Topic Review
Open Source in Kosovo
The first project in open source in Kosovo was the adjustment of Open Office Packet in December 2003. On 28 July 2004 the Albanian team, users of Linux (GGSL), was one of the first public organizations for the purpose of getting information about the field of open source. This conference was called "Software Freedom Day". Software Freedom Day is known as the first initiative about FOSS in Kosovo in the level of conference. The purpose of that conference was to promote the free and open software. Some of the issues that were discussed were about Linux, what is free software and open sources in general. Another issue that was discussed in that conference was about the operative system Linux and its benefits. KDE and GNOME were the last issues that were discussed in conference. Ati-Kos has made some surveys in five municipal assemblies of Kosovo in May 2005. According to this survey about 98.6% wanted software box in mother tongue, in Albanian. In another survey, the majority of the participants believed that a software box like Open Office would help in increasing the productivity in different fields because of the interface in Albanian.
  • 529
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
A Stakeholder-Specific View on Impact Sourcing
Impact Sourcing is the outsourcing of activities to disadvantaged social groups in order to help them become participants of the globalized digital world and thus benefit from higher incomes and wealth creation.
  • 529
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Athlos: A Framework for Developing Scalable MMOG Backends
The development of resource-intensive, distributed, real-time applications like Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) backends entails a variety of challenges, some of which have been extensively studied. Despite some advancements, the development and deployment of MMOG backends on commodity clouds and high-level computing layers continues to face several obstacles, including a non-standardized development methodology, lack of provisions for scalability, and the need for abstractions and tools to support the development process. In this paper, we describe a set of models, methods, and tools for developing scalable MMOG backends and hosting them on commodity cloud platforms. We present Athlos, a framework that allows game developers to leverage our methodology to rapidly prototype MMOG backends that can run on any type of cloud environment. We evaluate this framework by conducting simulations based on several case-study MMOGs to benchmark its performance and scalability, and compare the development effort needed, and quality of the code produced with other approaches. We find that MMOGs developed using this framework: (a) can support a very high number of simultaneous players under a given latency threshold, (b) elastically scale both in terms of runtime and state, and (c) significantly reduce the amount of effort required to develop them. Coupled with the advantages of high-level computing layers such as Platform, Backend, and Function-as-a-Service, we argue that our framework accelerates the development of high-performance, scalable MMOGs, that leverage the resources of commodity cloud platforms.
  • 528
  • 25 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Brownfield (Software Development)
Brownfield development is a term commonly used in the information technology industry to describe problem spaces needing the development and deployment of new software systems in the immediate presence of existing (legacy) software applications/systems. This implies that any new software architecture must take into account and coexist with live software already in situ. In contemporary civil engineering, Brownfield land means places where new buildings may need to be designed and erected considering the other structures and services already in place. Brownfield development adds a number of improvements to conventional software engineering practices. These traditionally assume a "clean sheet of paper" or "greenfield land" target environment throughout the design and implementation phases of software development. Brownfield extends such traditions by insisting that the context (local landscape) of the system being created be factored into any development exercise. This requires a detailed knowledge of the systems, services and data in the immediate vicinity of the solution under construction.
  • 528
  • 18 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Models of Workload Generators
Simulation is a powerful process for perfectly planning and dimensioning web systems. However, a successful analysis using a simulation model usually requires variable load intensities. Furthermore, as the client’s behavior is subject to frequent changes in modern web systems, such models need to be adapted as well. Based on web systems observation, the researchers come across the need for tools that allow flexible definitions of web systems load profiles. 
  • 528
  • 13 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Dynamic Fault Tree analysis method
The Entry briefly introduces the Dynamic Fault Tree analysis method proposed by P. Gao et al on the 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC).
  • 527
  • 04 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Scaling of Rain Attenuation Models
The scaling of rain attenuation models has been developed in several parts of the world. Since the climatic parameters are different in different parts of the world, the scaling parameters are also limited for the best fit in a particular geographical area. However, scaling models are always needed for better applicability, whose performance can be “fine-tuned” by the local climatic parameters.
  • 526
  • 19 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Qiskit is an open-source software development kit (SDK) for working with quantum computers at the level of circuits, pulses, and algorithms. It provides tools for creating and manipulating quantum programs and running them on prototype quantum devices on IBM Quantum Experience or on simulators on a local computer. It follows the circuit model for universal quantum computation, and can be used for any quantum hardware (currently supports superconducting qubits and trapped ions) that follows this model. Qiskit was founded by IBM Research to allow software development for their cloud quantum computing service, IBM Quantum Experience. Contributions are also made by external supporters, typically from academic institutions. The primary version of Qiskit uses the Python programming language. Versions for Swift and JavaScript were initially explored, though the development for these versions have halted. Instead, a minimal re-implementation of basic features is available as MicroQiskit, which is made to be easy to port to alternative platforms. A range of Jupyter notebooks are provided with examples of quantum computing being used. Examples include the source code behind scientific studies that use Qiskit, as well as a set of exercises to help people to learn the basics of quantum programming. An open source textbook based on Qiskit is available as a university-level quantum algorithms or quantum computation course supplement.
  • 526
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
List of Xbox Games on Windows Phone
This is a list of released Xbox Live enabled games for Windows Phone.
  • 526
  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Learning Architectures of Deep Vision Multimodal Learning
Deep vision multimodal learning aims at combining deep visual representation learning with other modalities, such as text, sound, and data collected from other sensors. With the fast development of deep learning, vision multimodal learning has gained much interest from the community. The construction of a learning architecture and framework is the core technology of deep multimodal learning. The design of feature extraction, modality aggregation, and multimodal loss function will be discussed.
  • 525
  • 06 Jul 2022
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