Topic Review
Child Handwritten Arabic Character Recognition
Handwritten Arabic character recognition has received increasing research interest. However, as of yet, the majority of the existing handwriting recognition systems have only focused on adult handwriting. In contrast, there have not been many studies conducted on child handwriting, nor has it been regarded as a major research issue yet. Compared to adults’ handwriting, children’s handwriting is more challenging since it often has lower quality, higher variation, and larger distortions.
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  • 22 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Classification for Monocular RGB 3D Reconstruction Systems
Pure monocular 3D reconstruction is a complex problem that has attracted the research community’s interest due to the affordability and availability of RGB sensors. Simultaneous Landing and Mapping (SLAM), Visual Odometry (VO), and Structure from Motion (SFM) are disciplines formulated to solve the 3D reconstruction problem and estimate the camera’s ego-motion. As a complex problem, pure visual monocular 3D reconstruction has been addressed from multiple perspectives combining various techniques that can be classified following different approaches. A better approach to classify monocular RGB 3D reconstruction systems is the taxonomy, considering three classifications covering dense, sparse, direct, indirect, classic, and machine learning-based proposals.
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  • 22 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Agile Method, Scrum, and Software Product Line Engineering
Agile methods and software product line engineering (SPLE) are widely recognized as practical approaches for delivering high-quality software, adapting to evolving stakeholder needs, and tackling complex problems. Agile means fast, light, and dynamic. Agile methods are more effective and faster when responding to changes than traditional software development methods. Software reuse involves creating new software from existing software products that improve product quality by combining reliable and quality software components.
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  • 22 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Optical Convolutional Neural Networks
As a leading branch of deep learning, the convolutional neural network (CNN) is inspired by the natural visual perceptron mechanism of living things, showing great application in image recognition, language processing, and other fields. Photonics technology provides a new route for intelligent signal processing with the dramatic potential of its ultralarge bandwidth and ultralow power consumption, which automatically completes the computing process after the signal propagates through the processor with an analog computing architecture.
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  • 22 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Factors Influencing Blockchain Adoption
The technology of Blockchain may open up new potential for innovation and distinction. It can enable the software sector to develop more safe and transparent systems that can function in an environment without trust. The adoption rate still needs to be higher despite the potential advantages; the relatively low adoption rate may be attributable to issues such as a lack of awareness, the difficulty of adoption, and ambiguity surrounding legal and regulatory frameworks.
  • 497
  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) forms the foundation of vehicle localization in autonomous driving. Utilizing high-precision 3D scene maps as prior information in vehicle localization greatly assists in the navigation of autonomous vehicles within large-scale 3D scene models.
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  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Surface Defect Detection and Identification Methods on Leather
Genuine leather manufacturing is a multibillion-dollar industry that processes animal hides from varying types of animals such as sheep, alligator, goat, ostrich, crocodile, and cow. Due to the industry’s immense scale, there may be numerous unavoidable causes of damages, leading to surface defects that occur during both the manufacturing process and the bovine’s own lifespan. Owing to the heterogenous and manifold nature of leather surface characteristics, great difficulties can arise during the visual inspection of raw materials by human inspectors. To mitigate the industry’s challenges in the quality control process, there is a growing interest in leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision techniques for automated and accurate leather surface defect detection.
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  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Multi-View Code Representations for Function Vulnerability Detection
The explosive growth of vulnerabilities poses a significant threat to the security of software systems. While various deep-learning-based vulnerability detection methods have emerged, they primarily rely on semantic features extracted from a single code representation structure, which limits their ability to detect vulnerabilities hidden deep within the code.
  • 195
  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Underwater Sensor Networks
The issue of limited energy resources is crucial for underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) because these networks operate in remote and harsh environments where access to power sources is limited. Overcoming the energy constraints is necessary to ensure the long-term functionality and sustainability of UWSN, enabling continuous data collection and communication for various applications such as environmental monitoring and surveillance.
  • 332
  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
AraMAMS Restaurants Reviews Corpus for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
AraMA comprises 10,750 Google Maps reviews for restaurants in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It covers four aspect categories—food, environment, service, and price—along with four sentiment polarities: positive, negative, neutral, and conflict. All AraMA reviews are labeled with at least two aspect categories. A second version, named AraMAMS, includes reviews labeled with at least two different sentiments, making it the first Arabic multi-aspect, multi-sentiment dataset. Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is a field of SA that goes one step further than SA by automatically assigning sentiments to certain features or aspects in the text.
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  • 21 Aug 2023
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