Caroline Pratt
Caroline Pratt (May 13, 1867 – June 6, 1954[1] ) was an American social thinker and progressive educational reformer whose ideas were influential in educational reform, policy, and practice.[2] Pratt is known as the founder of City and Country School in the Greenwich Village section of the borough of Manhattan in New York City ; the inventor of unit blocks;[3][4][5] and as the author of I Le
  • 889
  • 01 Dec 2022
Topic Review
MIMO Radars
This entry reports a thorough overview on the last developments concerning the vital sign detection and the human localization employing the multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technology. The wireless motion and vital sign detection represents an outstanding research area aimed at monitoring the health conditions of human subjects and at detecting their presence in different environments with minimal concern. MIMO radars exhibit several interesting advantages over conventional single-input-single-output architectures mainly related to their angle detection capabilities and enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. This paper describes the main features and details the operating principles of MIMO technology. Thereafter, it summarizes the state-of-the-art of the available solutions with the purpose of fueling the research activities on this hot topic.
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  • 17 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Brain Stroke Monitoring
Stroke is a medical disease that affects millions of people worldwide per year, which leads to permanent disabilities or even death. It occurs when the regular flow of rich-oxygen blood through a brain vessel is interrupted due to a clot or a burst of it, triggering the death of brain cells and requiring prompt diagnosis and intervention after its onset to improve the prognosis significantly. The two main types of stroke are hemorrhagic and ischemic ones.
  • 888
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Wheel Loader and Cushion Valve Design
A wheel loader is a kind of earth and stone construction machine widely used in highways, buildings, mines, and other construction projects.
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  • 29 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Flexible Fluxgate Sensor
Fluxgate sensors are magnetic flux density measurement instruments. They are high-accuracy direction sensitive magnetometers that include the Earth’s magnetic field in their measuring range. For this reason, they are commonly used for magnetic compass applications. Among others, many current measurement devices are based on fluxgate sensors, since they can measure DC magnetic fields as well as low-frequency AC magnetic fields.
  • 888
  • 01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
OTEC plant impact on Chiapas
Despite the proved potential to harness ocean energy off the Mexican coast, one of the main aspects that have restrained the development of this industry is the lack of information regarding the environmental and social impacts of the devices and plants. Under this premise, a review of literature that could help identifying the potential repercussions of energy plants on those fields was performed. The available studies carried out around the world show a clear tendency to use indicators to assess impacts specifically related to the source of energy to be converted. The information gathered was used to address the foreseeable impacts on a hypothetical case regarding the deployment of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) plant off the Chiapas coast in Mexico. From the review it was found that for OTEC plants, the most important aspect to be considered is the discharge plume volume and its physicochemical composition, which can lead to the proliferation of harmful algal blooms. Regarding the case study, it is interesting to note that although the environmental impacts need to be mitigated and monitored, they can be somehow alleviated considering the potential social benefits of the energy industry.
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  • 12 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Solid Acid Catalysts for Hock Cleavage of Hydroperoxides
The oxidation of cumene and following cleavage of cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) with sulfuric acid (Hock rearrangement) is still, by far, the dominant synthetic route to produce phenol. In 2020, the global phenol market reached a value of 23.3 billion US$ with a projected compound annual growth rate of 3.4% for 2020–2025. From ecological and economical viewpoints, the key step of this process is the cleavage of CHP. One sought-after way to likewise reduce energy consumption and waste production of the process is to substitute sulfuric acid with heterogeneous catalysts. Different types of zeolites, silicon-based clays, heteropoly acids, and ion exchange resins have been investigated and tested in various studies. For every type of these solid acid catalysts, several materials were found that show high yield and selectivity to phenol.
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  • 19 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Glucose Monitoring
Glucose monitoring is essential to control diabetes and avoid long-term complications. Diabetics suffer on a daily basis with the traditional glucose monitors currently in use, which are invasive, painful, and cost-intensive. Therefore, the demand for non-invasive, painless, economical, and reliable approaches to monitor glucose levels is increasing.
  • 887
  • 30 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloys in Construction
As a promising candidate in the construction industry, iron-based shape memory alloy (Fe-SMA) has attracted lots of attention in the engineering and metallography communities because of its foreseeable benefits including corrosion resistance, shape recovery capability, excellent plastic deformability, and outstanding fatigue resistance. Pilot applications have proved the feasibility of Fe-SMA as a highly efficient functional material in the construction sector.
  • 887
  • 11 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Energy Trading Markets in Smart Grids and Microgrids
Smart cities are aimed at connecting urban infrastructures to enhance the efficiency of their operation and services while taking sustainability goals into consideration. As a result of the intermittency associated with renewable generation, smart city systems such as smart grids and microgrids may not be able to ensure the security of supply. This can be mitigated by allowing these systems to trade surplus energy with other neighboring systems through local energy markets based on peer-to-peer schemes. Such an approach can play an important role on achieving a state of sustainability due to the positive impacts at the economic, social, and environmental level. Moreover, the implementation of local markets for peer-to-peer energy trading has the potential to provide numerous benefits to both participants and utilities, being a promising solution to reduce the reliability problems of microgrids and solve various energy security concerns in remote locations.
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  • 02 Feb 2023
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