Topic Review
Current Market for Functional Foods and Consumption Intention
Functional foods generally refer to foods with one or more particular functions and positive effects on human health, often in relation to nutrition or reducing disease risk. The growth of the functional food market has been largely caused by concerns about rising medical and healthcare costs, the desire to improve the quality of later life with the steady increase in life expectancy, and scientific evidence that functional foods are beneficial to health. Purchase intention, which is strongly associated with market expansion, is the likelihood that consumers plan to purchase specific products or services. Consumer attitude towards a certain product or brand, along with certain external factors, promote consumers’ purchase intentions and are crucial indicators for predicting consumer behaviour.
  • 748
  • 15 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Cleaning in Times of Pandemic
Cleaning services are a transversal activity that guarantees the proper functioning and conditions of safety, hygiene, and health across all economic sectors. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the need for clean, sanitary spaces, particularly in health services and other areas with a large number of people. The workers in these services were often placed on the frontline without any specific training or information. 
  • 569
  • 14 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Challenges in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence Surgery
It can be said that deep-learning-based methods have significantly advanced research and development in the area of robotic surgery, across various tasks including objects detection and recognition, classification, navigation and construction of 3D representation of the environment. However, one of the key requirements for successfully implementation of DL-based methods is the availability of large volumes of carefully annotated datasets. In the surgical environment, this can be very expensive and labor-intensive tasks. More importantly, in some scenarios, it can be even impossible to acquire such data, for example, when you consider the need for estimating depth information for endoscopic surgery images, which is an important task to facilitate navigation in a surgery setting using a robot or a semi-autonomous device. In the deep learning era, if the researchers can obtain large volumes of good quality videos with the corresponding depth maps, then such a task may be very possible.
  • 382
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Posterior Fossa Tumor Rehabilitation
Pediatric brain tumors are the leading cause of solid tumor mortality in childhood. Tumors of the skull base, such as posterior fossa tumors, were, in the past, associated with a poor prognosis. The evolution of surgical techniques, together with the greater knowledge of the anatomy and phisiology of these diseases and the progress made in diagnostic techniques, now allow treatments that are also curative.
  • 311
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Vitamin D and Iron on Skeletal Muscle Health
Many nutrients are essential for skeletal muscle health including vitamin D and iron. These nutrients have been well-established to play a role in improving muscular strength, muscle mass, and muscle function in various populations such as youth, athletes, and older adults. Together, muscular strength, muscle mass, and muscle function are important components that make up “skeletal muscle health”. Beyond the role that these nutrients have on skeletal muscle health, emerging literature has reported a link between vitamin D action on pro-inflammatory cytokines and mechanisms behind iron regulation, which may physiologically play a role in skeletal muscle health.
  • 429
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
COVID-19 Associated Mucormycosis
Mucormycosis has become increasingly associated with COVID-19, leading to the use of the term “COVID-19 associated mucormycosis (CAM)”. Treatment of CAM is challenging due to factors such as resistance to many antifungals and underlying co-morbidities. India is particularly at risk for this disease due to the large number of patients with COVID-19 carrying comorbidities that predispose them to the development of mucormycosis. Additionally, mucormycosis treatment is complicated due to the atypical symptoms and delayed presentation after the resolution of COVID-19. 
  • 443
  • 07 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Childhood Socioeconomic Status and Adult Food Preference
Early childhood socioeconomic status (SES) conditions can influence how an adult responds to stress, their food preferences, the volume of food consumed, the likelihood that one will desire to eat in the absence of an energy deficit, the development of eating disorders, and the likelihood that one will suffer from adult obesity.
  • 487
  • 07 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Impact of COVID-19 Infection on Cognitive Function
There is mounting evidence that patients with severe COVID-19 disease may have symptoms that continue beyond the acute phase, extending into the early chronic phase. This prolonged COVID-19 pathology is often referred to as ‘Long COVID’. Simultaneously, case investigations have shown that COVID-19 individuals might have a variety of neurological problems. The accurate and accessible assessment of cognitive function in patients post-COVID-19 infection is thus of increasingly high importance for both public and individual health.
  • 412
  • 06 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Effects of Exercise on the Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive degenerative disorder and a leading cause of dementia in the elderly. The etiology of AD is multifactorial, including an increased oxidative state, deposition of amyloid plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles of the tau protein. 
  • 604
  • 06 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Heart Failure
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive upper airway closure due to soft tissue collapse and genioglossus muscle relaxation in the upper airway resulting in apneas (cessation of breathing for 10 s or longer) and hypopneas (reductions in breathing coupled with desaturation and/or arousal). OSA is highly prevalent among patients with asymptomatic left ventricular systolic and diastolic dysfunction and congestive heart failure, and if untreated may contribute to the clinical progression of heart failure (HF).
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  • 06 Jul 2022
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