing their intention to implement national identity education. 
  • 317
  • 06 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Natural Disasters Impact on Cultural Mayan Heritage Spaces
In the town of Sacapulas located in the mountainous country of Guatemala, there is a constant risk of natural disasters. Floods and landslides occur frequently, resulting in the loss of human lives and cultural aspects. Specifically, in the region, the creation of black salt is the most affected.
  • 316
  • 06 Sep 2023
Topic Review
The Scale of Urbanism
While scale is an essential factor in discussions about sustainable cities, there is no common understanding of what scale is or how it should be measured. Understanding scale and how it changes may shed light on answering a number of questions, such as how scale impacts livability, pedestrian quality, access, affordability, or crime. In order to delve into these and other scale-related topics, urbanists need an approach to scale measurement and analysis.
  • 194
  • 06 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Orthorexia and Orthorexia Nervosa
Orthorexia nervosa is an emerging and controversial eating disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation with healthy eating and an extreme fixation on food purity.
  • 158
  • 05 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Electronic Media Use and Internalizing Problems
In today’s digital world, children are exposed extensively to electronic media, making it an integral part of their daily lives. However, excessive use of electronic media during childhood has been associated with various internalizing problems. Moreover, parent–child conflict and children’s age may be closely associated with children’s problem behaviors.
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  • 05 Sep 2023
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