
Environmental science emerged from the fields of natural history and medicine during the Enlightenment. Today, it provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems. Environmental studies are incorporating more of the social sciences in order to understand human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. This entry collection features information about design and technology for improving environmental quality in every aspect.

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Topic Review
Odor Measurement Methods
Odor pollution related to industrial activities (e.g., chemical industries, oil and gas extraction and refining facilities, waste treatment and disposal facilities) is nowadays acknowledged as a serious environmental concern. Indeed, odors are currently subjected to control and regulation in many countries. Such regulations rely on the possibility of measuring odors. The methods that have been developed and standardized over the last years to measure odors, thereby including sensorial and instrumental techniques, are here described, thereby focusing on their applicability and limitations.
  • 2.2K
  • 08 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Effect of PFAS Molecules for the Human Health
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of over 4700 heterogeneous compounds with amphipathic properties and exceptional stability to chemical and thermal degradation. The unique properties of PFAS compounds has been exploited for almost 60 years and has largely contributed to their wide applicability over a vast range of industrial, professional and non-professional uses. However, increasing evidence indicate that these compounds represent also a serious concern for both wildlife and human health as a result of their ubiquitous distribution, their extreme persistence and their bioaccumulative potential. In light of the adverse effects that have been already documented in biota and human populations or that might occur in absence of prompt interventions, the competent authorities in matter of health and environment protection, the industries as well as scientists are cooperating to identify the most appropriate regulatory measures, substitution plans and remediation technologies to mitigate PFAS impacts.
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  • 08 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Pre-Emptively Managing Overtourism
Overtourism is the congestion or overcrowding from an excess of tourists, resulting in conflicts with locals. The World Tourism Organization defines overtourism as "the impact of tourism on a destination, or parts thereof, that excessively influences perceived quality of life of citizens and/or quality of visitor experiences in a negative way". 
  • 545
  • 09 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Development and Mangroves
Mangroves are salt-tolerant trees that inhabit the mid and upper intertidal coastal fringes (mainly estuaries and deltas) of tropical and subtropical regions. Rainfall, tidal height, salinity, soil characteristics (nutrients and oxygen content, grain composition and humidity), and biotic factors, like herbivory, are among the main ecological factors determinant of their development, diversity, and high biomass . 
  • 444
  • 08 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Gamified Waste Management Tool
Waste management is an increasingly visible and essential element to functioning civilization. However, while the theory of waste management is studied widely, waste management remains for many a difficult concept to understand. There is an opportunity to create an informative, easy-to-use simulator to help all types of individuals build an understanding of waste management and to evaluate the impact of various changes on waste management performance, particularly in the context of gamified tools. 
  • 1.0K
  • 17 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Ecological Footprint for the Algerian Fisheries Management
According to the estimated ecological footprint (EF) of fishery production (EFf), Algiers fishing is in the status of ecological surplus, as the demand for fisheries production averages 15,338.49 gha compared to more than 108 thousand gha of biologically productive fishing area. In addition to this overall output, this metric indicates each species’ primary production requirement (PPR), which could help to restructure the fishing effort based on the stock’s condition. For the energy component, the fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions expressed in metric tons of CO2 were used to estimate the required area for carbon sequestration, valued roughly at 500 gha. The latter is a reference state and remains approximate because it was derived from unofficial data provided by the fishers.
  • 812
  • 31 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Comparison of Road Noise Policies
Developing innovative noise policies that build on international best practices is difficult when policies around the world differ along many dimensions, ranging from different sources covered to different levels of governance involved. This is particularly critical in the context of road traffic, identified as one of the main culprits leading to noise-associated complaints and health issues. 
  • 489
  • 07 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Beach Drainage System
The idea that the groundwater table plays a role in the mobilization of the sediment grains underlies the application of the beach drainage system (BDS) as a tool able to modify the natural dynamics of groundwater table at sandy beaches. The beach drainage is one of the soft engineering methods aimed to counteract the shoreline retreat related to the sediment redistribution along the beach profile. 
  • 935
  • 08 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Mountain Permafrost Hydrology
Mountain Permafrost Hydrology can be defined as “the geoscience that describes and predicts the occurrence, circulation, and distribution of the water within high and cold mountainous terrain”.
  • 570
  • 30 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Authorized Valuation Activity in Romania
A formal valuation process involves a professional reasoning based on a systematic analysis and appreciation of the value, importance, performance, merit, efficiency, effectiveness, capacity, quality of an asset, either a person or entity, resource, tangible/intangible assets, service, plan, program, situation, event, etc. This reasoning starts from a set of collected data and is carried out by reporting to a desirable level, set by specific standards.
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  • 08 Feb 2022
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