Topic Review
Two-Stage Sustainable Supply Chain Networks
Supply chain networks have emerged as the backbone of economic activities in the modern world. Most of the literature on the optimization problem of transportation in supply chain networks (SCNs) considers fixed costs (FCs).
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  • 07 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Types of Aluminium Matrix Composites
Al alloy has very attractive properties required in the production of aerospace, automotive, electrical and electronic, sports and recreational components/equipment. Its low strength and low wear resistance have challenged its applications in some other critical industrial utilities. Nonetheless, the invention of metal composites has removed such barriers. The addition of one or more reinforcements to Al has helped in the creation of aluminium matrix composites (AMCs), which has not only increased the global utilization of Al alloy, but has been a major source of global revenue and job. 
  • 3.4K
  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Types of High-Temperature Fixed-Bed Particle Solar Receivers
Among a large number of receivers, the fixed-bed Particle Solar Receiver (PSR) represents a new pathway to high temperature with maximum overall thermal efficiency. The incoming solar radiation can penetrate deeper into the fixed-bed PSR filled with semi-transparent quartz and ceramic particles (spheres or Raschig rings), resulting in an increased volumetric effect. The semi-transparent PSR is full of the quartz glass spheres and/or quartz glass Raschig rings with smooth surfaces for high-temperature applications. The opaque PSR utilizes the ceramic material (e.g., silicon carbide, zirconium oxide and aluminium oxide) or a high-temperature alloy as heating particles. The mixed PSR is defined as a PSR that is full of mixed particles with various optical performances, namely, some quartz glass particles and other opaque particles.
  • 270
  • 06 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Ultrasound and HPP to Control Fruit Enzymatic Browning
Polyphenoloxidase (PPO) is an endogenous enzyme, which is naturally present in plant tissues, and it has also been referred to as polyphenol oxidase, catechol oxidase, tyrosinase, phenolase, catecholase, and o-diphenol oxidase. It is an oxidoreductase-copper-containing metalloprotein, which catalyses the degradation of phenolic fruit constituents to o-quinones in the presence of oxygen. The combination of ultrasound with temperature, and high pressure processing (HPP) with temperature to inactivate polyphenoloxidase enzyme in three fruits (pear, apple and strawberry) was investigated and compared with PPO inactivation exclusively by a thermal process. 
  • 625
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Unmanned Ground Vehicles
Unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) have great potential in the application of both civilian and military fields, and have become the focus of research in many countries. Environmental perception technology is the foundation of UGVs, which is of great significance to achieve a safer and more efficient performance.
  • 3.0K
  • 22 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Updated Principles of Sustainable Engineering
Sustainable engineering refers to the integration of social, environmental, and economic considerations into product, process, and energy system design methods. Additionally, sustainable engineering encourages the consideration of the complete product and process lifecycle during the design effort. 
  • 8.3K
  • 24 Jun 2022
Topic Review
UX in AR-Supported Industrial Human–Robot Collaborative Tasks
The fourth industrial revolution is promoting the Operator 4.0 paradigm, originating from a renovated attention towards human factors, growingly involved in the design of modern, human-centered processes. New technologies, such as augmented reality or collaborative robotics are thus increasingly studied and progressively applied to solve the modern operators’ needs. Human-centered design approaches can help to identify user’s needs and functional requirements, solving usability issues, or reducing cognitive or physical stress. 
  • 501
  • 14 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Vegetable Oils as Lubricants
Vegetable oils have been used as metalworking fluids (MWFs) for many years, particularly in small-scale metalworking operations and in industries where environmental regulations are strict. Before the development of modern MWFs, vegetable oils were one of the most common lubricants used for metalworking tools. The use of vegetable oils can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where olive oil was commonly used to lubricate metal tools and weapons. 
  • 3.1K
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Vehicle Routing Problem
With the expansion of online shopping, urban logistics must handle the increasing customer demand, making the last-mile delivery process more challenging. Furthermore, this expansion significantly contributes to companies’ distribution costs. To overcome some of the last-mile delivery costs, parcel lockers-as a delivery option-can be an alternative solution. Parcel lockers extend delivery options beyond home delivery, offering cost-saving benefits. However, incorporating multiple delivery options introduces additional complexity to the delivery management system.
  • 215
  • 18 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Vehicle Routing Problem and Its Variants
The VRP solution revolves around finding a route plan, that is, a set of routes associated with a fleet of vehicles, which implies low costs associated with time, fuel, total distance traveled, and labor charges. 
  • 1.1K
  • 28 Sep 2023
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