Topic Review
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)-Based Biosensor
Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensors are being fabricated for specific detection of biomolecules or changes in the microenvironment. FRET is a non-radiative transfer of energy from an excited donor fluorophore molecule to a nearby acceptor fluorophore molecule. In a FRET-based biosensor, the donor and acceptor molecules are typically fluorescent proteins or fluorescent nanomaterials such as quantum dots (QDs) or small molecules that are engineered to be in close proximity to each other. When the biomolecule of interest is present, it can cause a change in the distance between the donor and acceptor, leading to a change in the efficiency of FRET and a corresponding change in the fluorescence intensity of the acceptor. This change in fluorescence can be used to detect and quantify the biomolecule of interest.
  • 770
  • 18 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Big Data Analytics Applications and Opportunities
Big data applications and analytics are vital in proposing ultimate strategic decisions. The existing literature emphasizes that big data applications and analytics can empower those who apply Big Data Analytics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 770
  • 27 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Zermelo's Theorem (Game Theory)
In game theory, Zermelo's theorem is a theorem about finite two-person games of perfect information in which the players move alternately and in which chance does not affect the decision making process. It says that if the game cannot end in a draw, then one of the two players must have a winning strategy (i.e. can force a win). An alternate statement is that for a game meeting all of these conditions except the condition that a draw is now possible, then either the first-player can force a win, or the second-player can force a win, or both players can force a draw. The theorem is named after Ernst Zermelo, a German mathematician and logician, who proved the theorem for the example game of chess in 1913.
  • 769
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Context-Based and Adaptive Cybersecurity Risk Management Framework
Organizations are faced with a variety of cyber-threats and are possibly challenged by a wide range of cyber-attacks of varying frequency, complexity, and impact. However, they can do something to prevent, or at least mitigate, these cyber-attacks by first understanding and addressing their common problems regarding cybersecurity culture, developing a cyber-risk management plan, and devising a more proactive and collaborative approach that is suitable according to their organization context.
  • 769
  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Heterogeneous Relation
In mathematics, a heterogeneous relation is a binary relation, a subset of a Cartesian product A × B, where A and B are distinct sets. The prefix hetero is from the Greek ἕτερος (heteros, "other, another, different"). A heterogeneous relation has been called a rectangular relation, suggesting that it does not have the square-symmetry of a homogeneous relation on a set where A = B. Commenting on the development of binary relations beyond homogeneous relations, researchers wrote, "...a variant of the theory has evolved that treats relations from the very beginning as heterogeneous or rectangular, i.e. as relations where the normal case is that they are relations between different sets." Developments in algebraic logic have facilitated usage of binary relations. The calculus of relations includes the algebra of sets, extended by composition of relations and the use of converse relations. The inclusion R ⊆ S, meaning that aRb implies aSb, sets the scene in a lattice of relations. But since [math]\displaystyle{ P \subseteq Q \equiv (P \cap \bar{Q} = \varnothing ) \equiv (P \cap Q = P), }[/math] the inclusion symbol is superfluous. Nevertheless, composition of relations and manipulation of the operators according to Schröder rules, provides a calculus to work in the power set of A × B. In contrast to homogeneous relations, the composition of relations operation is only a partial function. The necessity of matching range to domain of composed relations has led to the suggestion that the study of heterogeneous relations is a chapter of category theory as in the category of sets, except that the morphisms of this category are relations. The objects of the category Rel are sets, and the relation-morphisms compose as required in a category.
  • 769
  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Augmented Reality in Professional Training
Professional training is defined as a set of behaviors and acts with the purpose of increasing the employees’ professional skills to carry out a particular job in a better manner. Such a definition highlights three important features of professional training. First, its purpose is educational, which focuses on employee development (e.g., skill acquisition and knowledge growth) rather than performance improvement. Augmented reality (AR) is defined as a technology-enhanced environment where virtual objects (augmented components) can be overlaid into the real world. Azuma (1997) identified three technical features of AR: a combination of the real and virtual world, real-time interaction, and accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects.
