Topic Review
Civilian Casualties
Civilian casualties occur when civilians are killed or injured by non-civilians, mostly law enforcement officers, military personnel, rebel group forces, or terrorists. Under the law of war, it refers to civilians who perish or suffer wounds as a result of wartime acts. The term is generally applied to situations in which violence is committed in pursuit of political goals. During periods of armed conflict, there are structures, actors, and processes at a number of levels that affect the likelihood of violence against civilians. The term "civilian casualties" is sometimes used in non-military situations, for example to distinguish casualties to police vs. to criminals such as bank robbers.
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  • 20 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Youth's Vision:Significance of China's Development to the World
As young people in Africa, we hope to make use of China's development experience and achievements, strive to develop Africa, catch up with the pace of world development, and promote China-Africa friendship.
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  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Risk Communication
Risk communication is critical to emergency management. Following the message-centered approach or risk communication, the whole communication process for public health emergency is suggested to integrate the accessibility and openness of risk information, the timing and frequency of communication, and the strategies dealing with uncertainties. Based on these principles a simplified Government–Expert–Public risk communication model can illustrate a collaborative network for effective risk communication.
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  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Presidential Cabinets of the Weimar Republic
Presidential cabinets (German: Präsidialkabinette) is a term applied to a succession of governments of the Weimar Republic whose legitimacy derived exclusively from presidential emergency decrees. From April 1930 to January 1933, three chancellors, Heinrich Brüning, Franz von Papen, and Kurt von Schleicher, governed without the consent of the Reichstag, Germany's lower house of parliament. Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution gave the President of Germany (Reichspräsident) the power to pass emergency measures which did not require parliamentary support, as long as the federal cabinet approved of them. After a grand coalition led by chancellor Hermann Müller collapsed, president Paul von Hindenburg appointed the Centre Party politician Heinrich Brüning to the chancellorship. Since Brüning did not command a majority in parliament, he governed exclusively through the president's emergency powers. Whenever the government suffered parliamentary defeats, Hindenburg would dissolve the Reichstag and enable Brüning to stay in office. During Brüning's time in office, the fascist National Socialist German Workers' Party and its leader Adolf Hitler became an influential force in German politics. Brüning legislated to oppose the party's paramilitary activity but was replaced with Franz von Papen, a conservative advisor of the president, who sought to compromise with the forces of the radical right. His short-lived presidential government saw the NSDAP gain the largest share of seats in parliament in the election of July 1932. Unable to overcome parliamentary obstruction, he was succeeded by Kurt von Schleicher, who, in turn, gave way to Adolf Hitler on 30 January 1933. The presidential cabinets have been interpreted as a result of scepticism towards parliamentary government in German society as well as a fundamental shift in political practice towards a strong presidential ruler. Hindenburg's decision to govern without the support of the Reichstag constitutes a milestone on Germany's progression from a multi-party democracy to a totalitarian dictatorship under Hitler.
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  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Development Goals
Sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedefleri (SDG'ler), 2015'te kabul edilen 17 hedefi içeren, BM'nin herkes için daha iyi ve daha sürdürülebilir bir gelecek elde etme planının küresel bir kalkınma programıdır. Yoksulluk, eşitsizlik, iklim değişikliği dahil olmak üzere küresel nüfusun karşılaştığı zorlukları ele alırlar. , çevresel bozulma, barış ve adalet. Programlar genellikle sürdürülebilir ekonomik büyümeyi ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma için 2030 gündemini uygulamak için sürdürülebilirliğin güçlendirilmesi modlarını vurgular. Bu SDG'lerden SDGS 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 ve 17, doğrudan ve/veya dolaylı olarak sürdürülebilirlik ve döngüsellik fenomeniyle bağlantılıdır. Birleşmiş Milletler'in (BM) SKH'lerine imza atan ülkelerdeki hükümetler, ulusal politika ve programlar da dahil olmak üzere farklı eylemlerde bulunarak hedefe ulaşılmasında çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır,
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  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Form of Action
The forms of action were the different procedures by which a legal claim could be made during much of the history of the English common law. Depending on the court, a plaintiff would purchase a writ in Chancery (or file a bill) which would set in motion a series of events eventually leading to a trial in one of the medieval common law courts. Each writ entailed a different set of procedures and remedies which together amounted to the "form of action". The forms of action were abolished during the 19th century, but they have left an indelible mark on the law. In the early Middle Ages, the focus was on the procedure that was employed to bring one's claim to the royal courts of King's Bench or Common Pleas: it was the form of one's action, not its substance, which occupied legal discussion. This restrictive approach is one of the reasons which attracted litigants to petition the King directly, which eventually led to the development of a separate court known as the Court of Chancery, from which the body of law known as equity derives. Modern English law, as in most other legal systems, now looks to substance rather than to form: a claimant need only demonstrate that he or she has a valid cause of action.
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  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Homeopathy and Psychological Therapies
Homeopathy is a popular, although highly debated, medicinal practice based on the administration of remedies in which active substances are so diluted that no detectable trace of them remains in the final product. This hypothesis paper aims to outline a possible reinterpretation of homeopathy in the light of psychological therapies in order to improve its clinical safety and sustainability. 
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  • 13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Ochlocracy (Greek: ὀχλοκρατία, romanized: okhlokratía; Latin: ochlocratia) or mob rule is the rule of government by a mob or mass of people and the intimidation of legitimate authorities. Insofar as it represents a pejorative for majoritarianism, it is akin to the Latin phrase mobile vulgus, meaning "the fickle crowd", from which the English term "mob" originally was derived in the 1680s. Ochlocracy is synonymous in meaning and usage to the modern, informal term "mobocracy", which arose in the 18th century as a colloquial neologism. Likewise, whilst the ruling mobs in ochlocracies may sometimes genuinely reflect the will of the majority in a manner approximating democracy, ochlocracy is characterized by the absence or impairment of a procedurally civil and democratic process.
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  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Social Evolution
Social evolution refers to the gradual and continuous change in social structures, behaviors, and institutions over time. It encompasses the development and transformation of societies, including advancements in technology, shifts in cultural norms, and alterations in political and economic systems, often driven by factors such as innovation, conflict, and interaction with the environment. This concept underpins various theories in sociology and anthropology, offering insights into how societies adapt and evolve in response to internal and external pressures.
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  • 26 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Effects of Stress Exposure
Stress could be defined as an organism's entire response to environmental demands or strains. Exposure to highly stressful or traumatic events, depending on the stage of life in which stress exposure occurs, could severely affect limbic structures, including the amygdala, and lead to alterations in social and affective behaviors.
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  • 30 Jan 2021
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