Topic Review
TPT (time partition testing) is a systematic test methodology for the automated software test and verification of embedded control systems, cyber-physical systems, and dataflow programs. TPT is specialised on testing and validation of embedded systems whose inputs and outputs can be represented as signals and is a dedicated method for testing continuous behaviour of systems. Most control systems belong to this system class. The outstanding characteristic of control systems is the fact that they interact closely interlinked with a real world environment. Controllers need to observe their environment and react correspondingly to its behaviour. The system works in an interactional cycle with its environment and is subject to temporal constraints. Testing these systems is to stimulate and to check the timing behaviour. Traditional functional testing methods use scripts – TPT uses model-based testing. TPT combines a systematic and graphic modelling technique for test cases with a fully automated test execution in different environments and automatic test evaluation. TPT covers the following four test activities:
  • 743
  • 08 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Towards Enabling Haptic Communications over 6G
The developments in communication networks enable many applications including high quality audio/video sharing. Mobile communication has become an essential component of present-day life. It plays an important role in the economy, health, education, and many other industries. Most of the population is connected through mobile communication networks globally. After successfully connecting billions of smartphones and laptops through mobile internet, the focus of mobile internet has now been diverted towards the ubiquitous connectivity of multiple devices and machines, hence creating the Internet of Things (IoT). This transition has led mankind towards remote communication between a human being and some kind of physical device. Such data-intensive communications can result in mediums where the human beings can interact with each other remotely by touch (haptic communication) or actuation.
  • 241
  • 28 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Toward Blockchain Realization
Since FinTech was stimulated by the invention of blockchain, without the full realization of blockchain technologies in the following years, FinTech has not been fully realized. The lack of distributed synchronization might be the most difficult challenge such that the trust provided by blockchain is not good enough for public use. 
  • 602
  • 22 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Touhou Hisōtensoku
Touhou Hisōtensoku ~ Chōdokyū Ginyoru no Nazo wo Oe (東方非想天則 ~ 超弩級ギニョルの謎を追え, lit. "Lacking Perception of the Rule of Heaven in the East: Chase the Enigma of the Superdreadnought Guignol") is a versus fighting game in the Touhou Project game series. The game, by Twilight Frontier and Team Shanghai Alice, can be played as a standalone game or as an expansion pack for the previous fighting game Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. In the Touhou Project overall, it is labeled as the 12.3rd Touhou game.
  • 324
  • 06 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Topology of Uniform Convergence
In mathematics, a linear map is a mapping V → W between two modules (including vector spaces) that preserves the operations of addition and scalar multiplication. By studying the linear maps between two modules one can gain insight into their structures. If the modules have additional structure, like topologies or bornologies, then one can study the subspace of linear maps that preserve this structure.
  • 1.5K
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Topology Designs for Data Centers
The adoption of simple network topologies allows for an easier way to forward packets. On the other hand, more complex topologies may achieve greater performance, although network maintenance may become harder. Hence, a balance between performance and simplicity is a convenient point when choosing a data center design. Therefore, some topology designs for data centers are going to be proposed; these are classified into tree-like and graph-like architectures. With respect to the former, a hierarchical switching layout interconnects all nodes, thus showing the form of an inverted tree within multiple roots, where nodes are the leaves of such a tree. Regarding the latter, nodes are directly interconnected to each other, hence no switch is involved in the design.
  • 329
  • 07 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Toons Mag
Toons Mag is a cartoon magazine that offers a global online platform for publishing editorial cartoons, comics, caricatures, illustrations, and related news. It is a multilingual publication and organizer of an international cartoon contest and exhibitions. It was founded in 2009 by cartoonist Arifur Rahman, based in Drøbak, Norway.
  • 627
  • 24 Oct 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Tokenization in the Theory of Knowledge
Tokenization is a procedure for recovering the elements of interest in a sequence of data. This term is commonly used to describe an initial step in the processing of programming languages, and also for the preparation of input data in the case of artificial neural networks; however, it is a generalizable concept that applies to reducing a complex form to its basic elements, whether in the context of computer science or in natural processes. In this entry, the general concept of a token and its attributes are defined, along with its role in different contexts, such as deep learning methods. Included here are suggestions for further theoretical and empirical analysis of tokenization, particularly regarding its use in deep learning, as it is a rate-limiting step and a possible bottleneck when the results do not meet expectations.
  • 615
  • 11 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Token Ring
Token Ring is a computer networking technology used to build local area networks. It uses a special three-byte frame called a token that travels around a logical ring of workstations or servers. This token passing is a channel access method providing fair access for all stations, and eliminating the collisions of contention-based access methods. There were several other earlier implementations of token-passing networks. Token Ring was introduced by IBM in 1984, and standardized in 1989 as IEEE 802.5. It was a successful technology, particularly in corporate environments, but was gradually eclipsed by the later versions of Ethernet.
  • 649
  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Tiny-YOLO-Based CNN Architecture for Applications in Human Detection
Human detection is a special application of object recognition and is considered one of the greatest challenges in computer vision. It is the starting point of a number of applications, including public safety and security surveillance around the world. Human detection technologies have advanced significantly due to the rapid development of deep learning techniques. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become quite popular for tackling various problems, among which includes object detection.
  • 854
  • 14 Oct 2022
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