Topic Review
Adopting Modular Integrated Construction for Affordable Sustainable Housing
The rise of offsite construction (OSC) techniques, especially modular integrated construction (MiC), has been evident. MiC’s adoption in affordable sustainable housing (ASH) is still underdeveloped; however, due to various benefits of MiC over conventional construction methods, it is envisioned to be a significant emerging approach for tackling growing housing demand, and ASH in particular.
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  • 15 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Model Predictive Traffic Control by Bi-Level Optimization
A bi-level model for traffic signal optimization is developed. The model predictive framework is applied for traffic control in an urban traffic network. The potential of the bi-level formalization is used to increase the space of control influences with simultaneous evaluation of the green light and cycle durations. Thus, the increased control space allows more traffic parameters to be considered, such as vehicles queues and traffic flows. A particular modification of the bi-level control is applied for the synchronization of the traffic lights in the network. The model predictive approach is used for the real-time management of the traffic in the network. The control implementations are constrained by the shortest evaluated cycle.
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  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
A New Parcel Delivery System
This entry proposes a novel parcel delivery system which consists of a drone and public transportation vehicles such as trains, trams, etc. This system involves two delivery schemes: drone-direct scheme referring to delivering to a customer by a drone directly and drone–vehicle collaborating scheme referring to delivering a customer based on the collaboration of a drone and public transportation vehicles. The fundamental characteristics including the delivery time, energy consumption and battery recharging are modelled, based on which a time-dependent scheduling problem for a single drone is formulated. It is shown to be NP-complete and a dynamic programming-based exact algorithm is presented. Since its computational complexity is exponential with respect to the number of customers, a sub-optimal algorithm is further developed. This algorithm accounts the time for delivery and recharging, and it first schedules the customer which leads to the earliest return.
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  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Clustering Techniques in Autonomous Driving Applications
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) rely on advanced sensory systems, such as Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), to function seamlessly in intricate and dynamic environments. LiDAR produces highly accurate 3D point clouds, which are vital for the detection, classification, and tracking of multiple targets.
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  • 21 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride
Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride (ASA) is a sizing agent used in papermaking to increase the water repellency of paper. Almost 60 years after the introduction of the chemical in papermaking, scientists still have differing views on how ASA interacts with cellulose. Several experiments were conducted to bring more clarity to the ASA sizing mechanism, especially on the contentious question of ASA-cellulose covalent bonding or the esterification reaction between ASA and cellulose during papermaking.
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  • 07 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Biomechanical Energy Harvesting from the Human Body
Energy harvesters serve as continuous and long-lasting sources of energy that can be integrated into wearable and implantable sensors and biomedical devices. Biomechanical energy is one of the largest categories and one of the most utilized among all other energy sources.
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  • 28 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Wind Energy Conversion Systems Based on Synchronous Generator
Since 20th century, electricity has been widely available, and a large portion of it is produced using coal and gas. Because of its adaptability and simplicity of delivery, electricity is a premium kind of energy. Global demand is rising because of rising consumer electronics, associated industrial activities, and greater consumer access in emerging nations. The most reliable and progressive renewable energy source is wind power. Utilizing the highest amount of wind power available and operating the wind turbine (WT) at its maximum energy conversion output is essential for the rapid adoption of wind generators in electrical grids. To complete this, a wind energy conversion system (WECS) must track or run at the maximum power point.
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  • 23 Mar 2023
Alexander Bonner Latta
Alexander Bonner Latta (June 11, 1821 – April 28, 1865) was an American manufacturer and inventor. He produced the first practical steam fire engine that was successfully used as a routine part of a city's fire department equipment. Latta was born on a farm just outside the city limits of Chillicothe, Ohio, on July 11, 1821.[1] He was the youngest of six children and went by the nickname
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  • 08 Dec 2022
Topic Review
List of Instruments by Harry Partch
The American composer Harry Partch composed using scales of unequal intervals in just intonation, derived from the natural Harmonic series; these scales allowed for more tones of smaller intervals than in the standard Western tuning, which uses twelve equal intervals. One of Partch's scales has 43 tones to the octave. To play this music, he built many unique instruments, with names such as the Chromelodeon, the Quadrangularis Reversum, and the Zymo-Xyl. Partch called himself "a philosophic music-man seduced into carpentry". The path towards Partch's use of many unique instruments was a gradual one. Partch began in the 1920s using traditional instruments, and wrote a string quartet in just intonation (now lost). He had his first specialized instrument built for him in 1930—the Adapted Viola, a viola with a cello's neck fitted on it. He re-tuned the reeds of several reed organs and labeled the keys with a color code. The first was called the Ptolemy, in tribute to the ancient music theorist Claudius Ptolemaeus, whose musical scales included ratios of the 11-limit, as Partch's did. The others were called Chromelodeons, a portmanteau of chrome (meaning "color") and melodeon. Most of Partch's works used the instruments he created exclusively. Some works made use of unaltered standard instruments such as oboe, clarinet, or cello, and Revelation in the Courtyard Park (1960) used an unaltered small wind band. In 1991, Dean Drummond became the custodian of the original Harry Partch instrument collection until his death in 2013. In 1999 the instruments began a residency at Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey which lasted until November 2014 when they moved to University of Washington in Seattle. They are currently under the care of Charles Corey. Those who have duplicated partial sets of Partch instruments include John Schneider, whose West Coast ensemble includes replicas of the Kithara, Surrogate Kithara, Cloud-Chamber Bowls, Adapted Guitars, Adapted Viola, Diamond Marimba, Bass Marimba, Chromelodeon, and two Harmonic Canons.
  • 843
  • 14 Nov 2022
Md. Anowar Hossain
Engr. Md. Anowar Hossain is a specialized textile engineer (textile coloration & technical textiles), consultant (textile engineering), Professor (textile engineering), color philosopher, scientist, motivational speaker and a writer.                                                                                          Figure 1. Sketch of academi
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  • 15 Sep 2023
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