Topic Review
Distribution Measurement Technologies
The integration of advanced measuring technologies in distribution systems allows distribution system operators to have better observability of dynamic and transient events. In this work, the applications of distribution grid measurement technologies are explored in detail. The main contributions of this review are the review of the most recent applications of micro-Phasor Measurement Units, Smart Meters, and Power Quality Monitoring devices used in distribution systems, considering different novel methods applied for data analysis; In addition, this work derives an input-output table that relates measured quantities from micro-Phasor Measurement Units and Smart Meters needed for each specific application found in this extensive review. 
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  • 22 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Mechanism of Advanced Oxidation Processes
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) involves the generation of powerful oxidizing radical groups, such as hydroxyl radicals, which function as oxidizing agents and mineralize organic chemical substances into CO2 and H2O. AOPs such as photocatalysis and photo-Fenton have been widely considered to be very effective in removing persistent organic pollutants.
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  • 28 Mar 2023
Topic Review
MMW Radar in Autonomous Driving
With the rapid development of automated vehicles (AVs), more and more demands are proposed towards environmental perception. Among the commonly used sensors, MMW radar plays an important role due to its low cost, adaptability In different weather, and motion detection capability. Radar can provide different data types to satisfy requirements for various levels of autonomous driving. The objective of this study is to present an overview of the state-of-the-art radar-based technologies applied In AVs. Although several published research papers focus on MMW Radars for intelligent vehicles, no general survey on deep learning applied In radar data for autonomous vehicles exists. Therefore, we try to provide related survey In this paper. First, we introduce models and representations from millimeter-wave (MMW) radar data. Secondly, we present radar-based applications used on AVs. For low-level automated driving, radar data have been widely used In advanced driving-assistance systems (ADAS). For high-level automated driving, radar data is used In object detection, object tracking, motion prediction, and self-localization. Finally, we discuss the remaining challenges and future development direction of related studies.
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  • 14 Jan 2021
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
The Principle of Action and Reaction According to Newton
The principle of action and reaction is generally considered the least problematic and interesting of Newton’s three laws of dynamics—least problematic because it seems self-evident, and least interesting because Newton’s mechanics of Principia essentially represents the dynamics of a mass point, while the principle of action and reaction is mainly important in the case of a set of bodies that interact with each other. However, reading Newton’s text is enough for the principle to appear equally problematic and interesting as the other two. This entry aims to justify this statement and to help clarify the meaning of the principle.
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  • 13 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Efficient and Effective Rankings
In the simple words of Peter Drucker, efficiency is doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right things. Efficient and Effective Rankings are ranking classifications for Decision-Making Units (DMUs) based on a combination of the efficiency score (obtained by parametric or non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis frontier estimations) with a multiple effectiveness measure (often obtained using a Multicriteria Decision Analysis). This study aims at providing a non-compensatory ranking classification combining Conditional Frontier Analysis with the PROMETHEE II methodology for the multidimensional efficiency and effectiveness analysis of Police. The results on Pernambuco (Brazil) Police departments offer interesting perspectives for public administrations concerning prioritizations of units based on the mitigation of resources and strategic objectives.
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  • 30 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Quartz Crystal Microbalances' Electrode Shape and Mass Sensitivity
A quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) is a typical acoustic transducer that undergoes a frequency shift due to changes in the mass of its surface. Its high sensitivity, robustness, small size design, and digital output have led to its widespread development for application in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, and surface science. Mass sensitivity is one of the vital parameters and forms the basis for quantitative analysis using QCMs.
