Topic Review
RetroShare is a free and open-source peer-to-peer communication and file sharing app based on a friend-to-friend network built on GNU Privacy Guard (GPG). Optionally, peers may communicate certificates and IP addresses from and to their friends.
  • 632
  • 31 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Deep Learning in Hyperspectral Imagery
Deep learning algorithms used for hyperspectral image analysis and processing include artificial neural networks (ANNs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), Auto-encoder decoders (AEDs), and stacked auto-encoders (SAE). Hyperspectral imagery (HSI) is used because of its characteristic of containing both spectral and spatial information at the pixel level. 
  • 631
  • 10 Aug 2023
Topic Review
The Agricultural Internet of Things Ecosystem
The negative impacts of climate change and the increasing global population on food security and unemployment threats have motivated the adoption of the wireless sensor network (WSN)-based Agri-IoT as an indispensable underlying technology in precision agriculture and greenhouses to improve food production capacities and quality.
  • 631
  • 03 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Seifert–Van Kampen Theorem
In mathematics, the Seifert–van Kampen theorem of algebraic topology (named after Herbert Seifert and Egbert van Kampen), sometimes just called van Kampen's theorem, expresses the structure of the fundamental group of a topological space [math]\displaystyle{ X }[/math] in terms of the fundamental groups of two open, path-connected subspaces that cover [math]\displaystyle{ X }[/math]. It can therefore be used for computations of the fundamental group of spaces that are constructed out of simpler ones.
  • 630
  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain-Based Internet of Medical Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) or other decentralized platforms may be employed in this context for achieving dispersed coverage. In light of this, healthcare systems are a crucial IoT application. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is the kind of IoT that is used in the healthcare industry. IoMTs are the wave of the future in healthcare since they will enable the connectivity and remote monitoring of all medical equipment. Due to these developments, healthcare may now be provided more rapidly and at a lower cost. Medical workers (nurses, physicians, etc.), medical data servers, and medical sensor equipment make up the bulk of an IoMT system that provides remote healthcare.
  • 630
  • 06 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Models and Tools for Developing Serious Games
Serious games (SG), (video games with an educational purpose), provide teachers with tools to strengthen their students’ knowledge. Developing a SG requires knowledge, time, and effort. As a result, specialized tools to aid in the development process are needed.
  • 630
  • 31 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Big Data Achieve's Sustainable Farming
The world’s population is increasing day by day and most of this increase is occurring in developing countries. It is expected that the future income levels of the world's population will keep rising of what they are now; and to feed this larger and better-off population, food production must also massively increase. Therefore, agricultural research and development should be one of the prime focus in developing countries, with investments coming from both public and private sectors, ensuring smallholder farmers to get timely advice on their queries and access to new agriculture techniques and technologies. This article points to a few of the key obstacles for developing counties in adopting digital agriculture technologies; and argues that the application of big data to the agriculture sector in developing countries is beneficial to achieve sustainable and increased food production.
  • 629
  • 04 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Statistical Evidence Use of p-value
This paper addresses the use and misuse of p-value issue and review latest literature on the use of p-value in social and natural sciences.  
  • 629
  • 14 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Decentralized Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance
When deploying a multi-robot system, it is ensured that the hardware parts do not collide with each other or the surroundings, especially in symmetric environments. Two types of methods are used for collision avoidance: centralized and decentralized. The decentralized approach has mainly been used in recent times, as it is computationally less expensive.
  • 628
  • 19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Target Detection and Recognition in Turbid Waters
Turbid water can be divided into shallow turbid water and two kinds of deep turbid water. Shallow turbid water, such as turbid fish farms, has a significant impact on the transmission of light information due to the high density of aquatic organisms and suspended matters, such as fishes and sediments, in the water. This leads to significant image distortion, such as blurred target features, severe distortion, and color changes, which pose a significant challenge regarding visual technology and target recognition. Deep turbid water, such as some deep water areas, is challenged by the same problems as shallow turbid water and has low light conditions, resulting in the instrument receiving limited effective target light information. Due to these factors, traditional target detection and recognition methods cannot meet instruments’ technical requirements. Therefore, the investigation of object detection and recognition in turbid areas is necessary. Currently, research on underwater vision is mainly focusing on scenarios with good water conditions, such as experimental pools, lakes, inland rivers, etc. Due to the complexity of underwater environments, significant differences between various types of water exist. As large-scale engineering operations are often carried out at sea, most research methods do not contain adequate robustness to overcome the significant difficulties encountered in practical engineering applications.
  • 628
  • 23 May 2022
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