Alexander Gaskov
Professor Alexander Gaskov, our dear colleague, friend and teacher, passed away on 18 January 2021, from COVID-19. He was a brilliant scientist in the area of chemistry of semiconductor materials for physical and chemical sensors. He spent his entire research career, which began in 1966, in the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University. During all hi
  • 571
  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Seed-Directed Synthesis of Al-Rich Zeolites
Zeolites have been widely employed in fields of petroleum refining, fine chemicals and environmental protection, but their syntheses are always performed in the presence of organic templates, which have many drawbacks such as high cost and polluted wastes. The seed-directed route opens a new door for synthesizing zeolites with Al-rich features, which are being simple, low-cost and environmentally friendly. In addition, it also has many advantages including accelerating the crystallization rate, increasing the degree of crystallinity and avoiding the generation of impurity phases and controlling the crystal size. The seed-directed synthesis of zeolites is divided into the homonuclear and heteronuclear growth.
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  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
An Overview of PDE4 Inhibitors in Clinical Trials
Since the early 1980s, phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) has been an attractive target for the treatment of inflammation-based diseases. Several scientific advancements, by both academia and pharmaceutical companies, have enabled the identification of many synthetic ligands for this target, along with the acquisition of precise information on biological requirements and linked therapeutic opportunities. The transition from pre-clinical to clinical phase was not easy for the majority of these compounds, mainly due to their significant side effects, and it took almost thirty years for a PDE4 inhibitor to become a drug i.e., Roflumilast, used in the clinics for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Three additional compounds have reached the market: Crisaborole for atopic dermatitis, Apremilast for psoriatic arthritis and Ibudilast for Krabbe disease. 
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  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Gas Sensors Based on Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) have a high aspect ratio, large surface area, good stability and unique metallic or semiconducting electrical conductivity, they are therefore considered a promising candidate for the fabrication of flexible gas sensors that are expected to be used in the Internet of Things and various portable and wearable electronics. 
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  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Available Sampling Methods for Plastic Waste
Given the rapid development of plastics recycling in recent years, the need for guidelines for sampling and material characterization is steadily emerging. However, there still exists a considerable scarcity of methods that enable proper material data acquisition. It was found that neither the literature nor the standards provide a comprehensive practice that considers the distinctive characteristics of plastic waste and applies it to different situations along the value chain. Two variants of the proposed plan were evaluated based on the flake size distribution and the apparent density of four different pretreated polyolefin (PO) waste materials. Combining stratified random sampling with composite sampling yields a good sampling technique for rigid PO waste. Moreover, the analysis of a composite sample adequately conveys the true material properties of a sublot or lot.
  • 1.4K
  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
BN Nanostructures and BN-Based Nanohybrids
Due to its unique physical, chemical, and mechanical properties, such as a low specific density, large specific surface area, excellent thermal stability, oxidation resistance, low friction, good dispersion stability, enhanced adsorbing capacity, large interlayer shear force, and wide bandgap, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) nanostructures are of great interest in many fields. These include, but are not limited to, (i) heterogeneous catalysts, (ii) promising nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery to tumor cells and nanoparticles containing therapeutic agents to fight bacterial and fungal infections, (iii) reinforcing phases in metal, ceramics, and polymer matrix composites, (iv) additives to liquid lubricants, (v) substrates for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, (vi) agents for boron neutron capture therapy, (vii) water purifiers, (viii) gas and biological sensors, and (ix) quantum dots, single photon emitters, and heterostructures for electronic, plasmonic, optical, optoelectronic, semiconductor, and magnetic devices. BNNPs and BN-based nanohybrids exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activity.
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  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Coconut Palm
The price of traditional sources of nutrients used in animal feed rations is increasing steeply in developed countries due to their scarcity, high demand from humans for the same food items, and expensive costs of raw materials. Thus, one of the alternative sources is coconut parts or coconut as a whole fruit. Coconut is known as the ‘tree of abundance’, ‘tree of heaven’, and ‘tree of life’ owing to its numerous uses, becoming a very important tree in tropical areas for its provision of food, employment, and business opportunities to millions of people. Coconut contains a rich profile of macro and micronutrients that vary depending on the parts and how they are used. It is frequently chosen as an alternative source of protein and fiber. Its uses as an antibacterial agent, immunomodulant, and antioxidant further increase its importance. Using coconut oil in ruminant feed helps to minimize methane gas emissions by 18–30%, and to reduce dry matter intake up to 4.2 kg/d. The aquaculture sectors also use coconut palm as an alternative source because it significantly improves the digestion, growth, lipid metabolism, health, and antioxidative responses. However, coconut is not widely used in poultry diets although it has adequate amount of protein and carbohydrate due to anti-nutritional factors such cellulose (13%), galactomannan (61%), and mannan (26%). 
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  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Olive Mill Wastewater Remediation
Olive oil production in Mediterranean countries represents a crucial market, especially for Spain, Italy, and Greece. Waste generated from olive oil production processes can be divided into solid waste and olive mill wastewaters (OMWW). 
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  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Critical Minerals
Critical minerals are paramount to the successful deployment of low-carbon technologies in future transportation, defense, agriculture, healthcare, and infrastructure. They have a significant economic importance and their insecure supplies may hinder the development and industrial application of new technologies. An implementation of large quantities of minerals, in particular metals, into the clean energy transition will create new economic opportunities but also bring new challenges to energy security that could lead to unexpected dependencies on raw materials.
  • 748
  • 30 Aug 2022
Topic Review
UV and UV-vis Irradiation on Microalgae and Macroalgae
Bioactive compounds, such as carotenoids, and Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) derived from microalgae may play a vital role in the bio and non-bio sectors. Currently, commercial sunscreens contain chemicals such as oxybenzone and octinoxate, which have harmful effects on the environment and human health; while microalgae-based sunscreens emerge as an eco-friendly alternative to provide photo protector agents against solar radiation. Algae-based exploration ranges from staple foods to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and biomedical applications.
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  • 30 Aug 2022
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