Topic Review
From Shallow to Deep Bioprocess Hybrid Modeling
Hybrid neural network (HNN)  modeling is the combination of artificial neural networks (ANNs) with prior knowledge in a mathematical framework. There are two main approaches to incorporating prior knowledge: design and training methods. Design approaches use prior knowledge to define the network structure, while training approaches use it to guide parameter estimation. Both approaches reduce data dependency, making models less sensitive to sparse and noisy data, and improving their descriptive and predictive capabilities compared to pure ANNs. HNNs are a powerful tool for understanding complex processes like bioprocesses and accelerating product development. Bioprocess modeling is challenging due to nonlinearity, dynamics, and uncertainty. Traditional models based on physical and chemical laws can be overly simplistic or hard to calibrate. Data-driven ANN models lack interpretability and generalization. HNNs combine the strengths of both approaches, enhancing the accuracy, robustness, and efficiency of bioprocess modeling by integrating prior knowledge with ANNs.
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Arabic Text Clustering
Arabic text clustering is an essential topic in Arabic Natural Language Processing (ANLP). Its significance resides in various applications, such as document indexing, categorization, user review analysis, and others. 
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Assessment of Parent–Child Interaction Quality from Dyadic Dialogue
The quality of parent–child interaction is critical for child cognitive development. The Dyadic Parent–Child Interaction Coding System (DPICS) is commonly used to assess parent and child behaviors. However, manual annotation of DPICS codes by parent–child interaction therapists is a time-consuming task. To assist therapists in the coding task, researchers have begun to explore the use of artificial intelligence in natural language processing to classify DPICS codes automatically.
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  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
Cryptocurrency has exploded in popularity, with Bitcoin adopted as a national currency in two countries. The blockchain technology on which cryptocurrency is built is an important tool used not only to facilitate a medium of exchange but also in many industries, including healthcare and education. As with all technologies, blockchain is a tool and can be abused by malicious actors. However, the decentralised nature of the technology creates an obstacle to establishing jurisdiction in transnational crimes.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Facial Expression Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Network
Recognizing facial expressions plays a crucial role in various multimedia applications, such as human–computer interactions and the functioning of autonomous vehicles. An individual’s facial expressions (FEs) or countenance convey their psychological reactions and intentions in response to a social or personal event. These expressions convey non-verbal stealth messages. With technological advancements, human behavior can be understood through facial expression recognition (FER). To express emotions, humans use facial expressions as their primary nonverbal communication method.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Deep Learning-Based Depression Detection from Social Media
Depression is a prevalent mental health condition that affects a substantial number of individuals worldwide [1]. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and impaired functioning, leading to a significant decline in overall well-being and quality of life.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Implementation of Location-Based Game Prototypes
Location-based games (LBGs) are a form of experimentation with locative media involving location-aware mobile technologies and the disclosure of user locations. By integrating digital content with physical space through GPS technology, a hybrid space is created, offering a multi-dimensional experience. Locative games exemplify the ludic trend in contemporary culture. The use of locative media further enriches urban spaces by providing location-based information and hidden narratives. These developments originated from artistic experimentation with GPS technology, since artists explored hybrid spaces by integrating data packets or metadata into physical environments.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Vulgar Word Extraction in Chittagonian Dialect of Bangla
The proliferation of the internet, especially on social media platforms, has amplified the prevalence of cyberbullying and harassment. Addressing this issue involves harnessing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques for the automatic detection of harmful content. However, these methods encounter challenges when applied to low-resource languages like the Chittagonian dialect of Bangla. This entry compares two approaches for identifying offensive language containing vulgar remarks in Chittagonian. The first relies on basic keyword matching, while the second employs machine learning and deep learning techniques. The keyword- matching approach involves scanning the text for vulgar words using a predefined lexicon. Despite its simplicity, this method establishes a strong foundation for more sophisticated ML and deep learning approaches. An issue with this approach is the need for constant updates to the lexicon.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
QUIC Protocol
The QUIC protocol developed in 2012 by Google is an alternative protocol that improves the performance of web-based applications. It makes use of UDP, which allows the connection to enhance the performance of many online applications by replacing the TCP three-way handshake with a single UDP round-trip.
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  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Understanding HII Framework and Related Technologies
The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) is currently the most popular industry standard, defining the software interface between an operating system and its underlying platform firmware. HII (Human Interface Infrastructure) is a part of the UEFI specification, which provides a standard framework for managing user interfaces based on UEFI systems. 
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  • 17 Nov 2023
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