  • 768
  • 27 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Pathology
Tissue Biomarkers are information written in the tissue and used in Pathology to recognize specific subsets of patients with diagnostic, prognostic or predictive purposes, thus representing the key elements of Personalized Medicine. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to further reinforce the role of Pathology in the scenario of Personalized Medicine: AI-based devices are expected to standardize the evaluation of tissue biomarkers and also to discover novel information, which would otherwise be ignored by human review, and use them to make specific predictions. 
  • 768
  • 05 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Monkey X
Monkey X is a high-level programming language designed for video game development for many different platforms, including desktop and laptop computers, mobile phones, tablets, and video game consoles. The language itself is an object-oriented dialect of BASIC, which the compiler translates into native source code for several target platforms. The resulting code is then compiled normally. Currently the official target platforms include: Windows (Including the Windows 8 store), OS X, Linux, Xbox 360, Android, iOS, among others. Community-driven, user-made targets have also been created, some notable user-targets include: MonkeyMax (BlitzMax), Monkey-Python (Python), and a Nintendo DS target. Monkey X's main implementation (compiler), and a number of official modules are open source. Monkey X's main application/game framework, Mojo, is partially commercial. The compiler and most of the official modules can be found on GitHub. Monkey is also distributed in several compiled binary forms from its official website (registration required, to build the compiler). For details, see: Mojo (framework), and Game targets (technical).
  • 768
  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Inventory (Library)
Inventories are the one method that libraries use to determine whether some items in their collection are in need of preservation or conservation activities. A modern inventory might involve examining item by item with a barcode scanner and a laptop, with the objective of adjusting bibliographic and item records in theirs and OCLC's WorldCat databases. Using a laptop and handheld bar code reader will “reduce human error and inconsistencies, while helping to maintain staff concentration and enthusiasm for the project”. Print materials in the digital age, though dramatically decreased in size compared to e-print materials, are still valuable components of a library's collection. Increasing print material's accessibility, and reducing user frustration, make the inventory process an effective tool in improving library service quality. “When library users are unable to find materials in the expected locations, they lose confidence in the library catalog as well as in the library itself”. Missing or mislabeled books have a direct impact on the quality of library services. Maintaining the stacks through inventories and shelf reading can mitigate staff time lost searching for missing or mislabeled items. Libraries have thousands of books; large academic libraries may have millions of books;. Doing an annual (or less frequent) physical inventory with the laying on of hands on each individual item may not be practical for several reasons. It may not be financially feasible, employees required may not have extra time to devote to such an inventory, and there are no financial rewards for the Library for completing an inventory. Problems that are discovered (books in need of repurchase, rebinding, repair, or digitization) may require solutions that are expensive and labor-intensive. Because of these restraints, inventories may not take place for decades, if ever, at large academic institutions. By contrast, complete inventories are often a regular part of the school library media specialist's job at K-12 institutions, where inventory may be a legal requirement that shows that the libraries are accountable for the money they have spent throughout the year. Checking for lost books and materials can be similarly compared to auditing. However, there are alternative options to performing a complete inventory, such as performing a selective inventory. Selective inventory can be performed by circumstance or by data prediction. Physical space is a premium in libraries. Inventorying mini collections before relocating them to their new location presents the library with an opportunity to perform a selective inventory project. An alternative to opportunistic selective inventory projects is Kohl's (1982) assertion that circulation statistics, book search statistics, and ILL statistics can be useful tools in identifying areas as possible selective inventory areas. He writes, “areas in need of an inventory can be identified through the use of predictive data”. Once the objectives for accuracy and methods of measuring have been established “the criteria need to be quantified. An overall measure of the inventory accuracy should be maintained as a management key performance indicator”.
  • 767
  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Databases in Metabolomics
Metabolomics has advanced from innovation and functional genomics tools and is currently a basis in the big data-led precision medicine era. Metabolomics is promising in the pharmaceutical field and clinical research.
  • 766
  • 27 Oct 2022
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