Topic Review
Multimodal Biometric Identification System
In the past two decades, many physical and behavioral biometric modalities have been under extensive research, such as fingerprints, palm prints, palms/Finger Textures, faces, irises, voice, gait and signature. All these modalities are vulnerable to presentation spoof attacks; hence, the level of provided security is compromised. Fingerprint- and palm-print-based biometric systems may be deceived by using gelatin or clay-made artificial fingerprint surfaces or images. Biometric systems using faces as a biometric modality may be attacked by using photographs, 3-D face models and recorded short clips. Iris-based biometric systems may encounter spoof attacks by employing iris images taken from enrolled users. Voice- and gait-based biometric systems may be attacked by feeding prerecorded audio and video to the recognition system, respectively. 
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  • 21 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Machine Learning for Software-Defined Networking-Based Intrusion Detection
Low-speed internet can negatively impact incident response by causing delayed detection, ineffective response, poor collaboration, inaccurate analysis, and increased risk. Slow internet speeds can delay the receipt and analysis of data, making it difficult for security teams to access the relevant information and take action, leading to a fragmented and inadequate response. All of these factors can increase the risk of data breaches and other security incidents and their impact on IoT-enabled communication.
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  • 21 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Recommendation Systems for e-Shopping
The interest in recommendation systems (RSs) has dramatically increased, as they have become main components of all online stores. The aims of an RS can be multifaceted, related not only to the increase in sales or the convenience of the customer, but may include the promotion of alternative environmentally friendly products or to strengthen policies and campaigns. In addition to accurate suggestions, important aspects of contemporary RSs are therefore to align with the particular marketing goals of the e-shop and with the stances of the targeted audience, ensuring user acceptance, satisfaction, high impact, and achieving sustained usage by customers.
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  • 21 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Data Completeness and Imputation Methods on Supervised Classifiers
Data completeness is one of the most common challenges that hinder the performance of data analytics platforms. Different studies have assessed the effect of missing values on different classification models based on a single evaluation metric, namely, accuracy. However, accuracy on its own is a misleading measure of classifier performance because it does not consider unbalanced datasets.
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  • 21 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Quality of OpenStreetMap Data
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a potential source of geospatial open data for monitoring sustainable development goals (SDG) indicators. Improving the quality of these crowdsourcing data has significant implications for monitoring and achieving SDGs, such as zero hunger, sustainable cities, ensuring tenure security, and preserving biodiversity. The quality of OpenStreetMap (OSM) has been widely concerned as a valuable source for monitoring some sustainable development goals (SDG) indicators. Improving its semantic quality is still challenging. As a kind of solution, road type prediction plays an important role. However, most existing algorithms show low accuracy, owing to data sparseness and inaccurate description. 
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  • 19 Dec 2023
Topic Review
A Benchmark Dataset for Wearable Low-Light Pedestrian Detection
Detecting pedestrians in low-light conditions is challenging, especially in the context of wearable platforms. Infrared cameras have been employed to enhance detection capabilities, whereas low-light cameras capture the more intricate features of pedestrians. With this in mind, a low-light pedestrian detection (called HRBUST-LLPED) dataset by capturing pedestrian data on campus using wearable low-light cameras is introduced.
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  • 19 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Diabetic Retinopathy Detection by Deep-Learning Technique
Medical professionals can benefit greatly from deep-learning-based systems that automate the interpretation of retinal pictures and provide objective and consistent assessments of the severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Deep-learning (DL)-based screening methods can test a large diabetic population for DR. Deep-learning algorithms can monitor the course of diseases over time by evaluating successive retinal images.
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  • 19 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Gabor Filters
The use of Gabor filters in image processing has been well-established, and these filters are recognized for their exceptional feature extraction capabilities. These filters are usually applied through convolution.
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  • 19 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Integration of Deep Learning into the IoT
The internet of things (IoT) has emerged as a pivotal technological paradigm facilitating interconnected and intelligent devices across multifarious domains. The proliferation of IoT devices has resulted in an unprecedented surge of data, presenting formidable challenges concerning efficient processing, meaningful analysis, and informed decision making. Deep-learning (DL) methodologies, notably convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and deep-belief networks (DBNs), have demonstrated significant efficacy in mitigating these challenges by furnishing robust tools for learning and extraction of insights from vast and diverse IoT-generated data.
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  • 19 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Detecting Photovoltaic Panels in Aerial Images
The detection of photovoltaic panels from images is an important field, as it leverages the possibility of forecasting and planning green energy production by assessing the level of energy autonomy for communities. This entry provides a summary of approaches proposed in the literature for detecting photovoltaic panels from remote sensing imagery. These methodologies encompass machine learning, deep learning, spectral information analysis, and colour analysis.
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  • 19 Dec 2023
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