Topic Review
History of Telecommunication
The history of telecommunication began with the use of smoke signals and drums in Africa, the Americas and parts of Asia. In the 1790s, the first fixed semaphore systems emerged in Europe; however it was not until the 1830s that electrical telecommunication systems started to appear. This article details the history of telecommunication and the individuals who helped make telecommunication systems what they are today. The history of telecommunication is an important part of the larger history of communication.
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  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Developmental Dyslexia, Dyslexia-Friendly Fonts and Text-to-Speech Technologies
Developmental dyslexia (DD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders diagnosed in children who fail to develop normal reading skills in spite of normal intelligence. A recent study conducted in Italy showed a prevalence of 3.5%. Traditional approaches considered DD as a phonological processing impairment; however, several other functions were shown to be specifically impaired, such as long-term and short-term verbal memory or working memory, visual attention, and visual and auditory perception. Over the past years, research has been looking for solutions to alleviate deficits in the visuospatial processing of letters and words, and to improve reading in individuals with DD using specific fonts or changing visualization parameters such as size, spacing and line spacing. Moreover, text-to-speech technology (TTS) has been used to support understanding of the text. However, apart from a general recommendation about slower pace, much less research has been devoted to the specific characteristics of TTS that may lead to clearer perception and better understanding in students with DD.
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  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Yoga Improve the Athletes' Sports Performance
Yoga is a very popular trendy sport all over the world. Since its establishment and promotion, yoga has mostly been practiced in social clubs and studios, often being performed during optional courses in colleges. Basic yoga instruction is generally absent in middle schools.
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  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Circular Operations Management in Higher Education
The circular economy relates to sustainability challenges involving waste and pollution elimination, the circulation of physical products and materials (minimizing economic loss), and the regeneration of nature. Operations management is crucial for leading and conducting the necessary business processes and operations to facilitate these efforts. In light of these sustainability demands, there is a need for Higher Education (HE) students to gain the essential knowledge and skills beyond disciplinary expertise in isolation, to promote sustainable development now and in their future careers. Additionally, considering sustainability issues in HE provides stimulating and pertinent learning challenges that can enhance student learning outcomes, motivation, and engagement.
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  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Self-Talk and Self-Regulation
The self is usually understood as being multidimensional in nature, made up of both conscious and unconscious levels, and informed by the observations of others; it includes all conceivable private and public aspects that make up who a person is, such as thoughts, emotions, goals, values, sensations, memories, traits, attitudes, physical attributes, behaviors, and skills. The self represents a highly dynamic system constituted of social, cognitive, emotional, motivational, and neurological dimensions.
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  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Major Deficiencies in the National Population Census Process
A national population and housing census is meant to collect comprehensive data on the demographics, individual characteristics, and living conditions within a country. These data are crucial for policymakers to make informed decisions regarding the economy, finance, healthcare, social benefits, import/export, education, and other sectors, ultimately driving a nation’s development. The United Nations stipulates the necessity of a decennial census, a procedure conducted every ten years to accumulate data about the inhabitants of a jurisdiction. Yet, shortcomings in the census system can substantially hinder a country’s strategic planning and overall interests.
  • 133
  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
House Music Events in the Time of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequent social lockdowns necessitated an immediate cessation of events, replaced entirely by virtual events—a concept present in the existing events literature, but one not fully conceptualised.
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  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Techno-Nationalism and Country of Origin
Techno-nationalism is a viewpoint that emphasizes the importance of domestic control over technology and the digital economy as a means to achieve national security and economic prosperity. It advocates for policies that support national technological advancement, protect against foreign dependency, and prioritize the development of domestic technological capabilities. The country of origin (COO) concept is crucial as it directly impacts economic independence and technological supremacy. By understanding and controlling the COO of technological products and services, a nation can reduce dependency on external tech suppliers and foster domestic innovation. Furthermore, the COO may be essential in protecting national digital infrastructure from potential foreign cyber threats and improving national cybersecurity culture. A framework is introduced with a multi-faceted approach for assessing the country of origin of digital products, incorporating 19 parameters that consider the complexities of hardware, software, and data sources.
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  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Causation refers to the relationship between cause and effect, where one event or factor (the cause) brings about or influences another event or outcome (the effect). In scientific inquiry, establishing causation involves demonstrating that changes in one variable directly result in changes in another variable, often through empirical observation, experimentation, and statistical analysis, while considering alternative explanations and potential confounding factors. This concept underpins our understanding of causal mechanisms and the interconnectedness of phenomena in various fields of study, from natural sciences to social sciences.
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  • 02 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Affectional Action
Affectional action refers to behavior driven by emotions, sentiments, or personal attachments rather than rational calculations or instrumental goals. It encompasses actions motivated by affection, love, empathy, or other emotional bonds, often leading individuals to prioritize relationships, care, and compassion in their interactions with others, irrespective of utility or self-interest. This concept, elucidated by sociologist Max Weber, highlights the role of emotions in shaping social behavior and relationships within human societies.
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  • 02 Feb 2024
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