Topic Review
Endolysins are phage-encoded enzymes utilized by mature phage virions to hydrolyze the cell wall from within. There is significant evidence that proves the ability of endolysins to degrade the peptidoglycan externally without the assistance of phage. Thus, their incorporation in therapeutic strategies has opened new options for therapeutic application against bacterial infections in the human and veterinary sectors, as well as within the agricultural and biotechnology sectors. While endolysins show promising results within the laboratory, it is important to document their resistance, safety, and immunogenicity for in-vivo application.
  • 956
  • 24 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Uncovering the Tumor Antigen Landscape
According to the latest available data, cancer is the second leading cause of death, highlighting the need for novel cancer therapeutic approaches. In this context, immunotherapy is emerging as a reliable first-line treatment for many cancers, particularly metastatic melanoma. Indeed, cancer immunotherapy has attracted great interest following the recent clinical approval of antibodies targeting immune checkpoint molecules, such as PD-1, PD-L1, and CTLA-4, that release the brakes of the immune system, thus reviving a field otherwise poorly explored. Cancer immunotherapy mainly relies on the generation and stimulation of cytotoxic CD8 T lymphocytes (CTLs) within the tumor microenvironment (TME), priming T cells and establishing efficient and durable anti-tumor immunity. Therefore, there is a clear need to define and identify immunogenic T cell epitopes to use in therapeutic cancer vaccines. Naturally presented antigens in the human leucocyte antigen-1 (HLA-I) complex on the tumor surface are the main protagonists in evocating a specific anti-tumor CD8+ T cell response. However, the methodologies for their identification have been a major bottleneck for their reliable characterization. Consequently, the field of antigen discovery has yet to improve.
  • 956
  • 26 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Herbal Medicine and Pain Management
Complementary and alternative medicines such as herbal medicines are not currently part of the conventional medical system. As the popularity of and global market for herbal medicine grows among all age groups, with supporting scientific data and clinical trials, specific alternative treatments such as herbal medicine can be reclassified as a practice of conventional medicine. One of the most common conditions for which adults use herbal medicine is pain.
  • 956
  • 09 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Urinary Biomarkers in Bladder Cancer
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small membrane vesicles released by all cells and involved in intercellular communication. Importantly, EVs cargo includes nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins constantly transferred between different cell types, contributing to autocrine and paracrine signaling. In recent years, they have been shown to play vital roles, not only in normal biological functions, but also in pathological conditions, such as cancer. In the multistep process of cancer progression, EVs act at different levels, from stimulation of neoplastic transformation, proliferation, promotion of angiogenesis, migration, invasion, and formation of metastatic niches in distant organs, to immune escape and therapy resistance. Moreover, as products of their parental cells, reflecting their genetic signatures and phenotypes, EVs hold great promise as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. Importantly, their potential to overcome the current limitations or the present diagnostic procedures has created interest in bladder cancer (BCa). Indeed, cystoscopy is an invasive and costly technique, whereas cytology has poor sensitivity for early staged and low-grade disease. Several urine-based biomarkers for BCa were found to overcome these limitations.
  • 956
  • 10 Oct 2020
Topic Review
African Traditional Fermented Foods
Cereals are staple foods in Africa. The most commonly used cereals include maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), millet (Peninsetum americanum), and acha or fonio (Digitaria exilis). These cereals are characterized by a high content of soluble non-starch polysaccharides (e.g., arabinoxylan and β–glucan), which have a health-promoting role and rich nondigestible carbohydrates (e.g., galacto- and fructooligosaccharides), excellent substrates for fermenting micro-organisms.
  • 955
  • 16 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Mitochondrial Morphology/Dynamics in Heart Failure
The mitochondria are mostly abundant in the heart, a beating organ of high- energy demands. Their function extends beyond being a power plant of the cell including redox balance, ion homeostasis and metabolism. They are dynamic organelles that are tethered to neighboring structures, especially the endoplasmic reticulum. Together, they constitute a functional unit implicated in complex physiological and pathophysiological processes. Their topology in the cell, the cardiac myocyte in particular, places them at the hub of signaling and calcium homeostasis, making them master regulators of cell survival or cell death. Perturbations in mitochondrial function play a central role in the pathophysiology of myocardial remodeling and progression of heart failure. 
  • 953
  • 11 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Acetyl Zingerone
The cumulative damage skin sustains from exposure to environmental stressors throughout life exerts significant effects on skin aging and cancer development. One of the main ways by which environmental stressors mediate their effects within skin is through induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
  • 953
  • 12 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Nutraceuticals for Peripheral Vestibular Pathology
The term “nutraceuticals” is the object of continuous debate, and to date they are described as “a food or part of a food, such as a dietary supplement, that has a medical or health benefit, including the prevention and treatment of disease”.
  • 953
  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Lymphotropic viruses in Latin America
The RIAL-CYTED harbors a multidisciplinary Ibero-American network of clinical and basic researchers created to form a platform of multi-center cooperation focusing on increasing our knowledge of lymphoma, particularly for more underdeveloped or developing regions. This network aims to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of these neoplasms throughout LA by way of homogenizing its identification and classification. With that purpose, in this review, we sought to systematically organize and analyze the literature related to the lymphotropic and lymphomagenic viruses EBV, KSHV and HTLV-1, in order to better understand their loco-regional distribution and the risk our population carries in terms of developing lymphoma.
  • 953
  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide and Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 in Medicine
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) belong to a group of gastrointestinal hormones called incretins. Insulin released from the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans after ingestion of food is the major regulator of GIP and GLP-1 secretion.
  • 953
  • 25 Feb 2022
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