Topic Review
Available Travel Planning Applications Supporting Public Transport Users
Nowadays, there are many available applications supporting travelling around the city, but how does one choose the ones that will be the most useful and convenient for daily trips to destinations such as work, study or leisure. The applications will provide information on how to get from one place to another, what means of transport to use, how long the journey will take, what the travel cost will be, when the tram, bus, metro or train will arrive, the current location of the means of transport, etc. Some applications also offer the possibility of buying tickets, renting a car, a moped or an electric scooter. The most commonly used travel planning applications include: E-podróżnik, Google Maps, Jakdojade,, Mobile MPK, Moovit, myBus online, Transportoid.
  • 637
  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Battery Management System Subsystems and Their Influence
As the battery provides the entire propulsion power in electric vehicles (EVs), the utmost importance should be ascribed to the battery management system (BMS) which controls all the activities associated with the battery. 
  • 7.7K
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Blockchain Integration in Vehicle-to-Everything and IoT for Transportation
As smart transportation systems evolve, secure and efficient Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication between vehicles and infrastructure becomes crucial. A Vehicle-to-Blockchain (V2B) communication architecture is introduced, leveraging blockchain technology for transparent and decentralized interactions. Researchers' contributes to the integration of blockchain into V2X and IoT for next-generation transportation systems. Researchers propose several novel blockchain use cases, including a blockchain-based vehicle ownership system based on the multi-token standard, a vehicle scoring system, blockchain-IoT integration, and a decentralized ticket management system for transportation services. The architecture addresses key aspects such as data integration, validity, secure messaging, and introduces a decentralized payment system and marketplace for transportation in smart cities. Researchers specifically emphasize the technical implementation of smart contracts for these use cases, underscoring their role in ensuring robust and reliable interactions. Through decentralized approach, researchers pave the way for a transformative transportation ecosystem that is adaptable, resilient, and capable of meeting the evolving needs of smart cities.
  • 472
  • 29 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Blockchain Overview
Blockchain technology integrates a hash algorithm, digital signature, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and other existing technologies, so it is characterized by anti-fraud, traceability, security, and trust. Supply chain refers to the network chain structure formed by upstream and downstream enterprises involved in the activities of providing products or services to end users in the process of production and circulation. 
  • 630
  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Brass Era Car
The Brass Era is an American term for the early period of automotive manufacturing, named for the prominent brass fittings used during this time for such things as lights and radiators. It is generally considered to encompass 1896 through 1915, a time when these vehicles were often referred to as horseless carriages. Elsewhere in the world this period would be considered by antique car enthusiasts to consist of the veteran (pre-1904), and Edwardian eras, although these terms are really not meaningful outside the former British Empire.
  • 1.1K
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
The popularity of bicycles as a mode of transportation has been steadily increasing. However, concerns about cyclist safety persist due to a need for comprehensive data. This data scarcity hinders accurate assessment of bicycle safety and identification of factors that contribute to the occurrence and severity of bicycle collisions in urban environments. The BSafe-360, a novel multi-sensor device designed as a data acquisition system (DAS) for collecting naturalistic cycling data, which provides a high granularity of cyclist behavior and interactions with other road users.
  • 278
  • 07 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Bus Scheduling with Evolutionary Optimization
In public transport operations, vehicles tend to bunch together due to the instability of passenger demand and traffic conditions. Fluctuation of the expected waiting times of passengers at bus stops due to bus bunching is perceived as service unreliability and degrades the overall quality of service. For assessing the performance of high-frequency bus services, transportation authorities monitor the daily operations via Transit Management Systems (TMS) that collect vehicle positioning information in near real-time. This work explores the potential of using Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) data from the running vehicles for generating bus schedules that improve the service reliability and conform to various regulatory constraints. The computer-aided generation of optimal bus schedules is a tedious task due to the nonlinear and multi-variable nature of the bus scheduling problem. For this reason, this work develops a two-level approach where (i) the regulatory constraints are satisfied and (ii) the waiting times of passengers are optimized with the introduction of an evolutionary algorithm. This work also discusses the experimental results from the implementation of such an approach in a bi-directional bus line operated by a major bus operator in northern Europe.
  • 2.1K
  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Bus Service Quality Risk Evaluation in Bangkok
The daily activities of people who live in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region, especially those who do not own personal vehicles, are supported by public transportation as an intermediary to link almost all such activities. As a result, public transit is unavoidably important and connected to their everyday lives.
  • 385
  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Car-Free Day on a University Campus
Intensive car use is associated with serious damage to the environment, human health and the economy. It has a great impact on climate change as passenger cars account for nearly half of the worldwide carbon dioxide emissions from the transport sector. Locally, it is a major source of air pollution—mainly from nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter emissions, which causes hundreds of thousands premature deaths every year. Moreover, the growing number of cars in urban areas increases congestion and traffic accidents, decreases citizens’ quality of life and brings about considerable economic losses. Although recent research has indicated that car use has reached its peak and has begun a downward trajectory, there are still major concerns about other issues such as improvements in fuel consumption, the pace of electric vehicle adoption and the increasing demand for heavier and more polluting vehicles. More recently, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, tight circulation restrictions significantly reduced the average distance traveled by car. However, post-pandemic trends in car use are uncertain as the combined result of widespread disruptions in public transit, increased substitution of traveling by teleactivities and the rise of active transport remains unclear.
  • 490
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Charging Technology for Battery Electric Buses
The charging infrastructure has a key role in the implementation of battery electric buses (BEBs) in cities. BEBs only use off-board chargers, whereas the PEC to convert the three-phase AC power from the grid into DC power to charge the battery is located outside the BEB. These chargers allow higher charging power levels because they are not restricted in size and weight. Furthermore, since the driving range of a BEB is limited, a specific charging concept and interface is required to keep the BEB running during the day. This entry gives an overview of the existing charging interfaces and concepts and charger and PEC topologies to provide a reliable and efficient charging behavior.
  • 6.5K
  • 18 Nov 2021
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