Topic Review
Windows Service
In Windows NT operating systems, a Windows service is a computer program that operates in the background. It is similar in concept to a Unix daemon. A Windows service must conform to the interface rules and protocols of the Service Control Manager, the component responsible for managing Windows services. It is the Services and Controller app, services.exe, that launches all the services and manages their actions, such as start, end, etc. Windows services can be configured to start when the operating system is started and run in the background as long as Windows is running. Alternatively, they can be started manually or by an event. Windows NT operating systems include numerous services which run in context of three user accounts: System, Network Service and Local Service. These Windows components are often associated with Host Process for Windows Services. Because Windows services operate in the context of their own dedicated user accounts, they can operate when a user is not logged on. Prior to Windows Vista, services installed as an "interactive service" could interact with Windows desktop and show a graphical user interface. In Windows Vista, however, interactive services are deprecated and may not operate properly, as a result of Windows Service hardening.
  • 648
  • 21 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Massive Open Online Courses
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) is generally recognized as one of the most recent developmental phases of open educational resources that have tremendously transformed higher education institutions and significantly minimized the spiraling costs of learning. It is reshaping the quality of teaching and learning experiences for students and it provides a wide diversity of high-quality courses and valuable learning materials for the diverse needs of students
  • 648
  • 14 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Studies on Bike-Sharing Systems
Cities are moving towards new mobility strategies to tackle smart cities’ challenges such as carbon emission reduction, urban transport multimodality and mitigation of pandemic hazards, emphasising on the implementation of shared modes, such as bike-sharing systems. 
  • 648
  • 19 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Use of Deep Learning for Video Classification
Deep learning models, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are well known for understanding images. An artificial neural network (ANN) is an algorithm based on interconnected nodes to recognize the relationships in a set of data. Algorithms based on ANNs have shown a great success in modeling both the lineßar and the non-linear relationships in the underlying data. Due to the huge success rate of these algorithms, they are extensively being used for different real-time applications.
  • 648
  • 15 May 2023
Topic Review
Communication in Distributed Software Development
Communication in Distributed Software Development is an area of study that considers communication processes and their effects when applied to software development in a globally distributed development process. The importance of communication and coordination in software development is widely studied and organizational communication studies these implications at an organizational level. This also applies to a setting where teams and team members work in separate physical locations. The imposed distance introduces new challenges in communication, which is no longer a face to face process, and may also be subjected to other constraints such as teams in opposing time zones with a small overlap in working hours. There are several reasons that force elements from the same project to work in geographically separated areas, ranging from different teams in the same company to outsourcing and offshoring, to which different constraints and necessities in communication apply. The added communication challenges result in the adoption of a wide range of different communication methods usually used in combination. They can either be in real time as in the case of a video conference, or in an asynchronous way such as email. While a video conference might allow the developers to be more efficient with regards to their time spent communicating, it is more difficult to accomplish when teams work in different time zones, in which case using an email or a messaging service might be more useful.
  • 647
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Latin-1 Supplement (Unicode Block)
The Latin-1 Supplement (also called C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement) is the second Unicode block in the Unicode standard. It encodes the upper range of ISO 8859-1: 80 (U+0080) - FF (U+00FF). Controls C1 (0080–009F) are not graphic. This block ranges from U+0080 to U+00FF, contains 128 characters and includes the C1 controls, Latin-1 punctuation and symbols, 30 pairs of majuscule and minuscule accented Latin characters and 2 mathematical operators. The C1 controls and Latin-1 Supplement block has been included in its present form, with the same character repertoire since version 1.0 of the Unicode Standard. Its block name in Unicode 1.0 was simply Latin1.
  • 647
  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
NASA Robots
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) robots are robotic devices used to aid, augment, or substitute for astronauts in order to do difficult or rote tasks such as repairs in dangerous environments (such as those with radiation or micrometeorite risks), routine procedures (video capture), etc.
  • 647
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Global Buddhist Network
The Global Buddhist Network (GBN), previously known as the Dhammakaya Media Channel (DMC) is a Thai online television channel concerned with Buddhism. The channel's taglines were "The secrets of life revealed" and "The only one", but these were later replaced by "Channel for the path to the cessation of suffering and attainment of Dhamma". The channel features many types of programs with Buddhist content, and has programs in several languages. The channel started in 2002, as a means to reach remote provinces in Thailand. Controversially, the channel made international headlines in 2012 when it featured a teaching on the afterlife of Steve Jobs. On 26 December 2016, Thai authorities withdrew the permit for the satellite channel permanently, during the legal investigations into the temple by the Thai junta. In April 2017, it was reported, however, that the channel's programming had continued, but broadcast through the Internet only. In its online format, the channel has been renamed Global Buddhist Network.
  • 646
  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
AI Revolution in Digital Finance in Saudi Arabia
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become widespread, driven by abundant daily data production and increased computing power. It finds applications across various sectors, including transportation, education, healthcare, banking, and finance. The financial industry, in particular, is rapidly adopting AI to achieve significant cost savings. AI has the potential to revolutionize financial services by offering tailored, faster, and more cost-effective solutions. Saudi Arabia is emerging as a growing market in this field, emphasizing technology-driven institutions. Despite gaining prominence and government support, AI has yet to play a crucial role in improving the efficiency of financial transactions.
  • 646
  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Empowered Echocardiography Interpretation
Echocardiography (Echo), a widely available, noninvasive, and portable bedside imaging tool, is the most frequently used imaging modality in assessing cardiac anatomy and function in clinical practice. Artificial-intelligence-empowered echo (AI-Echo) can potentially reduce inter-interpreter variability and indeterminate assessment and improve the detection of unique conditions as well as the management of various cardiac disorders.
  • 646
  • 28 Apr 2021
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