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A hazard is an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable target. The terms "hazard" and "risk" are often used interchangeably. However, in terms of risk assessment, they are two very distinct terms. A hazard is any agent that can cause harm or damage to humans, property, or the environment. Risk is defined as the probability that exposure to a hazard will lead to a negative consequence, or more simply, a hazard poses no risk if there is no exposure to that hazard. Hazards can be dormant or potential, with only a theoretical probability of harm. An event that is caused by interaction with a hazard is called an incident. The likely severity of the undesirable consequences of an incident associated with a hazard, combined with the probability of this occurring, constitute the associated risk. If there is no possibility of a hazard contributing towards an incident, there is no risk. Hazards can be classified as different types in several ways. One of these ways is by specifying the origin of the hazard. One key concept in identifying a hazard is the presence of stored energy that, when released, can cause damage. Stored energy can occur in many forms: chemical, mechanical, thermal, radioactive, electrical, etc. Another class of hazard does not involve release of stored energy, rather it involves the presence of hazardous situations. Examples include confined or limited egress spaces, oxygen-depleted atmospheres, awkward positions, repetitive motions, low-hanging or protruding objects, etc. Hazards may also be classified as natural, anthropogenic, or technological. They may also be classified as health or safety hazards, by the populations that may be affected, and the severity of the associated risk. In most cases a hazard may affect a range of targets, and have little or no effect on others. Identification of hazards assumes that the potential targets are defined, and is the first step in performing a risk assessment.
26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Data Visualization
Data visualization (often abbreviated data viz) is an interdisciplinary field that deals with the graphic representation of data. It is a particularly efficient way of communicating when the data is numerous as for example a time series. From an academic point of view, this representation can be considered as a mapping between the original data (usually numerical) and graphic elements (for example, lines or points in a chart). The mapping determines how the attributes of these elements vary according to the data. In this light, a bar chart is a mapping of the length of a bar to a magnitude of a variable. Since the graphic design of the mapping can adversely affect the readability of a chart, mapping is a core competency of Data visualization. Data visualization has its roots in the field of statistics and is therefore generally considered a branch of descriptive Statistics. However, because both design skills and statistical and computing skills are required to visualize effectively, it is argued by authors such as Gershon and Page that it is both an art and a science. Research into how people read and misread various types of visualizations is helping to determine what types and features of visualizations are most understandable and effective in conveying information.
20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Determining Number of Clusters in a Data Set
For a certain class of clustering algorithms (in particular k-means, k-medoids and expectation–maximization algorithm), there is a parameter commonly referred to as k that specifies the number of clusters to detect. Other algorithms such as DBSCAN and OPTICS algorithm do not require the specification of this parameter; hierarchical clustering avoids the problem altogether. The correct choice of k is often ambiguous, with interpretations depending on the shape and scale of the distribution of points in a data set and the desired clustering resolution of the user. In addition, increasing k without penalty will always reduce the amount of error in the resulting clustering, to the extreme case of zero error if each data point is considered its own cluster (i.e., when k equals the number of data points, n). Intuitively then, the optimal choice of k will strike a balance between maximum compression of the data using a single cluster, and maximum accuracy by assigning each data point to its own cluster. If an appropriate value of k is not apparent from prior knowledge of the properties of the data set, it must be chosen somehow. There are several categories of methods for making this decision.
22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Random Number Generation
Ever since the antiquity, random number generation has played an important role both in common everyday life activities, such as leisure games, as well as in the advancement of science. Such means as dice and coins have been employed since the ancient times in order to generate random numbers that were used for gambling, dispute resolution, leisure games, and perhaps even fortune-telling. The theory behind the generation of random numbers, as well as the ability to potentially predict the outcome of this process, has been heavily studied and exploited by mathematics, in an attempt to either ensure the randomness of the process, to gain an advantage in correctly predicting its future outcomes, or to approximate the results of rather complicated computations. Especially in cryptography, random numbers are used due to the aforementioned properties, so that attackers have no other option but to guess the secret. This fact, in conjunction with the ongoing digitalisation of our world, has led to an interest in random number generation within the framework of computer science. In this context, random number generation systems are classified into two main categories: pseudorandom number generators and true random number generators, with the former generating sequences of numbers that appear to be random, but are in fact completely predictable when the initial value (being referred to as the seed) and conditions used for the number generation process are known, and with the latter generating truly random sequences of numbers that can only be predicted (correctly) with negligible probability, even if the initial value and conditions are known.
