Topic Review
Constructed Wetlands as a Sustainable Sanitation Solution
The application of nature-based solutions (NBSs) in treating wastewater are treatment wetlands or constructed wetlands (CW). CWs are natural treatment technologies that efficiently treat many different types of wastewater (domestic wastewater, agricultural wastewater, coal drainage wastewater, petroleum refinery wastewater, compost and landfill leachates, fish-pond discharges, industrial wastewater from pulp and paper mills, textile mills, seafood processing). CWs can effectively treat raw wastewater to different levels of treatments and can be used as a primary, secondary, or tertiary treatment. CWs are engineered systems designed to optimize and copy processes found in natural environments thus they are considered as sustainable, environmentally friendly options for wastewater treatment. CWs have low operational and maintenance requirements and have a stable performance with less vulnerability to inflow variation. CWs have proved their ability to treat several types of wastewaters. Several benefits and facts, such as the low construction and operational costs of CWs, low-energy, and less operational requirements, have raised the interests in CWs as a treatment technology. The sustainability of CWs as a sanitation solution (technical, financial, environmental sustainability) is described with a focus on integrating climate change resilience and a circular economic approach to the technical and financial sustainability.
  • 933
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Construction 4.0
Construction 4.0 is a variety of interdisciplinary technologies, methodologies and concepts that digitize, automate and integrate the construction process at all stages of the value chain
  • 5.4K
  • 27 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Construction and Demolition Waste in Concrete Cement Production
Cement, being one of the most widely utilized materials for construction, plays a crucial role as the primary binder in concrete, leading to the formation of a durable, stone-like, hard material capable of withstanding various loads.
  • 633
  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Construction and Demolition Waste Marketplace
Rapid population growth and urbanization have led to an increase in Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste, prompting government and industry bodies to develop better waste management practices. Waste trading has emerged as a targeted intervention to divert waste from landfill sites and create a second life for waste material. This paper examines key barriers and enablers influencing the creation of a marketplace for waste trading. A systematic literature review was undertaken to examine global efforts in creating a marketplace for C&D waste. A framework on enablers and barriers for developing a marketplace for C&D waste emerged from the review, based on market-based, operational, and governance factors. References demonstrated that markets for materials such as glass and metals have already been established, but there are increasing marketplace opportunities for other recycled materials. Technology-based market applications are emerging as targeted interventions to facilitate online trading, which will provide a more accessible and user-friendly marketplace for sellers and buyers. Further research should test the complex interactions between people and technology associated with online waste trading platforms, as well as help develop the business case for a C&D waste marketplace.
  • 2.2K
  • 10 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Supply Chain
An increasing amount of construction and demolition waste (CDW) is generated in the demolition, retrofitting, and new construction of buildings and municipal infrastructure projects. Engineering construction units, as CDW producers, often follow the principle of prioritizing interests, and will accumulate garbage and send it to landfills.
  • 606
  • 28 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Construction Digital Twin
The Digital Twin (DT), as a real-time and data-connected virtual replica of a physical asset, introduces a new paradigm in the construction industry. Industry 4.0 encompasses ample benefits for various industries such as manufacturing, aerospace, systems engineering, oil and gas, construction, etc. As one of the main concepts of Industry 4.0, Digital Twin bespeaks a new paradigm in the construction industry as a real-time virtual replica of a physical asset. Several industries, such as manufacturing, automotives, aviation and healthcare, are extensively using the concepts of Industry 4.0, but the construction industry is in its infancy in terms of adopting and implementing Industry 4.0 principles. Moreover, to date, most construction industry studies and practices have focused on implementing DT in the operation and maintenance phase of facilities and the use of DT in the construction phase has not been addressed sufficiently.
  • 336
  • 14 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Construction Engineering Project
Construction engineering projects are costly and require large amounts of labor, physical, and financial resources. The failure of a construction engineering project typically brings huge losses.
  • 351
  • 17 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Construction Industry and COVID-19 Outbreak
The COVID-19 outbreak has had a significant impact on the construction sector, which is generally cyclical. On the plus side, building may provide jobs which can help the industry evolve towards sustainability and digitalization. Tripartite cooperation, social discourse, and international labour rules are critical to a human-centered construction sector revival.
  • 589
  • 07 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Construction Information Classification System
In the field of infrastructure construction, progress in digital transformation remains limited; this is particularly true in road construction, an infrastructure facility involving design, construction, and operation stages. Many construction subjects are involved at each stage of this cycle, generating substantial construction information. To drive the digital transformation of the construction industry, a construction information classification system is necessary for the development of a systematic construction information model. 
  • 549
  • 22 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Construction Labor Productivity Monitoring
Construction labor productivity (CLP) is a critical measure of efficiency in the construction industry. CLP monitoring entails tracking, measuring, and evaluating labor productivity to identify areas for improvement and ensure that project objectives are accomplished. 
  • 373
  • 03 Jul 2023
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