Topic Review
Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance Using Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling
The urgent necessity to fight antimicrobial resistance is universally recognized. In the search of new targets and strategies to face this global challenge, a promising approach resides in the study of the cellular response to antimicrobial exposure and on the impact of global cellular reprogramming on antimicrobial drugs’ efficacy. The metabolic state of microbial cells has been shown to undergo several antimicrobial-induced modifications and, at the same time, to be a good predictor of the outcome of an antimicrobial treatment. Metabolism is a promising reservoir of potential drug targets/adjuvants that has not been fully exploited to date. One of the main problems in unraveling the metabolic response of cells to the environment resides in the complexity of such metabolic networks. To solve this problem, modeling approaches have been developed, and they are progressively gaining in popularity due to the huge availability of genomic information and the ease at which a genome sequence can be converted into models to run basic phenotype predictions.
  • 297
  • 25 May 2023
Topic Review
Underpin Sarcopenia, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases
Worldwide, the main reason for all-cause mortality is attributed to non-communicable diseases, namely, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic diseases (MDs). CVD refers to conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels, such as coronary artery disease, heart failure and hypertension. MDs refer to disorders of processing nutrients and the use of energy. These conditions can include diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome, among others. Both CVD and MDs can have serious consequences, including heart attacks, stroke and organ damage. CVD remains the leading cause of death worldwide. 
  • 290
  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Undernutrition/Hormones in Lung Development
Maternal and perinatal undernutrition affects the lung development of litters and it may produce long-lasting alterations in respiratory health. This can be demonstrated using animal models and epidemiological studies. During pregnancy, maternal diet controls lung development by direct and indirect mechanisms. For sure, food intake and caloric restriction directly influence the whole body maturation and the lung. In addition, the maternal food intake during pregnancy controls mother, placenta, and fetal endocrine systems that regulate nutrient uptake and distribution to the fetus and pulmonary tissue development. There are several hormones involved in metabolic regulations, which may play an essential role in lung development during pregnancy. 
  • 572
  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Undernutrition in fragility hip fracture
Geriatric patients with hip fractures often experience overlap in problems related to nutrition, including undernutrition, sarcopenia, and frailty. Such problems are powerful predictors of adverse responses, although few healthcare professionals are aware of them and therefore do not implement effective interventions.
  • 848
  • 30 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Underlying Factors and Strategies for Organizational BIM Capabilities
Building information modeling (BIM) has a significant role in the architecture, engineering, construction, and operation (AECO) industries. Most BIM benefits have not been grasped due to the lack of organizational BIM capabilities (OBIMCs). Accordingly, organizations must develop intuitive strategies to support BIM implementation and to fulfill the promised benefits.
  • 767
  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Underlying Biochemical and Molecular Mechanisms for Seed Germination
With the burgeoning population of the world, the successful germination of seeds to achieve maximum crop production is very important. Seed germination is a precise balance of phytohormones, light, and temperature that induces endosperm decay. Abscisic acid and gibberellins—mainly with auxins, ethylene, and jasmonic and salicylic acid through interdependent molecular pathways—lead to the rupture of the seed testa, after which the radicle protrudes out and the endosperm provides nutrients according to its growing energy demand. The incident light wavelength and low and supra-optimal temperature modulates phytohormone signaling pathways that induce the synthesis of ROS, which results in the maintenance of seed dormancy and germination.
  • 821
  • 09 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Underground Spaces
Underground spaces with varying thermal, ventilation, and lighting environments can face problems of comfort, health, and safety. High temperatures, high humidity, difficulty in flue gas emission, harmful microorganisms, radon, and physical and psychological problems are examples of issues.
  • 1.8K
  • 11 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Underground Plastic Recharge Chambers in Stormwater Management
Land development typically requires stormwater control measures (SCMs) to limit runoff volume, reduce peak flow, delay discharge to streams, and reduce pollutant loads to receiving waters, with the ideal goal of mimicking the natural hydrologic system. Life cycle assessment is used to systematically evaluate the environmental impact of underground plastic recharge chambers (RCs) used for stormwater management.  Using cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment and a functional unit of 1 m3 stormwater capacity, different RC structure types, manufacturing processes and materials are considered. The inventory is based on various commercially available RCs, including injection-molded or extruded polypropylene and polyvinylchloride polymers and typical installation materials and methods. A new dataset is developed to estimate the manufacture and use of recycled polypropylene granulate. TRACI 2.1 is used to investigate the midpoint life cycle impact assessment metrics, acidification, eutrophication, global warming, and fossil fuel resources. 
  • 527
  • 06 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Undergraduate Students' Online Health Information-Seeking Behavior during COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept across the world, the amount of health-related information available has skyrocketed. Individuals can easily access health information through the internet, which may influence their thoughts or behavior, causing potential technological risks that may affect their lives. 
  • 563
  • 29 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Under-Expanded Jets in Advanced Propulsion Systems
The current ongoing rise in environmental pollution is leading research efforts toward the adoption of propulsion systems powered by gaseous fuels like hydrogen, methane, e-fuels, etc. Although gaseous fuels have been used in several types of propulsion systems, there are still many aspects that can be improved and require further study. For this reason, researchers considered it important to provide a review of the latest research topics, with a particular focus on the injection process. In advanced engine systems, fuel supply is achieved via enhanced direct injection into the combustion chamber. The latter involves the presence of under-expanded jets. Under-expanded jets are a particular kind of compressible flow.
  • 307
  • 19 Oct 2023
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