Topic Review
Solaris (Operating System)
Solaris is a proprietary Unix operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems. It superseded the company's earlier SunOS in 1993. In 2010, after the Sun acquisition by Oracle, it was renamed Oracle Solaris. Solaris is known for its scalability, especially on SPARC systems, and for originating many innovative features such as DTrace, ZFS and Time Slider. Solaris supports SPARC and x86-64 workstations and servers from Oracle and other vendors. Solaris is registered as compliant with the Single UNIX Specification. Historically, Solaris was developed as proprietary software. In June 2005, Sun Microsystems released most of the codebase under the CDDL license, and founded the OpenSolaris open-source project. With OpenSolaris, Sun wanted to build a developer and user community around the software. After the acquisition of Sun Microsystems in January 2010, Oracle decided to discontinue the OpenSolaris distribution and the development model. In August 2010, Oracle discontinued providing public updates to the source code of the Solaris kernel, effectively turning Solaris 11 back into a closed source proprietary operating system. Following that, OpenSolaris was forked as illumos and is alive through several illumos distributions. In 2011, the Solaris 11 kernel source code leaked to BitTorrent. However, through the Oracle Technology Network (OTN), industry partners can still gain access to the in-development Solaris source code. Solaris is developed under a proprietary development model, and only the source for open-source components of Solaris 11 is available for download from Oracle.
  • 15.4K
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Solar Symbol
A solar symbol is a symbol representing the Sun. Common solar symbols include circles (with or without rays), crosses, and spirals. In religious iconography, personifications of the Sun or solar attributes are often indicated by means of a halo or a radiate crown. When the systematic study of comparative mythology first became popular in the 19th century, scholarly opinion tended to over-interpret historical myths and iconography in terms of "solar symbolism". This was especially the case with Max Müller and his followers beginning in the 1860s in the context of Indo-European studies. Many "solar symbols" claimed in the 19th century, such as the swastika, triskele, Sun cross, etc. have tended to be interpreted more conservatively in scholarship since the later 20th century.
  • 6.8K
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Solar Energy Generation Prediction
Energy, or more specifically electricity, is one of the most significant pillars of society. Solar Photovoltaic energy has emerged as the most flourishing source of power generation. Not only is it a clean and renewable energy, but it is also economically accessible with minimal maintenance. Nevertheless, they have the disadvantage of high dependence on climatic factors, significant variability and high cost of energy storage. Hence, forecasting the generation of Photovoltaic (PV) installations for a given period of time can help to make optimal use of resources, allowing for reduced emissions, lower costs, safe operation and better integration into the grid.
  • 264
  • 30 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Software-Defined Networks and Software-Defined Radios in Maritime Communications
Effective maritime communication is vital for ensuring the safety of crew members, vessels, and cargo. The maritime industry is responsible for the transportation of a significant portion of global trade, and as such, the efficient and secure transfer of information is essential to maintain the flow of goods and services. With the increasing complexity of maritime operations, technological advancements such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and the Internet of Ships (IoS) have been introduced to enhance communication and operational efficiency.
  • 164
  • 22 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Software Vulnerability Lifecycle and Vulnerability Markets
Vulnerability lifecycles and the vulnerability markets are related in a manner that can lead to serious security and economic risks, especially regarding black markets. The subject of software security has emerged as a primary concern and has once again been raised by individuals and government agencies in terms of risks of violations regarding information security, cybersecurity, and the consequences for the economy, especially in relation to attacks from actors with special agendas. Therefore, software vulnerabilities have major effects on the developmental paths of technology, development, and investment.
  • 293
  • 30 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Software to Improve Verbal Communication in Children
Autism-assistive apps offer therapists and caregivers new approaches for educating and assisting individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), mainly in social interaction. Even though these apps are deemed effective, they are not. These autism-assistive apps are not highly customizable, which limits their usefulness.
  • 467
  • 14 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Software Agent Platforms Available in 2023
Agent systems provide a bottom-up approach to addressing complex tasks. Agents also provide a means of modeling and simulating phenomena that are difficult to model and understand via standard analytical methods. Although the main applications of agent systems pertain to computer science and are often related to artificial intelligence, there are increasingly numerous uses of agents in areas such as the life sciences, ecological sciences, and social sciences. In response to these interests, numerous platforms have been developed as general or application-focused tools. Over time, the field of agent platforms has evolved, with new platforms being developed and others being abandoned.
  • 119
  • 25 Sep 2023
Topic Review
SoftEther VPN
SoftEther VPN is free open-source, cross-platform, multi-protocol VPN client and VPN server software, developed as part of Daiyuu Nobori's master's thesis research at the University of Tsukuba. VPN protocols such as SSL VPN, L2TP/IPsec, OpenVPN, and Microsoft Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol are provided in a single VPN server. It was released using the GPLv2 license on January 4, 2014. The license was switched to Apache License 2.0 on January 21, 2019. SoftEther VPN supports NAT traversal, making it useful to run VPN servers on computers that are behind residential gateways, facility routers, and firewalls. Firewalls performing deep packet inspection are unable to detect SoftEther's VPN transport packets as a VPN tunnel because HTTPS is used to camouflage the connection. SoftEther VPN optimizes performance by using full Ethernet frame utilization, reducing memory copy operations, parallel transmission, and clustering. Together, these reduce latency normally associated with VPN connections while increasing throughput. The SoftEther VPN Server is unable to bind to specific IP addresses on a machine, negating one of its biggest features. A server running an SSL website cannot run SoftEther on the same machine, thereby preventing it from using the SSL-VPN tunnel functionality that the software is famous for.
  • 2.1K
  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Soft Robotic Actuation with Carbon Materials
Due to the superior softness and elasticity compared to conventional rigid devices, soft robotic actuators exhibit remarkable advantages in terms of their portability, power efficiency, and wearability, thus creating myriad possibilities of micro-/nano-soft actuation systems. Carbon-based materials, such as carbon nanotubes, carbon dots, and graphene, are integrated with polymers or elastomers in soft actuators for their excellent biocompatibility and conductivity.
  • 343
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Soft Exoskeletons
The present entry is oriented to the studies of the last decade and covers the upper and lower joints, specifically the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, and ankle. Its functionality, applicability, and main characteristics are exposed, such as degrees of freedom, force, actuators, power transmission methods, control systems, and sensors. 
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  • 10 Aug 2021
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