Topic Review
Urban Green Sustainable Development
The role of government support in sustainable urban development has always been a research topic of scholars, but research focusing on the relationship between government innovation support and urban green sustainable development is still relatively rare. China’s innovative city pilot policy (ICPP) to represent the innovation support provided by the government and address the interaction mechanism and the spatial spillover effect of China’s innovative city pilot policy (ICPP), green technology innovation (GTI), and green sustainable development performance (GSDP) with the support of the mediating effect model and the spatial econometric model.
  • 885
  • 20 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Urban Green Spaces for People with Disabilities
Urban green spaces have been increasingly evidenced to not only improve human health (both body and mind) and well-being but also promote a sustainable way of living for citizens as well as cities. These positive health and sustainable advantages have even greater impacts when applied to people with disabilities, which can ultimately evaluate their quality of life in the long run. 
  • 355
  • 23 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Urban Green Spaces
n the context of urban land-use growth and the consequent impacts on the environment, green spaces provide ecosystem services for human health. The ecosystem services concept synthesises human–environmental interactions through a series of combined components of biodiversity and abiotic elements, linking ecological processes and functions. The concept of green infrastructure (GI) in the urban context emphasises the quality and quantity of urban and peri-urban green spaces and natural areas.
  • 3.5K
  • 05 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Urban Green Space and Residents’ Mental Health
As an important part of urban built environment, urban green space has long been recognized in the fields of promoting residents’ mental health. The mediators can be divided into environmental factors, outdoor activity, and social cohesion. From the perspective of heterogeneity, both individual characteristics (e.g., age and gender) and group characteristics (e.g., level of urban development and urban density) of residents are considered to be the cause of various mediating effects. Types of urban green space tend to affect residents’ mental health through different paths.
  • 755
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Urban Green Infrastructure for Thermal Comfort
The elements of urban green infrastructure (UGI), such as green roofs, green walls, and green facades, represent a natural base solution to break the vicious cycle by providing thermal comfort to urban residents without placing an additional burden in terms of urbanization and global warming. Integrating UGI into urban design can improve the urban microclimate, achieve energy-demand savings, and create temperate outdoor spaces. Studies show that UGI is effective for controlling UHI and improving air quality; it leads to positive health effects by reducing asthma, cardiovascular and respiratory disease, obesity, and circulatory disease. The indirect positive health impacts associated with socio-economic factors include child cognitive development, elderly longevity, and strengthened immunity. The incorporation of UGI in urban design can help cities to tackle the challenges of limited access to resources and a lack of green space due to urban development, but the success of UGI implantation requires input from the city authorities, businesses, and other institutions, working together to investigate different options to adapt a variety of urban spaces.
  • 488
  • 06 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Urban Green Areas, Urban Geometry and Water Presence
Due to global climate change’s effects on the local climate and microclimate scale, issues of low comfort and low quality of life will become more prominent on the agendas of city administrations and citizens. It is the relationship between urban space and climatic conditions that will determine the development of this process. Despite the multiple opportunities provided by metropolitan cities in terms of health, education, technical know-how, and comfort, major problems arising from land change and transformation in cities are becoming more prominent as a result of urban warming and the decline in the quality of urban microclimate conditions, as the microclimate in urban areas significantly differs from the climate in rural areas. The main reason for this is that air temperatures are higher and wind speeds are lower in cities due to the urban heat island (UHI) effect. While traditional settlement typologies seem to take climate factors into account to a great extent, climate is often neglected in today’s spatial practices. While this situation negatively affects the comfort of urban life, it also harms nature by causing excessive consumption of natural resources. 
  • 329
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Urban Futures Lab
Fonded in 2018 by Dr. Steffen Lehmann, the interdisciplinary  Urban Futures Lab is a collaboration between three units at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas: UNLV School of ArchitectureUNLV Howard R. Hughes College of EngineeringUNLV Greenspun College of Urban AffairsThe Urban Futures Lab (UFLab) has partners from industry and government contributing to the following research program.
