Topic Review
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a part of's cloud-computing platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), that allows users to rent virtual computers on which to run their own computer applications. EC2 encourages scalable deployment of applications by providing a web service through which a user can boot an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to configure a virtual machine, which Amazon calls an "instance", containing any software desired. A user can create, launch, and terminate server-instances as needed, paying by the second for active servers – hence the term "elastic". EC2 provides users with control over the geographical location of instances that allows for latency optimization and high levels of redundancy. In November 2010, Amazon switched its own retail website platform to EC2 and AWS.
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  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
List of Numerical Analysis Software
Listed here are end-user computer applications intended for use with numerical or data analysis:
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  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
A lozenge ( /ˈlɒz.ɪndʒ/), ◊ – often referred to as a diamond – is a form of rhombus. The definition of lozenge is not strictly fixed, and it is sometimes used simply as a synonym (from the French: losange) for rhombus. Most often, though, lozenge refers to a thin rhombus—a rhombus with two acute and two obtuse angles, especially one with acute angles of 45°. The lozenge shape is often used in parquetry (with acute angles that are 360°/n with n being an integer higher than 4, because they can be used to form a set of tiles of the same shape and size, reusable to cover the plane in various geometric patterns as the result of a tiling process called tessellation in mathematics) and as decoration on ceramics, silverware and textiles. It also features in heraldry and playing cards.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
In library and information science, cataloging (US) or cataloguing (UK) is the process of creating metadata representing information resources, such as books, sound recordings, moving images, etc. Cataloging provides information such as creator names, titles, and subject terms that describe resources, typically through the creation of bibliographic records. The records serve as surrogates for the stored information resources. Since the 1970s these metadata are in machine-readable form and are indexed by information retrieval tools, such as bibliographic databases or search engines. While typically the cataloging process results in the production of library catalogs, it also produces other types of discovery tools for documents and collections. Bibliographic control provides the philosophical basis of cataloging, defining the rules for sufficiently describing information resources to enable users to find and select the most appropriate resource. A cataloger is an individual responsible for the processes of description, subject analysis, classification, and authority control of library materials. Catalogers serve as the "foundation of all library service, as they are the ones who organize information in such a way as to make it easily accessible".
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Fault Detection for Belt Conveyor Idlers
Bulk materials are transported worldwide using belt conveyors as an essential transport system. The majority of conveyor components are monitored continuously to ensure their reliability, but idlers remain a challenge to monitor due to the large number of idlers (rollers) distributed throughout the working environment. These idlers are prone to external noises or disturbances that cause a failure in the underlying system operations.
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  • 22 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Tracking Methods for Autonomous Driving
Tracking: identifying traffic participants, i.e., cars, pedestrians, and obstacles from sequences of images, sensor data, or observations. It is assumed that some preprocessing of sensor data and/or input images has already been done. Trajectory prediction: anticipating the future trajectories and motion of other vehicles in order to facilitate navigating through various traffic conditions.
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  • 27 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Robots in STEAM Education
Robotics is increasingly entering the field of education. The tools, methods, and approaches of robotics contribute to the development of all areas of STEAM education, both individually and interdisciplinary. The entry highlights the robots that are most effective in STEAM education and to classify robots used in education in terms of their frequency of use, features, flexibility, manufacturer, sensors, software, programming language, connection, recommended age, usefulness in education, and their cost. It turned out that there are packages for building robots, pre-assembled robots, and social robots. Their form can be animal, human, car, etc., and they have various properties; for example, they can move and fly. Moreover, most of the robots proposed for education use block-based programming; for example, the Scratch language. Common features of robots are that the robot follows a path, reacts to sounds, and recognizes obstacles, with various sensors; for example, vision. Finally, it turned out to be necessary to design an activity guide for each lesson, which will be accompanied by instructions and specific steps for teachers and students.
