Topic Review
Social Status
Social status refers to the position or rank that an individual holds within a social hierarchy, often determined by factors such as wealth, occupation, education, and social connections. It influences an individual's access to resources, opportunities, and privileges, as well as their social standing and reputation within society. Social status can be hierarchical, with some individuals occupying higher positions than others, and can vary across different social contexts and cultures.
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  • 02 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Construction of EU Tourism Data Spaces
Tourism Data Spaces are steering traditional tourist destinations towards smarter, more sustainable models, by playing a pivotal role in improving decision-making and personalizing tourism services. The tourism sector is facing challenges to access to data which could be overcome thanks to the implementation of Tourism Data Spaces. TDSs promote a clear governance, technical standards and balancing diverse stakeholders interests in the tourism industry. The concept of *Smart Tourism Destinations* (STD) has represented a revolution in the management and promotion of tourism destinations, driving the integration of information and communication technologies to improve tourism competitiveness and visitor experience. The emergence of the concept of “Smart Tourism Destinations” has its roots in the creation and evolution of “Smart Cities”.
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  • 02 Feb 2024
Topic Review
False Information Detection
An important feature of the information age is the emergence of information, which includes a great deal of disinformation. This disinformation influences people’s decision making and can trigger social conflict. With the spread of the internet, disinformation often comes in the form of online rumors. Online rumors usually refer to words spread through online communication media (such as Weibo, WeChat, forums, etc.), which have no basis in fact and have an offensive and purposeful nature. Online rumors are often used for fraud and phishing, which pose a significant threat to the safety and interests of individuals and society, making the detection of false information increasingly important.
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  • 02 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Skin-to-Skin Care and Touch by Fathers in Infants
A series of studies have shown that mothers’ early tactile behaviors have positive effects, both on full-term and preterm infants, and on mothers alike. Regarding fathers, research has focused mostly on paternal skin-to-skin care with preterm infants and has overlooked the tactile behavior effects with full-term newborns on infants’ outcomes and on fathers themselves. Few available studies suggest that paternal touch—SSC and ST—can have positive effects on fathers and infants alike.
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  • 01 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Control–Value Theory and Achievement Emotions
Control–value theory is a theoretical framework that integrates antecedents of achievement emotions with the motivational, information processing, and self-regulative effects of those emotions. Distal antecedents include the cultural, environmental, and social context of learning (e.g., school ethos and quality of instruction).
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  • 01 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Theory of Addiction
Drug addiction is characterized by a loss of control over drug-seeking and -consumption, despite the profound negative consequences this has on the individual’s life [1]. While the acute effects of a substance depend on its psychoactive properties, the progression of addiction converges into a series of problems that are common and severely impact all spheres of the individual’s life, compromising interpersonal, economic, and health status. Thus, in chronic drug users it is common to present several physical problems including brain damage and atrophy, circulatory system issues, premature aging, among others. From a socio-economic perspective, common problems include homelessness, criminal behavior, unemployment, social isolation, and dependence.
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  • 01 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Nexus between Sustainability Reporting and Firm Performance
The relationship between Sustainability Reporting and corporate financial performance is overlapping and multifaceted and it has been an interesting issue for both academics and professionals since the beginning of the millennium. 
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  • 01 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Natural Resource Curse
The natural resource curse originally estimated using cross-sectional data from the 1970s and 1980s has disappeared when applying the same econometric model to the same sample of countries but using more recent data. In fact, the most recent data find that natural resources improve economic growth. Explaining the reasons for this gradual reversal of the role natural resources play in economic growth (from curse to asset) is largely understudied in the economics literature. Perhaps the natural resource sector within countries has been decreasing relative to the size of a country's overall economy. Or perhaps global prices of natural resources have increased over the past several decades. Third, perhaps the increasing capital-to-labor ratio associated with natural resource extraction has allowed workers involved in resource extraction to gain transferable skills. 
  • 109
  • 31 Jan 2024
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Inclusive Supervision: Bridging the Cultural Divide
Inclusive supervision is an approach to supervision that prioritizes multicultural competencies and an ethic of inclusion. Inclusivity in doctoral (or PhD) supervision is of key significance due to the collaborative nature of the relationship between supervisors and supervisees. Scant research has been conducted that considers the multiple, intersectional influences and their impact within this relationship. This study employs a rapid review method to synthesize findings on the research evidence encapsulating inclusive doctoral supervision. A search of academic literature spanning the last ten years (2013–2023) led to the inclusion of nine empirical, qualitative research studies on inclusive supervision. A synthesis of the findings resulted in five key challenges to inclusive supervision that diverse students face: power dynamics and feedback, a lack of belonging and support, a racial lens on academic competence, (mis)understandings of cultural differences, and communication and language barriers. In discussing these findings, we employ an intersectional lens and introduce a conceptual framework for an inclusive collaboration between supervisors and supervisees.
  • 236
  • 31 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Educational Technology in Mathematics Education
The use of technology rapidly increased in society over the past decade or so. Consequently, many educational systems incorporated the use of educational technology in their curricula. Elementary and secondary education teachers were urged to integrate technology into education.
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  • 30 Jan 2024
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