Topic Review
Machine Learning and Eye-Tracking Technology in ASD
Early and objective autism spectrum disorder (ASD) assessment, as well as early intervention are particularly important and may have long term benefits in the lives of ASD people. ASD assessment relies on subjective rather on objective criteria, whereas advances in research point to up-to-date procedures for early ASD assessment comprising eye-tracking technology, machine learning, as well as other assessment tools. This systematic review, the first to our knowledge of its kind, provides a comprehensive discussion of 30 studies irrespective of the stimuli/tasks and dataset used, the algorithms applied, the eye-tracking tools utilised and their goals. Evidence indicates that the combination of machine learning and eye-tracking technology could be considered a promising tool in autism research regarding early and objective diagnosis.
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  • 14 Dec 2021
Topic Review
SMARTEN—A Sample-Based Approach towards Privacy-Friendly Data Refinement
SMARTEN applies a revised data refinement process that fully involves domain experts in data pre-processing but does not expose any sensitive data to them or any other third-party. 
  • 382
  • 30 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Timeline of Open-Source Software
This article presents a timeline of events related to popular free/open-source software. For a narrative explaining the overall development, see the related history of free and open-source software. The Achievements column documents achievements a project attained at some point in time (not necessarily when it was first released).
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  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Soft Robotic Actuation with Carbon Materials
Due to the superior softness and elasticity compared to conventional rigid devices, soft robotic actuators exhibit remarkable advantages in terms of their portability, power efficiency, and wearability, thus creating myriad possibilities of micro-/nano-soft actuation systems. Carbon-based materials, such as carbon nanotubes, carbon dots, and graphene, are integrated with polymers or elastomers in soft actuators for their excellent biocompatibility and conductivity.
  • 382
  • 01 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Core Technologies for Smart IoHT Applications
Some advanced technologies and solutions have been researched, developed, and deployed in the smart healthcare field, such as smart sensors, autonomous devices, robots, intelligent computing solutions, and virtual reality.
  • 382
  • 11 May 2023
Topic Review
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Artificial Intelligence
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has a global prevalence of around 4.1% and is associated with a low quality of life and increased healthcare costs. Current guidelines recommend that IBS is diagnosed using the symptom-based Rome IV criteria. Despite this, when patients seek medical attention, they are usually over-investigated. This issue might be resolved by novel technologies in medicine, such as the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 
  • 382
  • 07 Nov 2023
Topic Review
PQS is a general purpose quantum chemistry program. Its roots go back to the first ab initio gradient program developed in Professor Peter Pulay's group but now it is developed and distributed commercially by Parallel Quantum Solutions. There is a reduction in cost for academic users and a site license. Its strong points are geometry optimization, NMR chemical shift calculations, and large MP2 calculations, and high parallel efficiency on computing clusters. It includes many other capabilities including Density functional theory, the semiempirical methods, MINDO/3, MNDO, AM1 and PM3, Molecular mechanics using the SYBYL 5.0 Force Field, the quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics mixed method using the ONIOM method, natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis and COSMO solvation models. Recently, a highly efficient parallel CCSD(T) code for closed shell systems has been developed. This code includes many other post Hartree–Fock methods: MP2, MP3, MP4, CISD, CEPA, QCISD and so on.
  • 381
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Loose Coupling Improvement with Enterprise Application Integration
Integrating third-party and legacy systems has become a critical necessity for companies, driven by the need to exchange information with various entities such as banks, suppliers, customers, and partners. Ensuring data integrity, keeping integrations up-to-date, reducing transaction risks, and preventing data loss are all vital aspects of this complex task. Achieving success in this endeavor, which involves both technological and business challenges, necessitates the implementation of a well-suited architecture.
  • 381
  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Solar Energy Generation Prediction
Energy, or more specifically electricity, is one of the most significant pillars of society. Solar Photovoltaic energy has emerged as the most flourishing source of power generation. Not only is it a clean and renewable energy, but it is also economically accessible with minimal maintenance. Nevertheless, they have the disadvantage of high dependence on climatic factors, significant variability and high cost of energy storage. Hence, forecasting the generation of Photovoltaic (PV) installations for a given period of time can help to make optimal use of resources, allowing for reduced emissions, lower costs, safe operation and better integration into the grid.
  • 381
  • 30 Nov 2023
Topic Review
The XTS-400 is a multilevel secure computer operating system. It is multiuser and multitasking that uses multilevel scheduling in processing data and information. It works in networked environments and supports Gigabit Ethernet and both IPv4 and IPv6. The XTS-400 is a combination of Intel x86 hardware and the Secure Trusted Operating Program (STOP) operating system. XTS-400 was developed by BAE Systems, and originally released as version 6.0 in December 2003. STOP provides high-assurance security and was the first general-purpose operating system with a Common Criteria assurance level rating of EAL5 or above. The XTS-400 can host, and be trusted to separate, multiple, concurrent data sets, users, and networks at different sensitivity levels. The XTS-400 provides both an untrusted environment for normal work and a trusted environment for administrative work and for privileged applications. The untrusted environment is similar to traditional Unix environments. It provides binary compatibility with Linux applications running most Linux commands and tools as well as most Linux applications without the need for recompiling. This untrusted environment includes an X Window System GUI, though all windows on a screen must be at the same sensitivity level. To support the trusted environment and various security features, STOP provides a set of proprietary APIs to applications. In order to develop programs that use these proprietary APIs, a special software development environment (SDE) is needed. The SDE is also needed in order to port some complicated Linux/Unix applications to the XTS-400. A new version of the STOP operating system, STOP 7 has since been introduced, with claims to have improved performance and new features such as RBAC.
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  • 08 Oct 2022
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