Topic Review
Acer Predator
Predator Gaming is a gamer-focused brand and line of computer hardware owned by Acer. In 2008, Acer introduced itself in the gaming computer market with a line of desktop computers: the Acer Aspire Predator series, later renamed as Acer Predator. The series is characterized by the futuristic computer chassis and high performance. In 2016, a complete range of Predator desktops, gaming laptops, tablets and accessories exists. The range competes with Lenovo's Legion, Dell's G series and Alienware subsidiary, HP's Omen and Asus ROG series.
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  • 20 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Magnesium and Alloys
Since its discovery, magnesium has played an influential role in society. In its early days, military applications and wars fueled its growth. For example, magnesium was weaponized to construct incendiary bombs, flares, and ammunitions that were subsequently deployed in World War II, and it caused massive conflagrations and widespread devastations. Post-War, magnesium’s availability and unique blend of properties were explored and were found to be highly attractive for an extensive range of applications. Today, magnesium is used for engineering applications in automotive, aerospace, and consumer electronics. In addition, it has a role in organic chemistry and pharmaceuticals and is used to construct several general-purpose applications, such as sporting goods, household products, and office equipment.
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  • 09 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Parliamentary Train
A Parliamentary train is a passenger service operated in the United Kingdom to comply with the Railway Regulation Act 1844 that required train companies to provide inexpensive and basic rail transport for less affluent passengers. The act required that at least one such service per day be run on every railway route in the UK. Now no longer a legal requirement (although most franchise agreements require such trains), the term describes train services that continue to be run to avoid the cost of formal closure of a route or station but with reduced services often to just one train per week and without specially low prices. Such services are often called "ghost trains".
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  • 10 Nov 2022
Topic Review
COVID-19 Effect on Supply Chains
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated disruptions in supply chains, traveling, businesses, and a loss of human lives that is being accounted for at least five million diseased. When the pandemic started, uncertainties, the lockdown of countries, and stay-at-home orders generated that millions of people made runs to grocery stores to buy essential products, the most distinctive being hygiene tissue, antibacterial formulations, and hand sanitizers. Then workers in essential processes in the medical, food, and manufacturing industries had to restart work to keep supply chains running. That generated further repercussions due to the infection of workers in multiple facilities, which created more considerable uncertainties. Universities and schools were mandated to close, and work-from-home orders were enacted in most sectors. In this entry, a summary of the essential factors, current situation, and future perspective regarding the effect generated by COVID-19 on the disruptions of supply chains is presented. The strategic sectors summarized are food and produce, transportation, paper products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, automobiles, minerals and technology companies. At two years since the WHO declaration, there are still shockwaves that show some unpredictability. Hence, companies and governments should look for strategical plans for preparing for this kind of event, making supply chains resilient or even immune to pandemics, natural disasters and trade wars.
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  • 22 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Emerging Thermo-Mechanical Energy Storage Technologies
Thermo-mechanical energy storage can be a cost-effective solution to provide flexibility and balance highly renewable energy systems. Thermo-Mechanical Energy Storage (TMES) can be directly compared with pumped hydro storage because they have similar discharge characteristics and capacity (order of 100 s of MW).
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  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Modified Frequency Modulation
Modified Frequency Modulation, commonly MFM, is a run-length limited (RLL) coding scheme used to encode the actual data-bits on most floppy disks. It was first introduced in disk drives with the IBM 3330 hard disk drive in 1970. Floppy disk drive hardware examples include Amiga, most CP/M machines as well as IBM PC compatibles. MFM is a modification to the original digital FM (digital frequency modulation also known as delay coding) scheme for encoding data on single-density floppy disks and some early hard disk drives. Due to the minimum spacing between flux transitions that is a property of the disk, head and channel design, MFM, which guarantees at most one flux transition per data bit, can be written at higher density than FM, which can require two transitions per data bit. It is used with a data rate of 250–500 kbit/s (500–1000 kbit/s encoded) on industry standard 5¼-inch and 3½-inch ordinary and high density diskettes. MFM was also used in early hard disk designs, before the advent of more efficient types of run-length limited codes. Except for the steadily disappearing 360 KiB/1.2 MiB (5.25-inch) and 720~880 KiB/1.4~1.6 MiB (3.5-inch) floppy disk formats, MFM encoding is obsolete in magnetic recording.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Fluorescence Polarization-Based Bioassays
Fluorescence polarization holds considerable promise for bioanalytical systems because it allows the detection of selective interactions in real time and a choice of fluorophores, the detection of which the biosample matrix does not influence; thus, their choice simplifies and accelerates the preparation of samples. For decades, these possibilities were successfully applied in fluorescence polarization immunoassays based on differences in the polarization of fluorophore emissions excited by plane-polarized light, whether in a free state or as part of an immune complex. However, the results of recent studies demonstrate the efficacy of fluorescence polarization as a detected signal in many bioanalytical methods.
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  • 17 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Rainfall Threshold
Sediment-related disaster is one of the most significant natural disasters, from the perspective of magnitude, damage and loss to human life and infrastructure, and disruption to socio-economic activities. The rainfall threshold is the condition or amount of rainfall that is likely to initiate sediment-related disasters, it is agreed that the rainfall threshold is the most significant tool to predict impending occurrences.
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  • 26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Fe-Based Magnetic Amorphous Alloys
Amorphous alloys for soft magnetic applications are often fabricated by rapid solidification of the melt. They are generally prepared with the nearly 20% addition of metalloids (Si, B, Al, C and P) for Fe-based and Co-based alloys. Si and B are important metalloids for glass formation and the amorphous structure stabilisation. Typical chemical compositions are such that the combined compositions of Fe, Co, Ni elements are 70–85 atomic (at.)% and those of Si and B are 15–30 at.% in total. However, magnetic glassy alloys have a wide variety of compositions. This allows for a large range of soft magnetic properties to be achieved, which depend upon the demands of the application.
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  • 28 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Motor Torpedo Boat
User:RMCD bot/subject notice Motor Torpedo Boat (MTB) was the name given to fast torpedo boats by the Royal Navy and the Royal Canadian Navy. The 'motor' in the formal designation, referring to the use of petrol engines, was to distinguish them from the majority of other naval craft that used steam turbines or reciprocating steam engines. The capitalised term is generally used for the Royal Navy (RN) boats and abbreviated to "MTB". During the Second World War, the US Navy built such craft, identified by the hull classification symbol "PT", for "Patrol, Torpedo". German motor torpedo boats of the Second World War were called S-boote (Schnellboote, "fast boats") by the Kriegsmarine and "E-boats" by the Allies. Italian MTBs of this period were known as Motoscafo Armato Silurante ("MAS boats", torpedo armed motorboats). French MTBs were known as vedettes lance torpilles ("torpedo-launching fast boats"). Soviet MTBs were known as торпедные катеры (torpyedniye katyery; "torpedo cutters", often abbreviated as TKA). Romanian MTBs were known as vedete torpiloare ("torpedo fast boats"). After the end of the War in 1945, a number of the Royal Navy's MTBs were stripped and the empty hulls sold for use as houseboats.
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  • 28 Oct 2022
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