Topic Review
Cancer-Associated Thrombosis Patients with Glioblastoma
Cancer is an independent risk factor for the development of venous thromboembolism (VTE). Glioblastomas are amongst cancer types with the most thrombogenic potential and patients are at a particularly high risk of VTE with an incidence up to 20–30% per year. Currently, major efforts are underway to gain novel insights into risk factors and pathomechanisms to provide a better understanding of development of VTE in patients with primary brain tumors. Treatment of VTE requires therapeutic anticoagulation, which accordingly to recently-published guidelines should be performed using low molecular weight heparin or, in case of low bleeding risk, using a direct oral anticoagulant. However, this can be very challenging due to an increased risk of intracranial hemorrhage in this patient group. Furthermore, limited data are available on the subgroup of patients with primary brain tumors.
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  • 13 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Microneedles (MNs) represent micron-sized structures, consisting of a variety of materials, that have been recently emerged as physical enhances for a painless and safe transdermal delivery of drugs through the skin.
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  • 02 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Critical Heat Flux Amelioration
Critical heat flux (CHF) is the thermal limit of a phase change phenomenon where boiling occurs during heating, which suddenly decreases the efficiency of heat transfer. Ameliorating CHF by altering the boiling surface characteristics can lead to more efficiency, safety, and reliability of the system.
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  • 11 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Flocculation Harvesting Techniques for Microalgae
Microalgae have been considered as one of the most promising biomass feedstocks for various industrial applications such as biofuels, animal/aquaculture feeds, food supplements, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals. Several biotechnological challenges associated with algae cultivation, including the small size and negative surface charge of algal cells as well as the dilution of its cultures, need to be circumvented, which increases the cost and labor. Therefore, efficient biomass recovery or harvesting of diverse algal species represents a critical bottleneck for large-scale algal biorefinery process. Among different algae harvesting techniques (e.g., centrifugation, gravity sedimentation, screening, filtration, and air flotation), the flocculation-based processes have acquired much attention due to their promising efficiency and scalability. 
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  • 13 Sep 2020
Topic Review
History of Democratic Socialism
Democratic socialism represents the modernist development of socialism and its outspoken support for democracy. The origins of democratic socialism can be traced back to 19th-century utopian socialist thinkers and the Chartist movement in Great Britain, which somewhat differed in their goals but shared a common demand of democratic decision making and public ownership of the means of production, and viewed these as fundamental characteristics of the society they advocated for. Democratic socialism was also heavily influenced by the gradualist form of socialism promoted by the British Fabian Society and Eduard Bernstein's evolutionary socialism. In the 19th century, the ruling classes were afraid of socialism because it challenged their rule. Socialism has faced opposition since then, and the opposition to it has often been organized and violent. In countries such as Germany and Italy, democratic socialist parties were banned, like with Otto von Bismarck's Anti-Socialist Laws. With the expansion of liberal democracy and universal suffrage during the 20th century, democratic socialism became a mainstream movement which expanded across the world, as centre-left and left-wing parties came to govern, became the main opposition party, or simply a commonality of the democratic process in most of the Western world; one major exception was the United States. Democratic socialist parties greatly contributed to existing liberal democracy.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Salinity Stress in Plants
Plant growth and development is adversely affected by different kind of stresses. One of the major abiotic stresses, salinity, causes complex changes in plants by influencing the interactions of genes. 
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  • 05 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Location-Based Social Networks
There are several definitions for “geosocial network” or “location-based social network”: the first formal definition was given by Quercia et al. in 2010, who defined it as “a type of social networking in which geographic services and capabilities such as geocoding and geotagging are used to enable additional social dynamics”. One year later, Zheng refined this definition by stating that “a location-based social network (LBSN) does not only mean adding a location to an existing social network so that people in the social structure can share location embedded information but also consists of the new social structure made up of individuals connected by the interdependency derived from their locations in the physical world as well as their location-tagged media content, such as photos, video, and texts”. In 2013, Roick and Heuser defined LBSNs simply as “social network sites that include location information into shared contents”. Finally, one most recent definition is given by Armenatzoglou and Papadias and is the following: “geosocial network (GeoSN) is an online social network augmented by geographical information”.
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  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Satellite Sandwich Structures
Sandwich panels are widely used in the design of unmanned satellites and, in addition to having a structural function, can often serve as shielding, protecting the satellites’ equipment from hypervelocity impacts (HVI) of orbital debris and micrometeoroids.
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  • 12 May 2021
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Techno-Economic Analysis of State-of-the-Art Carbon Capture Technologies and Their Applications: Scient Metric Review
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are a serious hazard to human life and the ecosystem. This is the reason that many measures have been put in place by the International Energy Agency (IEA) to reduce the anthropogenic-derived CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Today, the potential of renewable energy sources has led to an increased interest in investment in carbon capture and storage technologies worldwide. The aim of this paper is to investigate state-of-the-art carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies and their derivations for the identification of effective methods during the implementation of evidence-based energy policies. To this extent, this study reviews the current methods in three concepts: post-combustion; pre-combustion; and oxy-fuel combustion processes. The objective of this study is to explore the knowledge gap in recent carbon capture methods and provide a comparison between the most influential methods with high potential to aid in carbon capture. The study presents the importance of using all available technologies during the post-combustion process. To accomplish this, an ontological approach was adopted to analyze the feasibility of the CCS technologies available on the market. The study findings demonstrate that priority should be given to the applicability of certain methods for both industrial and domestic applications. On the contrary, the study also suggests that using the post-combustion method has the greatest potential, whereas other studies recommend the efficiency of the oxy-fuel process. Furthermore, the study findings also highlight the importance of using life cycle assessment (LCA) methods for the implementation of carbon capture technologies in buildings. This study contributes to the energy policy design related to carbon capture technologies in buildings.
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  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Production of Chitosan Nanoparticles
Chitosan Nanoparticles are made from chitosan or its derivatives. The N-deacetylated derivative of chitin is an appealing biopolymer for producing nanoparticles because chitosan has a unique polymeric cationic nature, non-toxicity, high biocompatibility, mucoadhesive properties, absorption-enhancing qualities, and biodegradability.
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  • 08 Oct 2022
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