Topic Review
CWMFC is a novel technology that has been used for almost a decade for concurrent wastewater treatment and electricity generation in varying scopes of domestic, municipal, and industrial applications since its implementation in 2012. Its advantage of low-cost enhanced wastewater treatment and sustainable bioelectricity generation has gained considerable attention. Nevertheless, the overall efficiency of this novel technology is inclined by several operating factors and configuration strands, such as pH, sewage composition, organic loading, electrode material, filter media, electrogens, hydraulic retention time, and macrophytes. Here, we investigate the effect of the wetland plant component on the overall performance of CWMFCs. The macrophyte’s involvement in the oxygen input, nutrient uptake, and direct degradation of pollutants for the required treatment effect and bioelectricity production are discussed in more detail. The review identifies and compares planted and unplanted CWMFC with their efficiency on COD removal and electricity generation based on previous and recent studies.
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  • 17 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Conventional Roller Compaction Method
As an empirical control method, the conventional compaction has the characteristics of manual driving, construction site supervision, manual recording, and sampling point detection. Currently, conventional compaction methods can be divided into four types: sampling point detection, prediction and simulation analysis, construction site supervision, and influencing factor analysis. In actual engineering, conventional compaction methods mainly rely on the manual control of compaction parameters (such as the number of compaction times, compaction trajectory, vibration frequency, lift thickness, and driving speed) during construction, as well as the sampling point detection (such as compactness or dry density) of specified locations after construction to ensure compaction quality of earthwork.
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  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Airport Service Quality and Overall Satisfaction
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has impacted the aviation industry worldwide. Several restrictions and regulations have been implemented to prevent the virus’s spread and maintain airport operations. To recover the trustworthiness of air travelers in the new normality, improving airport service quality (ASQ) is necessary, ultimately increasing passenger satisfaction in airports.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
The VAX-11 is a discontinued family of superminicomputers developed and manufactured by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). They were first announced in 1977, and were the first computers to implement the Virtual Address eXtension (VAX) instruction set architecture (ISA). The VAX-11 processors also supported the user mode PDP-11 instruction set for backwards compatibility (thus the -11 in VAX-11). They were discontinued in 1988, having been supplanted by the MicroVAX family on the low end, and the VAX 8000 family on the high end. It is historically one of the most successful and studied computers in history.
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  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Coatings Empowering Antiviral/Viricidal Properties
In the surge of the current, alarming scenario of SARS-CoV-2 infections, there is a immediate necessity for developing highly-innovative antiviral agents to work against the viruses with a broad spectrum of antiviral activity. Here-in, science-based methods, mechanisms, and procedures are implemented in obtaining resultant antiviral coated substrates, used in the destruction of the strains of the different viruses are presented. we pay particular attention to recent examples from the materials science and engineering field that highlight how some classes of antiviral drug candidates, such as polymeric materials, metal ions/metal oxides and functional nanomaterials result in acting against the viral spread. Based on the available literature and data, we also disclose some of the strategies for development of a universal and reusable virus deactivation system against the emerging COVID-19.
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  • 25 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Recycled Asphalt Mixtures with Rejuvenators
Rejuvenating agents are materials with certain physical and chemical attributes that may be incorporated into mixtures with high oxidisation level or high RAP content. Studies pertaining to rejuvenators can be traced as far as in the late 1970s. The ASTM D4552 was initiated based on the six grades of rejuvenating agents measured based on viscosity at 60 °C, so as to facilitate the selection of rejuvenators in ensuring good performance in the long run. Martin et al. divided rejuvenators into five general categories, namely: Paraffinic oils, Aromatic extracts, Naphthenic oils, Triglycerides & Fatty Acids, and Tall oils. Based on the chemical composition of asphalt and rejuvenators, Tabatabaee and Kurth classified the latter into three classes; insoluble and soluble softeners, as well as compatibilisers. Insoluble softeners have desirable effects on the rheological attributes of aged asphalt but portray durability and instability issues in the long run. Next, soluble softeners display better compatibility with naphthenic aromatic asphalt that has low polarity. Meanwhile, compatibilisers share some similarities with other numerous fractions found in asphalt.
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  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
CMS-2 (Programming Language)
CMS-2 is an embedded systems programming language used by the United States Navy. It was an early attempt to develop a standardized high-level computer programming language intended to improve code portability and reusability. CMS-2 was developed primarily for the US Navy’s tactical data systems (NTDS). CMS-2 was developed by RAND Corporation in the early 1970s and stands for "Compiler Monitor System". The name "CMS-2" is followed in literature by a letter designating the type of target system. For example, CMS-2M targets Navy 16-bit processors, such as the AN/AYK-14.
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  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Global Passenger Transport Futures
Global passenger transport consists of all passenger travel by private and public road vehicles, rail passenger travel, air travel, and non-motorized travel. The vehicular travel component expanded an estimated 14-fold between 1950 and 2018, so that now it is not only a major energy user and CO2 emitter, but also the cause of a variety of other negative effects, especially in urban areas. Global transport in future will be increasingly subject to two contradictory forces. On the one hand, the vast present inequality in vehicular mobility between nations should produce steady growth as low-mobility countries raise material living standards. On the other hand, any such vast expansion of the already large global transport task will magnify the negative effects of such travel. The result is a highly uncertain global transport future.
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  • 13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Beach Drainage System
The idea that the groundwater table plays a role in the mobilization of the sediment grains underlies the application of the beach drainage system (BDS) as a tool able to modify the natural dynamics of groundwater table at sandy beaches. The beach drainage is one of the soft engineering methods aimed to counteract the shoreline retreat related to the sediment redistribution along the beach profile. 
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  • 08 Feb 2022
Topic Review
International Council of Societies of Industrial Design
The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) was founded in 1957 from a group of international organizations focused on industrial design. Today Icsid is a worldwide society that promotes better design around the world, and has since been renamed the World Design Organization in January 2017. Today, WDO includes over 140 member organizations in more than 40 nations, representing an estimated 150,000 designers. The primary aim of the association is to advance the discipline of industrial design at an international level. To do this, WDO undertakes a number of initiatives of global appeal to support the effectiveness of industrial design in an attempt to address the needs and aspirations of people around the world, to improve the quality of life, as well as help to improve the economy of nations throughout the world. WDO holds United Nations Special Consultative Status which empowers them to make change, and works towards addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
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  • 29 Nov 2022
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