24 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Efficient and Effective Rankings
In the simple words of Peter Drucker, efficiency is doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficient and Effective Rankings are ranking classifications for Decision-Making Units (DMUs) based on a combination of the efficiency score (obtained by parametric or non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis frontier estimations) with a multiple effectiveness measure (often obtained using a Multicriteria Decision Analysis). This study aims at providing a non-compensatory ranking classification combining Conditional Frontier Analysis with the PROMETHEE II methodology for the multidimensional efficiency and effectiveness analysis of Police. The results on Pernambuco (Brazil) Police departments offer interesting perspectives for public administrations concerning prioritizations of units based on the mitigation of resources and strategic objectives.
30 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Application of Natural Language Processing in Stock Forecasting
The invention of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has provided a solution to develop computational models that enable the machine to understand human languages and automatically solve practical problems. Therefore, the application of NLP is becoming an important tool to reveal the investor behavioral information to explain the market variability and improve the stock prediction performance.
21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Hepatic Vessel Skeletonization
Hepatic vessel skeletonization serves as an important means of hepatic vascular analysis and vessel segmentation. Skeletonization provides an effective and compact representation of an image object by reducing its dimensionality to a centerline while preserving the original topologic and geometric properties. Hepatic vascular analysis plays a critical role in the diagnosis and treatment of many liver diseases, classification of liver function regions and inquiry into the nature of vascular growth. Hepatic vessel skeletonization serves as an important means of hepatic vascular analysis, particularly because a hepatic vessel is a kind of thin tubular object satisfying the growth principle of Murray’s law.
15 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Calculating Nonlinear Hyperbolic Evolution Equations
Benchmark calculations of high-precision numerical scheme for nonlinear hyperbolic evolution equations are demonstrated. The scheme is based on the Fourier spectral method for spatial discretization and the implicit Runge-Kutta method for time discretization.
19 Jul 2022
Topic Review
The Classification of Fraudulent Bank Transactions
The modern financial sector requires high security standards due to rapid technological progress. Banks utilize many security measures for transactions, including artificial intelligence (AI), neural networks, and machine learning. The use of these techniques allows advanced technological problems to be solved. The most common types of financial frauds are money laundering, identity fraud, and credit and debit card frauds.
11 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Spatially Bounded Airspace Axiom
Axiom is a fundamental truth in mathematics and philosophy. A claim that we do not have to prove, but we accept it as a true statement. The term axiom, in addition to theorems and postulates, can already be found in Euclid’s Elements (BC. 300). We can find the basic truths in all walks of life, including air transport. Air transport takes place in the airspace. Our entry describes an axiom of an airspace based on the latest airspace concept.
17 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Procedures in Mathematical Problems and Video Games
Video game use is widespread among all age groups, from young children to older adults. The wide variety of video game genres, which are adapted to all tastes and needs, is one of the factors that makes them so attractive. In many cases, video games function as an outlet for stress associated with everyday life by providing an escape from reality. The recreational aspect of video games is more important than the educational aspect. However, the students were not aware of using the problem-solving procedures they learned at school to solve different challenges in the video games. Furthermore, overcoming video game challenges stimulates positive emotions as opposed to the negative emotions generated when solving mathematical problems.
24 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Swarm Robotics
Swarm robotics is a dynamic research field that integrates two important concepts: Swarm Intelligence (SI) and Multi-Robotics System (MRS).
