Topic Review
Effects of Chemical Fertilizer Combined with Organic Fertilizer
Chemical fertilizer has been excessively used for high yield of citrus around the world, especially in China; meanwhile, it deteriorates the citrus orchard soil environment. To resolve the conflict, the use of organic fertilizer provides a promising solution. This entry is to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizer on citrus yield, growth, soil properties etc. when nutrients of fertilizer of each treatment were equal except CK. 
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  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Earthquake Early Warning Systems
An Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWS) is the combination of different elements, such as seismometers, sensors, communication appliances, computers, and alarm systems, able to detect and warm of the arrival of seismic waves. It serves to mitigate damages and losses , to be used primarily in moderate and high seismically active regions.  
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  • 25 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Contraindications to Initiation of ECMO
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is increasingly used for acute respiratory failure with few absolute but many relative contraindications. The contraindications to the initiation of ECMO therapy are not uniformly agreed upon, and each center, as well as each provider involved in the indication for the initiation of ECMO, weights them differently. Whereas absolute contraindications immediately discourage ECMO therapy, relative contraindications should trigger a very thorough consideration of this option. Although relative contraindications should not per se exclude patients from a life-saving procedure such as ECMO, their concurrence may lead to the decision to forgo this procedure. When relative contraindications add up, they might accumulate to a point where they (should) be considered absolute contraindications.
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  • 16 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Organizational Silos
Organizational silos are herein defined and contextualized from a behavioral perspective. Specifically, silos are not only seen as barriers to communication and information flow, but they are analyzed in terms of their consequences on organizational structure, process and function. This three-tier division drawn from the literature on complex systems and networks is next adapted to fit a framework of behavior in organizations, which is a function of its environmental consequences. As learning may occur, the concept of silos can be informed by complexity theory, findings from cognitive-behavioral sciences, and a socio-cultural perspective. Moreover, the role of clusters are discussed in light of the aforementioned approaches to silos in organizations.
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  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Hydroxycinnamic Acids
Hydroxycinnamic acids (HCAs) are important natural phenolic compounds present in high concentrations in our food products. Dietary intake and nutritional importance of HCAs is briefly described along with their pharmacokinetic properties, which have a high impact on HCAs to reach the target tissue in order to exert their biological activities. A range of health beneficial effects were observed for HCAs and in recent years, also for their metabolites formed in gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Therefore, metabolism is of high importance since HCAs’ metabolites could retain, enhance or lose the biological activity of corresponding parental HCAs. The biological activities and health benefits of HCAs' metabolites are also briefly reviewed.
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  • 05 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Rainbow Serpent
The Rainbow Serpent or Rainbow Snake is a common deity (also known as Wagyl, Wuagyl, etc.) often seen as a creator god and a common motif in the art and religion of Aboriginal Australia . It is named for the identification between the shape of a rainbow and that of a snake. Some scholars believe that the link between snake and rainbow suggests the cycle of the seasons, for example blue (winter), red (summer), yellow (spring) and orange (autumn), and the importance of water in human life. When the rainbow is seen in the sky, it is said to be the Rainbow Serpent moving from one waterhole to another, and the divine concept explained why some waterholes never dried up when drought struck. There are innumerable names and stories associated with the serpent, all of which communicate the significance and power of this being within Aboriginal traditions. It is viewed as a giver of life, through its association with water, but can be a destructive force if angry. The Rainbow Serpent is one of the most common and well known Aboriginal stories, and is of great importance to Aboriginal society. The Rainbow Serpent is one of the oldest continuing religious beliefs in the world and continues to be a cultural influence today.
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  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Aero L-159 Alca
The Aero L-159 ALCA[nb 1] is a subsonic light combat aircraft and advanced trainer developed in the single-seat L-159A and two-seat L-159B versions respectively, produced in the Czech Republic by Aero Vodochody. In 2003, the Czech Air Force fleet of 72 L-159A aircraft was reduced to 24 due to budget constraints. After several years of storage, the government has re-sold most of the redundant aircraft to both military and civilian operators, namely the Iraqi Air Force and Draken International. The L-159 has seen active combat use by the Iraqi Air Force against ISIS. In Draken's service, the L-159 (colloquially known as "Honey Badger") has been employed as an aggressor aircraft. Since 2007, six L-159A aircraft have been rebuilt into T1 trainer derivatives. In 2017, Aero Vodochody unveiled a newly built L-159T1 for the Iraqi Air Force while the Czech Air Force is set to acquire L-159T2 two-seaters.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Omni-Man (Nolan Grayson) is a fictional character in the Image Universe, created by writer Robert Kirkman and artist Cory Walker (with Ryan Ottley) as an expansion of a character concept created by Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse. Omni-Man is the father of Invincible and a member of the Viltrumite race, a humanoid species of extraterrestrial origin who possess immense powers, working as a superhero on Earth. As is customary for males of his species, Omni-Man sports a large moustache. Omni-Man appears in Supreme, Invincible, Noble Causes, and Dynamo 5. In the Invincible television series, Omni-Man is voiced by J. K. Simmons.
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  • 14 Nov 2022
Topic Review
End-of-Life Vehicles Recycling
End-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling is a process that spends energy and could be an energy source as well. This part of energy recovering depends on many different factors related to the broad and local aspects of ELV recycling. The ELV recycling process is consuming energy from different energy sources (electrical, fossil), however, this consumption is lower in relation to energy consumption during the production of new vehicle parts from the very beginning. ELVs have, in the first phase, been considered as an environmental problem, which must be solved through many decision-making approaches, directives, and standards. Accordingly, it may be concluded, that this issue is very complex since it includes a lot of relations concerning ELV recycling, as well as broad infrastructure and socio-economic environment factors. On the other hand, there is not enough relevant and reliable information related to the ELV recycling and energy recovery through ELV recycling process. This information can be obtained through user responses, financial analysis, business analysis, or some government body relevant information sources. Due to new regulations related to ELV recycling, the responsibility of manufacturers is becoming increasingly important. They are obligated to design and revise their processes and adapt them to new legislation norms.
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  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Yeasts in Cocoa Bean Fermentation
During the fermentation of cocoa beans, the yeasts produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Through reactions associated with amino acid metabolism, yeasts generate important aroma precursors as acetate esters and fatty acid ethyl esters; these are essential in developing fruity flavors and aromas in the final product (usually chocolate). In addition, some yeasts may have pectinolytic and antifungal activity, which is desirable in the post-harvest process of cocoa. The main yeast species in cocoa fermentation are Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia kudriavzevii, and Hanseniaspora opuntiae. These produce higher alcohols and acetyl-CoA to make acetate–esters, compounds that produce floral and fruity notes.
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  • 19 Jul 2022
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