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  • 13 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Conventional PCI
Conventional PCI, often shortened to PCI, is a local computer bus for attaching hardware devices in a computer. PCI is an abbreviation for Peripheral Component Interconnect and is part of the PCI Local Bus standard. The PCI bus supports the functions found on a processor bus but in a standardized format that is independent of any particular processor's native bus. Devices connected to the PCI bus appear to a bus master to be connected directly to its own bus and are assigned addresses in the processor's address space. It is a parallel bus, synchronous to a single bus clock. Attached devices can take either the form of an integrated circuit fitted onto the motherboard itself (called a planar device in the PCI specification) or an expansion card that fits into a slot. The PCI Local Bus was first implemented in IBM PC compatibles, where it displaced the combination of several slow ISA slots and one fast VESA Local Bus slot as the bus configuration. It has subsequently been adopted for other computer types. Typical PCI cards used in PCs include: network cards, sound cards, modems, extra ports such as USB or serial, TV tuner cards and disk controllers. PCI video cards replaced ISA and VESA cards until growing bandwidth requirements outgrew the capabilities of PCI. The preferred interface for video cards then became AGP, itself a superset of PCI, before giving way to PCI Express. The first version of PCI found in retail desktop computers was a 32-bit bus using a 33 MHz bus clock and 5 V signalling, although the PCI 1.0 standard provided for a 64-bit variant as well. These have one locating notch in the card. Version 2.0 of the PCI standard introduced 3.3 V slots, physically distinguished by a flipped physical connector to prevent accidental insertion of 5 V cards. Universal cards, which can operate on either voltage, have two notches. Version 2.1 of the PCI standard introduced optional 66 MHz operation. A server-oriented variant of PCI, called PCI-X (PCI Extended) operated at frequencies up to 133 MHz for PCI-X 1.0 and up to 533 MHz for PCI-X 2.0. An internal connector for laptop cards, called Mini PCI, was introduced in version 2.2 of the PCI specification. The PCI bus was also adopted for an external laptop connector standard – the CardBus. The first PCI specification was developed by Intel, but subsequent development of the standard became the responsibility of the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI-SIG). Conventional PCI and PCI-X are sometimes called Parallel PCI in order to distinguish them technologically from their more recent successor PCI Express, which adopted a serial, lane-based architecture. PCI's heyday in the desktop computer market was approximately 1995–2005. PCI and PCI-X have become obsolete for most purposes; however, they are still common on modern desktops for the purposes of backwards compatibility and the low relative cost to produce. Many kinds of devices previously available on PCI expansion cards are now commonly integrated onto motherboards or available in USB and PCI Express versions.
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  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Mac Transition to Apple Silicon
The Mac transition to Apple Silicon is the planned two-year process of introducing ARM64-based Apple silicon to, and deprecating Intel's x86-64 from, Apple's Macintosh line of computers. CEO Tim Cook announced the plan in his WWDC keynote address on June 22, 2020. The transition is the third time Apple has migrated Macintosh to a new instruction set architecture (ISA). The first was the switch from the Mac's original Motorola 68000 series architecture to the new PowerPC platform in 1994, and the second was the transition from PowerPC to Intel x86, which was formally announced in June 2005. Apple first utilized the ARM architecture in 1993 in its Newton personal digital assistant, and since then has extensively deployed it throughout other product lines including iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Apple Watch. Apple has designed its own custom ARM chips since 2009.
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  • 02 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Low-Cost Thermal Cameras
Thermal imaging is a promising technology in the medical field, in which infrared (IR) sensors can be used in e-health applications. However, in order to make this technology more accessible, the suitability of low-cost devices for such applications has been evaluated. Low-cost sensors present reduced capabilities compared to more expensive high-end devices. Therefore, their characterization is of outmost interest, which is performed in terms of the following parameters: non-uniformity (NU) effects and correction as well as their dependence on room temperature, noise-equivalent temperature difference (NETD), and response curve stability with temperature. In this work, a good performance is shown for the selected low-cost sensor, especially when used in temperature-controlled environments. Thus, the suitability of such sensors for medical applications is confirmed, proving its efficiency for the particular application we are focused on, this is, the assessment of diabetic foot ulcers.
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  • 29 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Li-Ion Battery Technologies
Lithium-ion battery is a rechargeable battery, which mainly relies on the movement of lithium ions between the positive and negative electrodes to work. Lithium-ion batteries use an intercalated lithium compound as an electrode material. Currently, the main common cathode materials used as lithium ion batteries are: lithium cobalt oxide, lithium manganate, lithium nickelate and lithium iron phosphate.
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  • 15 Nov 2021
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