02 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Mathematics Problems Solving
Mathematics problems solving (MPS) has been considered for decades as the centre of mathematics teaching, as it demonstrates the ability to analyse, understand, reason and apply. At the same time, it is also considered to be specific content when highlighting it as a basic competence that students should acquire.
12 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Nanofluid Preparation and Stability
The advent of nanotechnology has brought about significant technological advancements in many fields of study. The birth of nanofluids as an advanced thermal transport media in the area of thermal management is a laudable and notable feat. Nanofluids (mono and hybrid nanofluids) have been extensively researched and established to be better than conventional thermal transport media due to their enhanced thermophysical and convective properties.
31 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Gabor Filters
The use of Gabor filters in image processing has been well-established, and these filters are recognized for their exceptional feature extraction capabilities. These filters are usually applied through convolution.
19 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Machine Learning in Aviation Environmental Impact Analysis
The rapid growth of global aviation operations has made its negative environmental impact an international concern. Accurate modeling of aircraft fuel burn, emissions, and noise is the prerequisite for informing new operational procedures, technologies, and policies towards a more sustainable future of aviation. Due to the advances in big data technologies and effective algorithms, the transformative data-driven analysis has begun to play a substantial role in aviation environmental impact analysis. The integration of statistical and machine learning methods in the workflow has made such analysis more efficient and accurate.
13 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Analysis of Time Use Surveys Using CO-STATIS
The aim of this article was to study 23 time use activities measured in the two latest Colombian National Time Use Surveys, taken in 2013 (with 119,899 participants over the age of 10) and in 2017 (with a sample of 122,620 participants), to identify similarities and differences between the years of the survey by gender, age group, and socioeconomic level. The study’s results were obtained using the CO-STATIS multiway multivariate data analysis technique, which is comprised of two X-STATIS analyses and co-inertia analysis. The results confirm the existence of gender issues related to time use in Colombia, which are associated with gender stereotypes that link women to unpaid work and home care, especially in low socioeconomic levels, where women face limitations in terms of the time available to earn their own income. Additionally, differences were found by socioeconomic level, where Colombians of high socioeconomic status in all age groups are able to devote more time to leisure and recreational activities.
01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Nanofluids Formulation, Characterization, and Stability
Nanofluids (NFs) synthesized via the suspension of diverse nanoparticles into conventional thermal fluids are known to exhibit better thermal, optical, tribological, and convective properties, photothermal conversion, and heat transfer performance in comparison with traditional thermal fluids. Stability is pivotal to NF preparation, properties, performance, and application.
31 Jan 2023
Topic Review
The Analysis of Chaos-Based Metaheuristic Methods
The concept of chaos has been applied extensively in various applications with the growth of nonlinear dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to the initial state. Chaos-based algorithms can generate a large number of different search points in a short time, which can help explore the optimization area more efficiently and quickly than traditional optimization algorithms. In this regard, a new method named CSCSO is proposed to improve the shortcomings of the recently proposed Sand Cat Swarm Optimization (SCSO) algorithm with this chaos theory. This algorithm has also been tested in engineering and social science-based constrained problems. Especially in social sciences, it solves basic problems with this kind of artificial intelligence-based mechanism instead of traditional methods such as questionnaires and fieldresearch.
07 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Applications of Underwater Target Detection and Recognition Technology
Underwater turbid area target detection and identification technologies are used in a wide range of applications, including the detection of underwater organisms and underwater equipment. The need for productivity and automation in the aquaculture industry has given rise to technologies for the detection of underwater organisms, including fishes and sea cucumbers and shrimps, crabs, and scallops. This technology’s aim is to achieve automated identification of the species, numbers, health status, and behavior patterns of underwater organisms. The detection of coral reefs has also been extensively studied due to the need for ecological monitoring. In addition, some underwater environments require habitat mapping and mineral identification. The inspection of underwater equipment includes many aspects, such as cables, pipes, hull corrosion, cracks, and welds.
10 May 2023
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