Topic Review
Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a key performance indicator used to measure equipment productivity. The purpose of this study is to review and analyze the evolution of OEE, present modifications made over the original model and identify future development areas.
  • 1.9K
  • 12 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Smart Manufacturing Systems
Smart Manufacturing is considered as a new paradigm that make work smarter and more connected, bringing speed and flexibility through the introduction of digital innovation. Today, digital innovation is closely linked to the “sustainability” of companies. Digital innovation and sustainability are two inseparable principles which are based on the concept of circular economy. Digital innovation enables circular economy model promoting the use of solutions like digital platforms, smart devices, artificial intelligence that help to optimize resources. Thus, the purpose of the research is to present a systematic literature review on what enabling technologies can promote new circular business models.
  • 969
  • 11 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Fly Ash
Fly ash or coal fly ash causes major global pollution in the form of solid waste and is classified as a “hazardous waste”, which is a by-product of thermal power plants produced during electricity production. Si, Al, Fe Ca, and Mg alone form more than 85% of the chemical compounds and glasses of most fly ashes. Fly ash has a chemical composition of 70–90%, as well as glasses of ferrous, alumina, silica, and CaO. Therefore, fly ash could act as a reliable and alternative source for ferrous, alumina, and silica. The ferrous fractions can be recovered by a simple magnetic separation method, while alumina and silica can be extracted by chemical or biological approaches. Alumina extraction is possible using both alkali- and acid-based methods, while silica is extracted by strong alkali, such as NaOH. Chemical extraction has a higher yield than the biological approaches, but the bio-based approaches are more environmentally friendly. Fly ash can also be used for the synthesis of zeolites by NaOH treatment of variable types, as fly ash is rich in alumino-silicates. The present review work deals with the recent advances in the field of the recovery and synthesis of ferrous, alumina, and silica micro and nanoparticles from fly ash.
  • 4.6K
  • 06 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Room Temperature Sodium Sulfur Batteries
Lithium metal batteries have achieved large-scale application, but still have limitations such as poor safety performance and high cost, and limited lithium resources limit the production of lithium batteries. The construction of these devices is also hampered by limited lithium supplies. Therefore, it is particularly important to find alternative metals for lithium replacement. Sodium has the properties of rich in content, low cost and ability to provide high voltage, which makes it an ideal substitute for lithium. Sulfur-based materials have attributes of high energy density, high theoretical specific capacity and are easily oxidized. They may be used as cathodes matched with sodium anodes to form a sodium-sulfur battery. Traditional sodium-sulfur batteries are used at a temperature of about 300 °C. In order to solve problems associated with flammability, explosiveness and energy loss caused by high-temperature use conditions, most research is now focused on the development of room temperature sodium-sulfur batteries. Regardless of safety performance or energy storage performance, room temperature sodium-sulfur batteries have great potential as next-generation secondary batteries. This article summarizes the working principle and existing problems for room temperature sodium-sulfur battery, and summarizes the methods necessary to solve key scientific problems to improve the comprehensive energy storage performance of sodium-sulfur battery from four aspects: cathode, anode, electrolyte and separator.
  • 1.7K
  • 06 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Carbon Quantum Dots
Carbon dots have gained tremendous interest attributable to their unique features. Two approaches are involved in the fabrication of quantum dots (Top-down and Bottom-up). Most of the synthesis methods are usually multistep, required harsh conditions, and costly carbon sources that may have a toxic effect, therefore green synthesis is more preferable. Herein, the current review presents the green synthesis of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) and graphene quantum dots 
  • 1.3K
  • 06 Apr 2021
Topic Review
High-Voltage Film Capacitors
High-voltage capacitors are key components for circuit breakers and monitoring and protection devices, and are important elements used to improve the efficiency and reliability of the grid. Different technologies are used in high-voltage capacitor manufacturing process, and at all stages of this process polymeric films must be used, along with an encapsulating material, which can be either liquid, solid or gaseous.
  • 792
  • 24 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Manufacturing Scheduling
The recent advances in technology and the demand for highly customized products have been forcing manufacturing companies to adapt and develop new solutions in order to become more dynamic and flexible to face the changing markets. Manufacturing scheduling plays a core role in this adaptation since it is crucial to ensure that all operations and processes are running on time in the factory.
  • 502
  • 18 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Supply Chain Management in Pandemics
Pandemics cause chaotic situations in supply chains (SC) around the globe, which can lead towards survivability challenges. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that has severely affected global business dynamics. Similar vulnerabilities have been caused by other outbreaks in the past. In these terms, prevention strategies against propagating disruptions require vigilant goal conceptualization and roadmaps. In this respect, there is a need to explore supply chain operation management strategies to overcome the challenges that emerge due to COVID-19-like situations. 
  • 724
  • 16 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Sensor-Based Smart Factory
Smart factories have modern sensor technology, intelligent analytical programs, and networking components of production (machines, supplies, components, final products, equipment, etc.). Smart factories are a new way of organizing production. Their goal is to better serve customers through greater production flexibility and resource optimisation.
  • 1.5K
  • 16 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Abrasive Water-Jet Machining
Abrasive water jet machining (AWJM) is a very useful non-conventional machining for the cutting of dissimilar materials at once. It is a flexible process that generates low thermal damage to the machined surface as there is no continuous tool-material con- tact along the machining process. Compared to conventional processes such as milling, abrasive particles are used in water jet machining. These particles have cutting edges that allow the machining of the material by overlapping of small impacts that deform the material. At each instant, a quantity of abrasive particles travels in the water jet in order to perform the cut.
  • 10.9K
  • 24 Feb 2021
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