Topic Review
Inti is the ancient Incan sun god. He is revered as the national patron of the Inca state. Although most consider Inti the sun god, he is more appropriately viewed as a cluster of solar aspects, since the Inca divided his identity according to the stages of the sun. Worshiped as a patron deity of the Inca Empire, Pachacuti is often linked to the origin and expansion of the Inca Sun Cult. The most common story says that he is the son of Viracocha, the god of civilization.
  • 964
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Embedded Brain Computer Interface
We attempt to summarize the last two decades of embedded Brain-Computer Interface mostly because of the electroencephalography influence on these systems. Numerous noninvasive EBCIs have been developed, described, and tested. Noninvasive nature of the EEG-based BCIs made them the most popular BCI systems.
  • 965
  • 15 Jul 2021
Yoshiyasu Takefuji
Graduated from Elec. Eng., Keio Univ. BS (1978), MS (1980), Ph.D. (1983). Asst Prof: Univ. of South Florida (1983-1985), Assoc Prof: Univ. of South Carolina (1985-1988), Assoc Prof: Case Western Reserve Univ. (1988-1996: tenured in 1992), tenured Prof: Keio Univ. (1992-2021), Emeritus Prof: Keio Univ. (2021-present), Prof: Musashino Univ. (2021-present), Docent Prof. Jyvaskyla Univ. He authors 4
  • 963
  • 04 Apr 2023
Topic Review
XC (Programming Language)
In computers, XC is a programming language for real-time embedded parallel processors, targeted at the XMOS XCore processor architecture. XC is an imperative language, based on the features for parallelism and communication in occam, and the syntax and sequential features of C. It provides primitive features that correspond to the various architectural resources provided, namely: channel ends, locks, ports and timers. In combination with XCore processors, XC is used to build embedded systems with levels of I/O, real-time performance and computational ability usually attributed to field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) devices.
  • 962
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Domain Hack
A domain hack is a domain name that suggests a word, phrase, or name when concatenating two or more adjacent levels of that domain. For example, "bir.ds" and "examp.le", using the fictitious country-code domains .ds and .le, suggest the words birds and example respectively. In this context, the word hack denotes a clever trick (as in programming), not an exploit or break-in (as in security). Domain hacks offer the ability to produce short domain names. This makes them potentially valuable as redirectors, pastebins, base domains from which to delegate subdomains and URL shortening services.
  • 962
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Scalable Distributed Hyperledger Fabric
Blockchain technology, with its decentralization characteristics, immutability, and traceability, is well-suited for facilitating secure storage, sharing, and management of data in decentralized Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Despite the increasing development of blockchain platforms, there is still no comprehensive approach for adopting blockchain technology in IoT systems. This is due to the blockchain’s limited capability to process substantial transaction requests from a massive number of IoT devices. Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) is a popular open-source permissioned blockchain platform hosted by the Linux Foundation. 
  • 961
  • 26 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Stencil Code
Stencil codes are a class of iterative kernels which update array elements according to some fixed pattern, called a stencil. They are most commonly found in the codes of computer simulations, e.g. for computational fluid dynamics in the context of scientific and engineering applications. Other notable examples include solving partial differential equations, the Jacobi kernel, the Gauss–Seidel method, image processing and cellular automata. The regular structure of the arrays sets stencil codes apart from other modeling methods such as the Finite element method. Most finite difference codes which operate on regular grids can be formulated as stencil codes.
  • 960
  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Evolution of Intelligent Vehicle Technology
The time evolution of intelligent vehicle technology is explained, which highlights the development of an intelligentvehicle and its safety applications, focusing on the various usages of perception sensors in production.
  • 959
  • 25 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Associative Classification Method
Machine learning techniques are ever prevalent as datasets continue to grow daily. Associative classification (AC), which combines classification and association rule mining algorithms, plays an important role in understanding big datasets that generate a large number of rules. Clustering, on the other hand, can contribute by reducing the rule space to produce compact models. 
  • 961
  • 20 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Machine Learning in Agriculture
Big Data and ML have appeared as high-performance informatics technologies for creating new opportunities to unravel, quantify and understand data-intensive processes in the environment of farm operations
  • 959
  • 11 Mar 2021
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