  • 1.1K
  • 12 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Urban Freight Transport Electrification in Palestine
Recently, due to the industrial and e-commerce revolution, the freight transport sector has grown rapidly and has become one of the key factors for economic development. Coupled with the growth of this sector, significant energy and environmental problems have arisen. Therefore, a huge effort has been made around the world in order to develop some solutions that could mitigate these problems. One of these promising solutions is electrifying the urban freight transport sector including the trucks and freight commercial vehicles fleets. In Palestine, electric freight commercial vehicles have penetrated the market.
  • 451
  • 20 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Urban Fragility
Urban fragility is one of the big challenges for the late-modern city coping with the growing external pressures (from the environment) and internal tensions (within the social system), typically referable to the socio-cultural and political-economic climate, definitely characterising the current "Age of Changes". A broad institutional context is involved in that undertaking, and many studies and reports show how fragility is linked above all to the growing complexity of the cities. The ever-increasing population, extension, density and cultural mixite, as well as the fast “filtering up and down” processes, are some symptoms of the combination of two fundamental drivers. Firstly, the exponential technological progress—mostly concerning the geographical and digital accessibility—has been encouraging far more people to claim a better socio-economic status, which urban location, by definition, is symbol of. Secondly, the progressive human/environmental unfairness of economy over the planet and the related increase in insecurity, push the transfer of large masses of the population towards the richer countries of the developed geo-economic areas, and in particular towards the larger, more heterogeneous, complex and vibrant cities. This new climate involves the accountability of the neoliberal model allowing a limited number of subjects to concentrate the largest part of the liquidity created as a result of the progressive “financial abstraction” of the real wealth over the era of post-globalization, that is the age of the contemporary archipelago-economies. The development of the city has always gone together with the spread and reinforcement of the financial institutions more able to give a monetary shape to the flows of wealth, thus indirectly increasing the part of the surplus of social product intended to the social overhead capital; the latter is at the same time cause and effect of the concentration of wealth and people, activities and tensions, conflicts and hopes (in one word, of value) in urban shapes. On the urban-scale, in turn, such processes have been occurring creating and populating denser and denser built areas at the expenses of other ones (decaying historic centers or peripheral neighborhoods) progressively neglected and jeopardized. The coexistence of such different value density degrees increases the fragility of the city as a whole; the most visible and permanent tracks of these inequalities reflect in the urban shape and namely in its economic form that is the urban capital value shape, displayed by the real estate market price map. Some remarks about the concept of fragility in the field of territorial studies can help to better understand how the urban eco-social system deals with it. The perspective of the “real estate-scape”, in fact, assumes the social and urban fragility issue, since one of the main focuses of the urban renovation planning process in its broad lines. The colloquial meaning of “fragility” closely relates to its physical definition concerning the tendency of a solid material to break abruptly, without any yielding deformation, which has previously occurred. In the urban studies some insights need to be done to understand a conceptual significance of fragility, considering its original causes and those effects typically concerning the current drift of the urban phenomenon. Since the above early definition does not take into account the driving forces of the urban fragility and their most perceptible effects, a further and more extensive meaning of it can be derived from material sciences, thus highlighting the deep and constitutive causes of it. Fragility is “the property that characterizes how rapidly the dynamics of a material slow down as it is cooled toward the glass transition: materials with a higher fragility have a relatively narrow glass transition temperature range, while those with low fragility have a relatively broad glass transition temperature range”. By metaphorizing such definition, and referring to the relationship between the socio-economic situation of a city and the real estate capital asset value, an urban system can be considered more fragile when the “socio-economic cooling” (i.e., a decrease in rights and incomes) gives rise to sudden, pathological and irreversible fall of the real estate market prices; on the contrary, an urban system seems to be more resilient when such effects are slower and easily metabolized, and can also be reversed when an opposite cause occurs. Furthermore, “physically, fragility may be related to the presence of dynamical heterogeneity in glasses, as well as to the breakdown of the usual Stokes–Einstein relationship between viscosity and diffusion”.
  • 1.6K
  • 14 Jul 2020
Topic Review
Urban Food Markets and Tourism
Gastronomy tourism in urban spaces offers not only the attraction associated with food and drink, but also adds historical and social attractions. These urban markets, with a historical role rooted in people's lives, are a tourist attraction for the visitor, where he can experience both the autochthonous products and the authenticity of the place and its people.
  • 433
  • 15 May 2023
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