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1 It is a in brief summery of the five References above considering three Publications as well as two Queries / Discussions to integrate the Exponential Phase of Microbial Covid19 to a more accurate Pseudo-Gaussiun Curve to a potent medicine as Remedesivir + 297 word(s) 297 2020-06-27 16:02:52 |
2 It is a in brief summery of the five References above considering three Publications as well as two Queries / Discussions to integrate the Exponential Phase of Microbial Covid19 to a more accurate Pseudo-Gaussiun Curve to a potent medicine as Remedesivir Meta information modification 297 2020-06-27 16:56:27 | |
3 It is a in brief summery of the five References above considering three Publications as well as two Queries / Discussions to integrate the Exponential Phase of Microbial Covid19 to a more accurate Pseudo-Gaussiun Curve to a potent medicine as Remedesivir Meta information modification 297 2020-06-27 16:59:09 | |
4 It is a in brief summery of the five References above considering three Publications as well as two Queries / Discussions to integrate the Exponential Phase of Microbial Covid19 to a more accurate Pseudo-Gaussiun Curve to a potent medicine as Remedesivir Meta information modification 297 2020-06-27 17:00:53 | |
5 It is a in brief summery of the five References above considering three Publications as well as two Queries / Discussions to integrate the Exponential Phase of Microbial Covid19 to a more accurate Pseudo-Gaussiun Curve to a potent medicine as Remedesivir Meta information modification 297 2020-06-27 17:13:01 | |
6 It is a in brief summery of the five References above considering three Publications as well as two Queries / Discussions to integrate the Exponential Phase of Microbial Covid19 to a more accurate Pseudo-Gaussiun Curve to a potent medicine as Remedesivir + 2 word(s) 299 2020-06-28 15:53:37 | |
7 It is a in brief summery of the five References above considering three Publications as well as two Queries / Discussions to integrate the Exponential Phase of Microbial Covid19 to a more accurate Pseudo-Gaussiun Curve to a potent medicine as Remedesivir Meta information modification 299 2020-06-28 15:58:40 | |
8 It is a in brief summery of the five References above considering three Publications as well as two Queries / Discussions to integrate the Exponential Phase of Microbial Covid19 to a more accurate Pseudo-Gaussiun Curve to a potent medicine as Remedesivir Meta information modification 299 2020-06-28 16:11:01 | |
9 Updated . + 109 word(s) 408 2020-10-27 07:24:46 |

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Datta, J. COVID 19 MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 07 March 2025).
Datta J. COVID 19 MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed March 07, 2025.
Datta, Jaydip. "COVID 19 MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS" Encyclopedia, (accessed March 07, 2025).
Datta, J. (2020, June 27). COVID 19 MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS. In Encyclopedia.
Datta, Jaydip. "COVID 19 MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS." Encyclopedia. Web. 27 June, 2020.

In this approach we will summarise the the last three publications highlighting the key mathematical approach like Exponential F ( x ) to further exponential –Gaussian F ( x ) and finally the Linear Combination of Atomic Orbital ( LCAO ) ie a hybridised SP orbital overlapping to Remdesivir ( Drug ) –Covid19 approach.

.Sigmoid Statistics or Logistics regression is a method to applied to Infection fatality rate ( IFR ) the most important epidemological parameters is also under consideration .
Covid19 Sp Hybridisation LCAO Pharmacokinetics Exponential Function Gaussiun Remdesivir IFR Logistic regression

Approach -1 : In the first one we have analysed the microbial Ist - Order growth kinetics where Exponential phase is most important. This sharp exponential phase is the main cause of virulent spreading of viral infection .
Approach -2 : In the 2nd one we have reviewed the entire growth kinetics pattern to a more appropriate manner similar to Exponential – Gaussian F ( x ) relationship which points out the more prominent part of the short stationary phase or infinitesimally small linear relationship followed by sudden down to declining or recovery phase with a negative slope of linearity .It is also termed as Pseudo-Gaussian contour curve.

Approach – 3 : In the 3rd one we will correlate the LCAO approach to Pharmacokinetic Phenomenon. The Remdesivir is approved as the most effective drug ( WHO ) – This drug Binds with Covid19 antigen SARS –COV -2 as compared to Sp Hybridised Drug – Antigen Linear overlap stabilising the complex.

.Aproach 4.The IFR is a special case of CFR where number of deaths to be considered as total number of deaths due to symptomatic as well as asymptomatic infection within the same population per unit time .The model equation can be correlated as X ( Age) = Sigmoid f [ Y ( IFR ) ] . A sharp rise of S is observed we.f 46 yrs and the IFR is more probable w.e.f. 70 yrs for symptomatic and asymptomatic pateints .



2. Covid19 – A Mathematical modelling of a PSEUDO-GAUSSIUN Contour , JAYDIP DATTA , May ,18 ,2020 .

3. COVID19 Vs Hybridisation : An Approach to Chemical Bonding, JAYDIP DATTA ,June , 22 ,2020 .

4. Justification of Lopinavir - Ritonavir & Finally Remdesivir ( higher generation of acyclovir analog ) used in Covid19 treatment ? ( asked by JAYDIP DATTA on May ,13,2020 .

5. What are the BASIC mathematical methods specially used in COMPUTATIONALCHEMISTRY covering Covid19 ? ( ) asked by JAYDIP DATTA ,( Revised query on June , 10 , 2020 ) .

Subjects: Others; Biophysics
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Entry Collection: COVID-19
Revisions: 9 times (View History)
Update Date: 29 Oct 2020
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