Topic Review
Regional Accreditation
Regional accreditation is the educational accreditation of schools, colleges, and universities in the United States by one of seven regional accrediting agencies. Accreditation is a voluntary process by which colleges demonstrate to each other, and sometimes to employers and licensing agencies, that their credits and degrees meet minimum standards. It is the self-regulation of the higher education industry. Each regional accreditor oversees the vast majority of public and private educational institutions, both not-for-profit and for-profit, in its region. Their primary function is accreditation of post-secondary institutions, though there is a limited amount of accreditation of primary and secondary schools. Regional accreditation is older than national accreditation and, with a few exceptions, more rigorous than national accreditation. Additionally, most non-profit institutions are regionally accredited while most for-profit colleges and universities are nationally accredited.
  • 464
  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Regenerating Code in Cloud Storage System
Cloud storage is an indispensable part of cloud computing solutions and the security of its stored data has become a key issue in the research and application of cloud storage systems.
  • 162
  • 26 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Reflection (Computer Programming)
In computer science, reflection is the ability of a process to examine, introspect, and modify its own structure and behavior.
  • 1.4K
  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Reduction Operator
In computer science, the reduction operator is a type of operator that is commonly used in parallel programming to reduce the elements of an array into a single result. Reduction operators are associative and often (but not necessarily) commutative. The reduction of sets of elements is an integral part of programming models such as Map Reduce, where a reduction operator is applied (mapped) to all elements before they are reduced. Other parallel algorithms use reduction operators as primary operations to solve more complex problems. Many reduction operators can be used for broadcasting to distribute data to all processors.
  • 808
  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Reduction (Recursion Theory)
In computability theory, many reducibility relations (also called reductions, reducibilities, and notions of reducibility) are studied. They are motivated by the question: given sets A and B of natural numbers, is it possible to effectively convert a method for deciding membership in B into a method for deciding membership in A? If the answer to this question is affirmative then A is said to be reducible to B. The study of reducibility notions is motivated by the study of decision problems. For many notions of reducibility, if any noncomputable set is reducible to a set A then A must also be noncomputable. This gives a powerful technique for proving that many sets are noncomputable.
  • 511
  • 26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Reduction (Complexity)
In computability theory and computational complexity theory, a reduction is an algorithm for transforming one problem into another problem. A reduction from one problem to another may be used to show that the second problem is at least as difficult as the first. Intuitively, problem A is reducible to problem B if an algorithm for solving problem B efficiently (if it existed) could also be used as a subroutine to solve problem A efficiently. When this is true, solving A cannot be harder than solving B. "Harder" means having a higher estimate of the required computational resources in a given context (e.g., higher time complexity, greater memory requirement, expensive need for extra hardware processor cores for a parallel solution compared to a single-threaded solution, etc.). We write A ≤m B, usually with a subscript on the ≤ to indicate the type of reduction being used (m : mapping reduction, p : polynomial reduction). The mathematical structure generated on a set of problems by the reductions of a particular type generally forms a preorder, whose equivalence classes may be used to define degrees of unsolvability and complexity classes.
  • 1.0K
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Reducing Oscillations for Obstacle Avoidance in Dense Environment
Due to their high flexibility, quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (QUAVs) have gained significant popularity in various applications, including parcel delivery, precision agriculture, search and rescue, and surveillance. In these scenarios, the QUAV is typically required to autonomously navigate to a target position.
  • 125
  • 07 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Reduce Certificate Frauds in the Academic Field
In the digital age, ensuring the authenticity and security of academic certificates is a critical challenge faced by educational institutions, employers, and individuals alike. Traditional methods for verifying academic credentials are often cumbersome, time-consuming, and susceptible to fraud. However, the emergence of blockchain technology offers a promising solution to address these issues.
  • 303
  • 28 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Reduce (Parallel Pattern)
Reduce is a collective communication primitive used in the context of a parallel programming model to combine multiple vectors into one, using an associative binary operator [math]\displaystyle{ \oplus }[/math]. Every vector is present at a distinct processor in the beginning. The goal of the primitive is to apply the operator in the order given by the processor-indices to the vectors until only one is left. The reduction of sets of elements is an integral part of programming models such as Map Reduce, where a function is applied (mapped) to all elements before they are reduced. Other parallel algorithms use reduce as a primary operation to solve more complex problems. The Message Passing Interface implements it in the operations MPI_Reduce and MPI_Allreduce, with the difference that the result is available at one (root) processing unit or all of them. Closely related to reduce is the broadcast operation, which distributes data to all processors. Many reduce algorithms can be used for broadcasting by reverting them and omitting the operator.
  • 1.2K
  • 05 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Redactable Blockchain and Its Applications in Medical Field
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are a relatively new computer technology that can help major medical systems cope with the complex problems of traditional medical records, such as storage and sharing. As blockchain technology evolves, it has become a crucial component in medical data sharing.
  • 194
  • 09 Nov 2023
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