Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence and Solar Forecasting
Solar energy forecasting is essential for the effective integration of solar power into electricity grids and the optimal management of renewable energy resources.
  • 238
  • 28 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence Applied to Variable Renewable Energy Systems
The development directions of artificial intelligence (AI) for variable renewable energy (VRE) are of paramount importance in navigating the challenges and optimizing the utilization of renewable energy sources. As the global energy landscape undergoes a transformative shift towards increased reliance on VRE, AI offers strategic avenues to enhance the efficiency, dependability, and eco-sustainability of these systems. The integration of AI methodologies in VRE management addresses complexities related to data quality, model transparency, and system optimization. The burgeoning digitalization of energy supplies, coupled with the dynamic nature of VRE, necessitates innovative solutions to harness the full potential of renewable sources. AI has the potential to contribute significantly to overcoming inherent challenges, not only paving the way for improved energy forecasting, distribution, and system control but also through fostering a more sustainable and resilient energy paradigm in line with the demands of a rapidly evolving global climate and energy landscape.
  • 275
  • 18 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence Approach of Hosting Capacity Analysis
Distribution network operators face technical and operational challenges in integrating the increasing number of distributed energy resources (DER) with the distribution network. The hosting capacity analysis quantifies the level of DER penetration on the network without violating power supply qualities, such as over voltage, under voltage, transformer and feeder overloading, and protection failures that may be caused due to the high penetration of the DER. Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques could be a useful tool for quantifying the hosting capacity of the network, real-time monitoring of the DER and network parameters and ensuring quality power supply to the consumers.
  • 487
  • 27 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence Enabled Chemical Process Intensification
An overview of the application of AI techniques is provided, in particular machine learning, in chemical design, synthesis, and process optimization over the past years. The application of AI for structure-function relationship analysis, synthetic route planning, and automated synthesis is highly highlighted. 
  • 640
  • 15 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence for Hydrogen Storage Vessels Design
Hydrogen is a potential candidate to replace fossil fuels for transport applications, with three technologies considered for the onboard storage of hydrogen: storage in the form of a compressed gas, storage as a cryogenic liquid, and storage as a solid. These technologies are now competing to meet the requirements of vehicle manufacturers; each has its own unique challenges that must be understood to direct future research and development efforts. 
  • 900
  • 27 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence for Smart Grids in Smart Manufacturing
Smart manufacturing is not only beneficial to optimize product manufacturing processes with minimum costs, but also conducts product life cycle management to reduce energy consumption. Sustainable and smart manufacturing involves improving the efficiency and environmental sustainability of various manufacturing operations such as resource allocation, data collecting and monitoring, and process control. 
  • 517
  • 04 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Aviation: NextGen for NextTech
The rapid advancement and adoption of artificial intelligence technologies are fundamentally transforming the landscape of the aviation industry. From flight planning to aircraft maintenance, AI-driven tools like machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision are being integrated across nearly every aspect of modern aviation. While AI innovation holds great promise for augmenting human capabilities and enhancing safety and efficiency, it also poses new challenges for aviation education and training. This paradigm shift requires aviation professionals to possess competencies in emerging technologies and their applications in order to be effective in increasingly AI-mediated work environments. An analytical methodology and competency framework is provided to help educators address this gap. Producing graduates equipped with AI literacy and collaboration skills will be key to aviation’s intelligent future.
  • 286
  • 24 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient Diagnosis
Portal hypertension is a complex medical condition characterized by elevated blood pressure in the portal venous system. The conventional diagnosis of such disease often involves invasive procedures such as liver biopsy, endoscopy, or imaging techniques with contrast agents, which can be uncomfortable for patients and carry inherent risks. Deep neural networks can serve as useful auxiliary diagnostic tools, aiding healthcare professionals in making timely and accurate decisions for patients suspected of having portal hypertension.
  • 176
  • 24 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Microgrid Control and Safety
Cyber attacks in microgrid systems not only cause issues with data integrity and confidentiality, but cause huge economic losses. Communication of sensor and operational data between each node is essential to attain the efficient operation of microgrid systems. Therefore, monitoring and analyzing the data continuously plays a major role in attaining data integrity. This becomes challenging when the attack is made at the device level rather than the network level. In this scenario, the basic network-level security used in the classical CPS fails to identify the attacks.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) can detect and mitigate cyber attacks.
  • 402
  • 07 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in Nondestructive Evaluation
Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques are used in many industries to evaluate the properties of components and inspect for flaws and anomalies in structures without altering the part’s integrity or causing damage to the component being tested. This includes monitoring materials’ condition (Material State Awareness (MSA)) and health of structures (Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)). NDE techniques are highly valuable tools to help prevent potential losses and hazards arising from the failure of a component while saving time and cost by not compromising its future usage. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques are useful tools which can help automating data collection and analyses, providing new insights, and potentially improving detection performance in a quick and low effort manner with great cost savings. 
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  • 01 Jul 2022
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