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  • 06 Apr 2023
Topic Review
ODB (C++)
ODB is an object-relational mapping (ORM) system for the C++ language. It allows an application developer to persist C++ objects to a relational database without having to deal with tables, columns, or SQL and without manually writing any mapping code. ODB supports C++98/03 and C++11 language standards and comes with optional profiles for Boost and Qt which allow an application developer to seamlessly use value types (data-time, string, binary, uuid, etc.), containers, and smart pointers from these libraries in persistent C++ classes. ODB is free software and is dual-licensed under the GPL and a proprietary license. One notable difference between ODB and other ORM implementations for C++ is its automatic generation of the database mapping code and, optionally, the database schema from the C++ headers that declare the classes. This task is performed by the ODB compiler. The ODB compiler is a real C++ compiler except that instead of producing assembly or machine code, it generates portable C++ which can in turn be compiled by any C++ compiler. The ODB compiler uses the GCC compiler front-end for C++ parsing and is implemented using the new GCC plugin architecture. The ODB compiler also provides comprehensive support for database schema evolution, including fully automatic schema migration, support for immediate and gradual data migration, as well as support for soft model changes. The latter feature allows one to work with multiple schema versions using the same C++ classes. The other components of the ODB system include the common runtime library (libodb) and the database-specific runtime libraries (for example, libodb-mysql). The common runtime library defines object-oriented database interfaces that are used by the application developer to perform various database operations on persistent objects. The database-specific runtimes implement these interfaces for concrete database systems and provide support functionality for the generated database mapping code. To achieve high performance, low overhead, and reliability ODB does not use common database APIs, such as ODBC, to access the relational database. Rather, each database-specific runtime library uses low-level, native C APIs that are specific to each database. ODB currently supports the MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server databases. Bulk/batch operations are supported for Oracle and SQL Server. The application can also use multiple databases (for example, MySQL, SQLite, etc.) at the same time. Multi-database support comes in the static and dynamic flavors with the latter allowing the application to dynamically load the database support code for individual database if and when necessary. ODB is not a framework. There is no common base type that all persistent classes should derive from nor are there any restrictions on the data member types in persistent classes. Existing classes can be made persistent with a few or no modifications. ODB is also flexible in the level of insulation it provides to the application developer. It can either completely hide the relational nature of the underlying database or expose some of the details as required.
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  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), legally S.W.I.F.T. SCRL, provides a network that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardized and reliable environment. SWIFT also sells software and services to financial institutions, much of it for use on the SWIFTNet network, and ISO 9362 Business Identifier Codes (BICs, previously Bank Identifier Codes), popularly known as "SWIFT codes". As of 2018, around half of all high-value cross-border payments worldwide used the SWIFT network. (As of 2015), SWIFT linked more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and territories, who were exchanging an average of over 32 million messages per day (compared to an average of 2.4 million daily messages in 1995). SWIFT transports financial messages in a highly secure way but does not hold accounts for its members and does not perform any form of clearing or settlement. SWIFT does not facilitate funds transfer: rather, it sends payment orders, which must be settled by correspondent accounts that the institutions have with each other. Each financial institution, to exchange banking transactions, must have a banking relationship by either being a bank or affiliating itself with one (or more) so as to enjoy those particular business features. SWIFT has been criticized for its inefficiency, with the Financial Times observing in 2018 that transfers frequently "pass through multiple banks before reaching their final destination, making them time-consuming, costly and lacking transparency on how much money will arrive at the other end". SWIFT has introduced its own improved service, called "Global Payments Innovation" (GPI), stating that as of 2018 it had been adopted by 165 banks, and was completing half of its payments in under 30 minutes. SWIFT is a cooperative society under Belgian law owned by its member financial institutions with offices around the world. SWIFT's headquarters are in La Hulpe, Belgium, near Brussels. The main building was designed by Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura and completed in 1989. The chairman of SWIFT is Yawar Shah, originally from Pakistan , and its CEO, since July 2019, is Javier Pérez-Tasso, originally from Spain. SWIFT hosts an annual conference, called Sibos, specifically aimed at the financial services industry. SWIFT has at various times attracted controversy for enabling the US government to monitor and in some cases interfere with intra-European transactions. (See: U.S. government involvement.)
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is the dependability of a fault-tolerant computer system, particularly distributed computing systems, where components may fail and there is imperfect information on whether a component has failed. In a "Byzantine failure", a component such as a server can inconsistently appear both failed and functioning to failure-detection systems, presenting different symptoms to different observers. It is difficult for the other components to declare it failed and shut it out of the network, because they need to first reach a consensus regarding which component has failed in the first place. The term is derived from the Byzantine Generals' Problem, where actors must agree on a concerted strategy to avoid catastrophic system failure, but some of the actors are unreliable. Byzantine fault tolerance has been also referred to with the phrases interactive consistency or source congruency, error avalanche, Byzantine agreement problem, Byzantine generals problem, and Byzantine failure.
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  • 28 Nov 2022
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