Topic Review
BIM-Based Repair History Management for Architectural Heritage
Wooden architectural heritage, which is typically heavily influenced by climatic factors such as temperature and humidity, relies on information contained in records and reports, including past repairs and physical measurements, to analyze the cause of damage and determine potential repair and conservation measures.
  • 228
  • 21 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Game Theory Models to Support Manufacturing Systems
Game theory is a branch of mathematics that studies strategic decision making in situations where multiple agents interact with each other. It provides a framework for analyzing and predicting the behavior of players in competitive and cooperative scenarios. Game theory is a powerful tool for analyzing strategic decision making in various contexts.
  • 128
  • 20 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Energy-Efficient Driving
The transportation sector remains a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. The understanding of energy-efficient driving behaviors and utilization of energy-efficient driving strategies are essential to reduce vehicles’ fuel consumption. However, there is no comprehensive investigation into energy-efficient driving behaviors and strategies. Furthermore, many state-of-the-art AI models have been applied for the analysis of eco-friendly driving styles, but no overview is available.
  • 163
  • 19 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Giant Armadillo Optimization
A new bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithm called Giant Armadillo Optimization (GAO) is introduced, which imitates the natural behavior of giant armadillo in the wild. The fundamental inspiration in the design of GAO is derived from the hunting strategy of giant armadillos in moving towards prey positions and digging termite mounds.
  • 217
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Micro-Grid Communication Protocols and Standards
A microgrid is a comprehensive system that includes energy storage, different energy sources, and loads within a certain boundary. It functions seamlessly, whether it is linked to, or works independently from, the main electrical grid, ensuring a consistent power supply. Microgrids consist of distributed energy resources (DER) and loads, which may be located in one place or spread throughout an electrical distribution network.
  • 515
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Machine Learning, Mechatronics, and Stretch Forming
The complexity of machine learning, mechatronics, and stretching forming is well known. Combining them was, is, and will be a necessity as they are closely interconnected disciplines within the field of manufacturing. It is a fact that in any industry, high productivity is achieved with the use of automated manufacturing processes. Intensive work was conducted throughout the year, and extraordinary techniques, equipment, and processes were upgraded or developed. Nevertheless, there are still issues that require optimal solutions.
  • 243
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Line Feature, Vanishing Points and Manhattan World Analysis
In conventional point-line visual inertial odometry systems under indoor environment, consideration of spatial position recovery and line feature classification can improve localization accuracy. A monocular visual inertial odometry based on structured and unstructured line features of vanishing points is proposed. First, degeneracy phenomenon caused by special geometric relationship between epipoles and line features is analyzed in process of triangulation, and a degeneracy detection strategy is designed to determine the location of the epipoles. Then, considering the property that vanishing point and epipole coincide at infinity, vanishing point feature is introduced to solve the degeneracy and direction vector optimization problem of line features. Finally, threshold constraints are used to categorize straight lines into structural and non-structural features under the Manhattan world assumption, and the vanishing point measurement model is added to the sliding window for joint optimization. Comparative tests on the EuRoC and TUM-VI public datasets validated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
  • 165
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Biofuel Vehicles
Biofuels and bioenergy are produced by processing biomass, or organic matter, from plants, crops, and their waste products. Biofuel can displace fuels made from petroleum because it comes from renewable sources. The only alternative energy source that can provide liquid fuels to take the place of fossil fuels is bioenergy. Biofuels are a viable alternative to meet future demand while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental effects.
  • 601
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Reducing Carbon Emissions from Prefabricated Decoration in China
Since decoration is an essential part of buildings, the carbon emissions generated by decoration work should not be ignored. Prefabricated decoration has attracted much attention as efforts are made to pursue green, low-carbon, and waste-reducing buildings. Prefabricated decoration is characterized by the pre-manufacturing of building decoration elements in the factory, which are later assembled on-site. One of the primary advantages of this method is the utilization of eco-friendly materials that substantially reduce the environmental footprint of construction projects. These materials are selected for their sustainability, durability, and lower carbon emissions, supporting the global shift towards environmentally responsible building practices.
  • 210
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing
The manufacturing industry often faces challenges related to customer satisfaction, system degradation, product sustainability, inventory, and operation management. If not addressed, these challenges can be substantially harmful and costly for the sustainability of manufacturing plants. Paradigms, e.g., Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, provide effective and innovative solutions, aiming at managing manufacturing operations, and controlling the quality of completed goods offered to the customers.
  • 154
  • 18 Mar 2024
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