Topic Review
Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Technologies
Infrared and visible image fusion is to combine the information of thermal radiation and detailed texture from the two images into one informative fused image. Deep learning methods have been widely applied in this task; however, those methods usually fuse multiple extracted features with the same fusion strategy, which ignores the differences in the representation of these features, resulting in the loss of information in the fusion process. Infrared and visible image fusion techniques can be divided into two categories: traditional methods and deep learning-based methods. Traditional methods have been proposed for the fusion of pixel-level or fixed features. 
  • 472
  • 03 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Agent-Based Models and Simulations Tools
Agent-based models (ABMs) are one of the most effective and successful methods for analyzing real-world complex systems by investigating how modeling interactions on the individual level (i.e., micro-level) leads to the understanding of emergent phenomena on the system level (i.e., macro-level). ABMs represent an interdisciplinary approach to examining complex systems, and the heterogeneous background of ABM users demands comprehensive, easy-to-use, and efficient environments to develop ABM simulations. Many tools, frameworks, and libraries exist, each with its characteristics and objectives.
  • 800
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Soft Robotic Actuation with Carbon Materials
Due to the superior softness and elasticity compared to conventional rigid devices, soft robotic actuators exhibit remarkable advantages in terms of their portability, power efficiency, and wearability, thus creating myriad possibilities of micro-/nano-soft actuation systems. Carbon-based materials, such as carbon nanotubes, carbon dots, and graphene, are integrated with polymers or elastomers in soft actuators for their excellent biocompatibility and conductivity.
  • 377
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Unique Properties of the Immune System
The human body is unquestionably one of the most complex systems known to humanity. There are three main regulation systems in the human body (the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system). These three systems are integrated into one ultimate information communication network within the human body. However, each regulation system has its specific roles and unique properties. Consequently, each of these regulation systems has served as inspiration for computational models to efficiently solve real-world problems. An overview of these models and their applications is presented.
  • 336
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Nanofluid Preparation and Stability
The advent of nanotechnology has brought about significant technological advancements in many fields of study. The birth of nanofluids as an advanced thermal transport media in the area of thermal management is a laudable and notable feat. Nanofluids (mono and hybrid nanofluids) have been extensively researched and established to be better than conventional thermal transport media due to their enhanced thermophysical and convective properties.
  • 632
  • 31 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Routing Services in Smart Cities
The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is a complex optimization problem, in which there exists a set of clients at various locations, each one with a shipment need, and a fleet of vehicles, departing from the central depot that shall optimally satisfy the needs of the clients. The aim of a typical VRP is to find out the optimal route to minimize the total costs. Furthermore, various factors affecting route planning, such as vehicle capacity, fuel consumption, traffic congestion, etc., have to be considered to accomplish the minimization of the total route costs.
  • 476
  • 31 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Nanofluids Formulation, Characterization, and Stability
Nanofluids (NFs) synthesized via the suspension of diverse nanoparticles into conventional thermal fluids are known to exhibit better thermal, optical, tribological, and convective properties, photothermal conversion, and heat transfer performance in comparison with traditional thermal fluids. Stability is pivotal to NF preparation, properties, performance, and application. 
  • 461
  • 31 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Technological Solutions for Social Isolation Monitoring of Elderly
Social isolation is likely to be one of the most serious health outcomes for the elderly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for seniors living alone at home. In fact, two approaches have been used to assess social isolation. The first is a self-reported survey designed for research purposes. The second approach is the use of monitoring technology.
  • 387
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Genome-Scale Metabolic Modelling
Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) aim to systematically encode knowledge of the metabolism of an organism. GEMs are composed of different layers of information and are constructed with a combination of automated approaches and manual curation based on the available literature and experimental data. These models not only encode existing knowledge about an organism, but can also generate new knowledge through various analytical methods. The latter are mostly focused on the assessment of reaction fluxes through the metabolic network in different conditions.
  • 569
  • 28 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Denial of Service Attacks in the Smart Grid
The smart grid is the current energy management and distribution trend: it merges cyber–physical systems (CPS) infrastructure with information and communication technologies (ICT) to ensure efficient power generation, smart energy distribution in real-time, and optimisation. It also allows for greater integration of alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power, which are heavily reliant on weather patterns. Smart grid applications include extraction of business value, smart charging of electric vehicles, smart distribution, generation and storage of energy, grid optimization, grid self-healing with fault protection technology, and many others. Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, in particular, have become critical threats to the smart grid because they target the availability of the grid infrastructure and services: in the context of smart grids, this includes both “ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information” and “ensuring access to enough power”.
  • 1.1K
  • 28 Jan 2023
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