Topic Review
Validated Questionnaires in Flow Theory
Psychological flow has been measured in several areas to analyse to what extent users are engaged in particular tasks, and is relevant in the design of products like software, videogames, and eLearning courses.
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  • 07 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Deep Learning Building Blocks
Industry 4.0 characterizes the transformation from traditional automation to engineered cyber-physical systems with human-like intelligence. Indeed, this gives Artificial Intelligence (AI) the privilege of playing a central role in Industry 4.0. Moreover, the leading branch of AI turned out to be deep learning (DL). DL is an essential subfield of machine learning (ML) characterized by its layered structure of artificial neural networks (ANNs). 
  • 385
  • 23 Jan 2024
Topic Review
User Story Quality in Practice
User stories are widely used in Agile development as requirements. User stories have their origins in extreme programming (XP). Kent Beck, the founder of XP, stated that user stories were created to address the specific needs of software development, conducted by small teams in the face of changing and vague requirements.
  • 384
  • 08 Aug 2022
Topic Review
A wordfilter (sometimes referred to as just "filter" or "censor") is a script typically used on Internet forums or chat rooms that automatically scans users' posts or comments as they are submitted and automatically changes or censors particular words or phrases. The most basic wordfilters search only for specific strings of letters, and remove or overwrite them regardless of their context. More advanced wordfilters make some exceptions for context (such as filtering "butt" but not "butter"), and the most advanced wordfilters may use regular expressions.
  • 384
  • 28 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Assertion (Software Development)
In computer programming, specifically when using the imperative programming paradigm, an assertion is a predicate (a Boolean-valued function over the state space, usually expressed as a logical proposition using the variables of a program) connected to a point in the program, that always should evaluate to true at that point in code execution. Assertions can help a programmer read the code, help a compiler compile it, or help the program detect its own defects. For the latter, some programs check assertions by actually evaluating the predicate as they run. Then, if it is not in fact true – an assertion failure – the program considers itself to be broken and typically deliberately crashes or throws an assertion failure exception.
  • 384
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Using Homomorphic Encryption for Smart Metering Systems
Smart metering systems (SMSs) have been widely used by industrial users and residential customers for purposes such as real-time tracking, outage notification, quality monitoring, load forecasting, etc. Protecting data privacy for SMSs that considers trust boundaries (TBs) and computability using real-world data sets while providing privacy guarantees. The proposed framework uses homomorphic encryption (HE) as a primitive for security. HE can provide strong protection based on cryptography and data processing on encrypted data without first decrypting it.
  • 384
  • 31 May 2023
Topic Review
UAV-Based Computer Vision for Tree Inventory
Accurate and efficient orchard tree inventories are essential for acquiring up-to-date information, which is necessary for effective treatments and crop insurance purposes. Surveying orchard trees, including tasks such as counting, locating, and assessing health status, plays a vital role in predicting production volumes and facilitating orchard management.
  • 384
  • 23 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Service Robots in Vision-Based Navigation
Biological principles draw attention to service robotics because of similar concepts when robots operate various tasks. Bioinspired perception is significant for robotic perception, which is inspired by animals’ awareness of the environment.
  • 384
  • 24 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Standardization of Post-Quantum Cryptography
Information security is a fundamental and urgent issue in the digital transformation era. Cryptographic techniques and digital signatures have been applied to protect and authenticate relevant information. However, with the advent of quantum computers and quantum algorithms, classical cryptographic techniques have been in danger of collapsing because quantum computers can solve complex problems in polynomial time. Stemming from that risk, researchers worldwide have stepped up research on post-quantum algorithms to resist attack by quantum computers.
  • 384
  • 14 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Classification of Tumor in Brain Magnetic Resonance Images
Brain tumors can cause serious health complications and lead to death if not detected accurately. Therefore, early-stage detection of brain tumors and accurate classification of types of brain tumors play a major role in diagnosis. Timely detection, diagnosis, and classification of brain tumors have been instrumental in effective treatment planning for the recovery and life extension of the patient. Brain tumor detection is a procedure to differentiate the abnormal tissues for example active tumor tissue, edema tissue from normal tissues for example gray matter, white matter.
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  • 02 Apr 2024
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