Topic Review
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Image Classification
Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a transfer learning technique utilized in deep learning. UDA aims to reduce the distribution gap between labeled source and unlabeled target domains by adapting a model through fine-tuning. To reduce the domain divergence between the source and target domain, there are mainly two main types of UDA methods that have gained significant attention: discrepancy-based UDA methods and adversarial-based UDA methods.
  • 771
  • 31 May 2023
Topic Review
Unsilencing the Echoes of Historical Trauma
Indigenous communities in North America have distinct colonial histories with their own story of how their ancestors were able to survive the mass effort to take their land, resources, language, culture, and sometimes even their lives. These stories have been passed down orally and through the DNA of the descendants of survivors via epigenetics. The Historical Loss Scale (HLS) and Historical Loss Associated Symptoms Scale (HLASS) are two validated scales that measure historical trauma among Native Americans.
  • 329
  • 05 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Unsaturated Fat
An unsaturated fat is a fat or fatty acid in which there is at least one double bond within the fatty acid chain. A fatty acid chain is monounsaturated if it contains one double bond, and polyunsaturated if it contains more than one double bond. Where double bonds are formed, hydrogen atoms are subtracted from the carbon chain. Thus, a saturated fat has no double bonds, has the maximum number of hydrogens bonded to the carbons, and therefore is "saturated" with hydrogen atoms. In cellular metabolism, unsaturated fat molecules contain somewhat less energy (i.e., fewer calories) than an equivalent amount of saturated fat. The greater the degree of unsaturation in a fatty acid (i.e., the more double bonds in the fatty acid) the more vulnerable it is to lipid peroxidation (rancidity). Antioxidants can protect unsaturated fat from lipid peroxidation.
  • 1.4K
  • 28 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignant tumors in China, accounting for the majority of primary liver cancer cases. Liver resection is the preferred curative method for early-stage HCC.
  • 240
  • 04 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Unrecognizable Memory Phenotype CD8+ T-cells
Virtual memory T (TVM) cells are a recently described population of conventional CD8+ T cells that, in spite of their antigen inexperience, express markers of T cell activation. TVM cells exhibit rapid responsiveness to both antigen-specific and innate stimuli in youth but acquire intrinsic antigen-specific response defects in the elderly.
  • 1.1K
  • 09 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Unravelling Plant Cell Death in Host Plants
Pathogens within the oomycete genus Phytophthora are among some of the most destructive plant pathogens globally, causing disease and significant losses in important agricultural and forestry crops, damaging the environment, as well as impeding attempts to mitigate climate change. What is of increasing interest is the involvement of Phytophthora effectors in regulating programed cell death (PCD)—in particular, the hypersensitive response. 
  • 437
  • 14 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Unravelling Formaldehyde Metabolism in Bacteria
Formaldehyde metabolism is prevalent in all organisms, where the accumulation of formaldehyde can be prevented through the activity of dissimilation pathways. Furthermore, formaldehyde assimilatory pathways play a fundamental role in many methylotrophs, which are microorganisms able to build biomass and obtain energy from single- and multicarbon compounds with no carbon–carbon bonds. 
  • 865
  • 26 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Unraveling the Wide Spectrum of Melanoma Biomarkers
The use of biomarkers in medicine has become essential in clinical practice in order to help with diagnosis, prognostication and prediction of treatment response. Since Alexander Breslow’s original report on “melanoma and prognostic values of thickness”, providing the first biomarker for melanoma, many promising new biomarkers have followed. These include serum markers, such as lactate dehydrogenase and S100 calcium-binding protein B. However, as our understanding of the DNA mutational profile progresses, new gene targets and proteins have been identified. These include point mutations, such as mutations of the BRAF gene and tumour suppressor gene tP53. At present, only a small number of the available biomarkers are being utilised, but this may soon change as more studies are published. The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of melanoma biomarkers and their utility for current and, potentially, future clinical practice.
  • 237
  • 20 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Unraveling Physical and Chemical Effects of Textile Microfibers
Microfibers are the most prevalent microplastics in most terrestrial, freshwater, and marine biota as well as in human tissues and have been collected from environmental compartments across most ecosystems and species sampled worldwide. These materials, made of diverse compound types, range from semi-synthetic and treated natural fibers to synthetic microfibers. Microfibers expose organisms across diverse taxa to an array of chemicals, both from the manufacturing process and from environmental adsorption, with effects on organisms at subcellular to population levels. Untangling the physical versus chemical effects of these compounds on organisms is challenging and requires further investigations that tease apart these mechanisms. 
  • 590
  • 27 Dec 2022
Topic Review Video Peer Reviewed
Unraveling Neurodiversity: Insights from Neuroscientific Perspectives
Neurodiversity is a concept and a social movement that addresses and normalizes human neurocognitive heterogeneity to promote acceptance and inclusion of neuro-minorities (e.g., learning disabilities, attention disorders, psychiatric disorders, and more) in contemporary society. Neurodiversity is attributed to nature and nurture factors, and about a fifth of the human population is considered neurodivergent. What does neurodiversity mean neuroscientifically? This question forms the foundation of the present entry, which focuses on existing scientific evidence on neurodiversity including neurodiversity between and within individuals, and the evolutional perspective of neurodiversity. Furthermore, the neuroscientific view will be synergistically integrated with social approaches, particularly in the context of the normalization of neurodiversity and its association with the medical and social models of disability. This multidimensional analysis offers a cohesive and comprehensive understanding of neurodiversity, drawing insights from various vantage points, such as social, psychological, clinical, and neuroscientific viewpoints. This integrated approach fosters a nuanced and holistic discussion on the topic of human diversity.
  • 1.1K
  • 10 Aug 2023
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