Topic Review
Friction-plate Electromagnetic Couplings
Electromagnetic clutches and brakes operate electrically, but transmit torque mechanically. This is why they used to be referred to as electro-mechanical clutches or brakes. Over the years, EM became known as electromagnetic versus electro mechanical, referring more about their actuation method versus physical operation. Since the clutches started becoming popular over 60 years ago, the variety of applications and brake and clutch designs has increased dramatically, but the basic operation remains the same. This article is about the working principles of single face friction plate clutches and brakes. In this article, clutches and brakes are referred to as (mechanical) couplings.
  • 520
  • 07 Oct 2022
Topic Review
From 5G to 6G
As the deployment of 5G mobile radio networks gains momentum across the globe, the wireless research community is already planning the successor of 5G.
  • 1.5K
  • 29 Apr 2022
Topic Review
From 5G to Beyond
The histrionic growth of mobile subscribers, disruptive ecosystems such as IoT-based applications, and astounding channel capacity requirements to connect trillions of devices are massive challenges of the earlier mobile generations, 5G turned up the key solution.
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  • 26 May 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
From Bioinspiration to Biomimicry in Architecture: Opportunities and Challenges
The term “bioinspiration” defines a creative approach based on the observation of biological principles and transfer to design. Biomimicry is the recent approach, which describes a large field of scientific and technical activities dealing with an interdisciplinary cooperation between biology and other fields with the goal of solving practical problems addressing innovation or sustainable development. Architecture has been influenced by many aspects of natural and social sciences, among these, biology is currently blending into design activities. Bioinspiration has evolved and shifted architectural practices towards numerous innovative approaches through different bioarchitectural movements from the past until the present. However, there is a blur of biomimicry within bioinspiration in architecture between the direct copy of mere natural forms and the true understanding of biological principles, which is the pivot of sustainable development. The main challenge remains in the gap between the profound knowledge of biology, its related scientific fields and the creative process of architectural design, including cross-disciplinary collaboration between architects and biologists. This entry presents main bioarchitectural movements and how it leads to today’s biomimicry. It proposes to define biomimicry methodologies and how this approach applies to architectural design contexts through the study of existing case studies. The opportunities, challenges and the future outlook of the field will also be discussed.
  • 1.3K
  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
From Shallow to Deep Bioprocess Hybrid Modeling
Hybrid neural network (HNN)  modeling is the combination of artificial neural networks (ANNs) with prior knowledge in a mathematical framework. There are two main approaches to incorporating prior knowledge: design and training methods. Design approaches use prior knowledge to define the network structure, while training approaches use it to guide parameter estimation. Both approaches reduce data dependency, making models less sensitive to sparse and noisy data, and improving their descriptive and predictive capabilities compared to pure ANNs. HNNs are a powerful tool for understanding complex processes like bioprocesses and accelerating product development. Bioprocess modeling is challenging due to nonlinearity, dynamics, and uncertainty. Traditional models based on physical and chemical laws can be overly simplistic or hard to calibrate. Data-driven ANN models lack interpretability and generalization. HNNs combine the strengths of both approaches, enhancing the accuracy, robustness, and efficiency of bioprocess modeling by integrating prior knowledge with ANNs.
  • 255
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Frost on Plant Surfaces
Frost on plant surfaces, refers to a natural phenomenon in which the water vapor close to the plant canopy is cooled to the frost point by the effect of radiant cooling from ground and solidifies into white crystals on plant surfaces.
  • 469
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Froth Flotation
Froth flotation is an important operation for the recovery of valuable minerals in the mining industry. The essence of flotation processes lies in the interactions between particles and bubbles, which can be categorized into three successive sub-processes which are bubble-particle collision, attachment and detachment. These three sub-processes determine the overall performance of flotation processes for treating a particular ore.
  • 1.1K
  • 24 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Froth Washing in Flotation
Froth flotation is a mineral processing technique that is popular when processing low-grade ores. It involves introducing chemically treated, finely ground ore in the form of a slurry into a flotation cell where the air is also added in the form of bubbles. The cell is agitated resulting in the air bubbles rising to the top and creating a froth, as bubbles rise, hydrophilic particles attach to the rising bubbles creating a froth which is collected in the weir or using launders for further treatment. The froth is washed using various froth-washing techniques to reduce entrainment and improve the grade of the froth. Froth washing can be achieved using froth washing jets or froth washing trays, this can be achieved internally/externally with regards to the position in the froth layer.
  • 1.4K
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Frugal Engineering
Frugal innovations are all the rage! With their genesis at grassroots levels of society, these products have evolved into Advanced Frugal Innovations (AFIs) possessing good technological sophistication. Many advanced frugal products need cutting edge research other than routine science and technology for their fruition. Frugal engineering is an important tool for tackling the challenges thrown by climate-change and other planetary and manmade crises of our time.  Frugal engineering is significant for all-round sustainable development.  Frugal engineering will increasingly impact all human endeavours, both commercial and public, for widespread sustainable development. Instances include, but not limited to, UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), pandemic-related efforts, commercial and academic interests.  Irrespective of your field of interest or current vocation, please drop Professor Balkrishna Rao a line for your interest and/or need for research-solution using principles of frugal engineering.
  • 1.4K
  • 09 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Fruit and Smart Packaging
Smart packaging of fresh produce is an emerging technology targeting the reduction of waste and the preservation of consumer health and safety. Smart packaging systems also help to prolong the shelf life of perishable foods during transport and mass storage, which are difficult to regulate. The use of these ever-progressing technologies in the packaging of fruits has the potential to result in many positive consequences, including improved fruit quality, reduced waste, higher consumer confidence and associated improved public health. 
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  • 28 Sep 2021
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