Topic Review
Java Security
The Java platform provides a number of features designed for improving the security of Java applications. This includes enforcing runtime constraints through the use of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), a security manager that sandboxes untrusted code from the rest of the operating system, and a suite of security APIs that Java developers can utilise. Despite this, criticism has been directed at the programming language, and Oracle, due to an increase in malicious programs that revealed security vulnerabilities in the JVM, which were subsequently not properly addressed by Oracle in a timely manner.
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  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Timeline of Computing 1990–99
This article presents a detailed timeline of events in the history of computing from 1990 to 1999. For narratives explaining the overall developments, see the History of computing.
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  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Predictive Modeling of Student Dropout in MOOCs
The features of massive open online courses (MOOCs), such as internet-based massiveness, openness, and flexible learning, create a unique blend of a large number of learners, making the prediction of learner success (as well as providing support based on these predictions) particularly challenging. 
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  • 20 Oct 2023
Topic Review
The last two years have seen a rapid rise in the duration of time that both adults and children spend on screens, driven by the recent COVID-19 health pandemic. A key adverse effect is digital eye strain (DES). Recent trends in human-computer interaction and user experience have proposed voice or gesture-guided designs that present more effective and less intrusive automated solutions. These approaches inspired the design of a solution that uses facial expression recognition (FER) techniques to detect DES and autonomously adapt the application to enhance the user’s experience.
  • 347
  • 23 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Data Analysis Using Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
The internet has become an indispensable tool for organizations, permeating every facet of their operations. Virtually all companies leverage Internet services for diverse purposes, including the digital storage of data in databases and cloud platforms. Furthermore, the rising demand for software and applications has led to a widespread shift toward computer-based activities within the corporate landscape. However, this digital transformation has exposed the information technology (IT) infrastructures of these organizations to a heightened risk of cyber-attacks, endangering sensitive data. Consequently, organizations must identify and address vulnerabilities within their systems, with a primary focus on scrutinizing customer-facing websites and applications. 
  • 347
  • 15 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Floating Photovoltaic in Underwater Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly necessary in today’s generation systems, with the process of E-vehicles being used not only in automobile manufacturing companies, but also in the design of underwater vehicular technology. Floating photovoltaic in the presence of PV panels is the process of knowing underwater systems with solar panels. 
  • 346
  • 13 May 2022
Topic Review
News Server Operation
Among the operators and users of commercial Usenet news servers, common concerns are the continually increasing storage and network capacity requirements and their effects. Completion (the ability of a server to successfully receive all traffic), retention (the amount of time articles are made available to readers) and overall system performance are the topics of frequent discussion. With the increasing demands, it is common for the transit and reader server roles to be subdivided further into numbering, storage and front end systems. These server farms are continually monitored by both insiders and outsiders, and measurements of these characteristics are often used by consumers when choosing a commercial news service.
  • 346
  • 12 Oct 2022
Topic Review
The Unix philosophy, originated by Ken Thompson, is a set of cultural norms and philosophical approaches to minimalist, modular software development. It is based on the experience of leading developers of the Unix operating system. Early Unix developers were important in bringing the concepts of modularity and reusability into software engineering practice, spawning a "software tools" movement. Over time, the leading developers of Unix (and programs that ran on it) established a set of cultural norms for developing software; these norms became as important and influential as the technology of Unix itself, and have been termed the "Unix philosophy." The Unix philosophy emphasizes building simple, compact, clear, modular, and extensible code that can be easily maintained and repurposed by developers other than its creators. The Unix philosophy favors composability as opposed to monolithic design.
  • 346
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Health Information on the Internet
Health information on the Internet refers to all health-related information communicated through or available on the Internet.
  • 346
  • 16 Nov 2022
Topic Review
AI-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Networks
To enhance the overall performance of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) networks and to address some specific problems, new features in the network are being designed as autonomous features. This approach not only provides optimum solutions for the targeted problems but also supports the dynamic properties of a UAV network. 
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  • 07 Jun 2023
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