Topic Review
Association between Sleep Quality and Perinatal Depression
Pregnancy is characterized by hormonal and physiological changes; some of these changes cause changes in sleep, presenting excessive sleep in early pregnancy due to the action of progesterone, and difficulty sleeping at the end of pregnancy due to weight gain and frequency of urination. 
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  • 04 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Pre-Conceptual Guidelines for Male Infertility
Male fertility is declining and affects approximately one in seven couples. Reasons for this are multi-factorial and the subject of on-going research, though environmental contaminants (such xenoestrogens) are believed to be contributory factors. Semen parameters can be improved through a healthy diet and nutritional supplementation has also been shown to improve semen parameters, clinical pregnancy and live birth rates significantly.
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  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Manual Hysteroscopic Tissue Removal Device for Intrauterine Polyps
Endometrial polyps are isolated or multiple focal intrauterine lesions that may manifest as abnormal uterine bleeding and/or infertility. Electromechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal (mHTR) devices have become the mainstay for removing endometrial polyps, however, given startup and procedural costs for these units, lower-cost disposable manual mHTR systems have been developed. The entry describes the collective experience and effectiveness of a disposable manual mHTR device in both operating room and office settings.
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  • 22 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Characteristics and General Classification of Gastric Cancer
Gastric tumors have been divided based on their location—cardiac and distal. The former refers to the small paracardial area, while the latter refers to the rest of it. The most popular classification in terms of histology is the Laurén classification, which distinguishes between two types of gastric cancer (GC)—intestinal and diffuse. The first GC subtype is often associated with Helicobacter Pylori and lifestyle, which includes a high intake of table salt and alcohol, a low supply of fruits and vegetables, or smoking. It is estimated that about 15–20% of tumors do not fall under Laurén’s classification and are, therefore, considered intermediate tumors. Clinically, GC can also be divided according to its early or advanced stage. Early gastric cancers refer to small tumors (2–5 cm) that take the form of invasive carcinoma of the gastric mucosa or submucosa. Detection of lesions at their early stage is associated with relatively good survival.
  • 339
  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Noncommunicable Diseases
Sleep is extremely important for the homeostasis of the organism. In recent years, various studies have been carried out to address factors related to sleep patterns and their influence on food choices, as well as on the onset of chronic noncommunicable diseases.
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  • 08 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Social Connectedness
Poor social connectedness has long been recognised as a significant threat to both physical and mental health, particularly for older people. Numerous studies examining the health impacts of loneliness and isolation have demonstrated an association with negative outcomes such as increased mortality, cognitive decline, anxiety and depression and cardiovascular disease. However, with the rapid onset of the SARS-CoV-2 (otherwise known as COVID-19) virus in early 2020 came an additional threat to those already vulnerable to loneliness—enforced physical isolation. Confinement to the home was particularly important for the health of those in older age due to the increased mortality risk from the virus for that section of the population.
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  • 13 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Lifestyle and Pain following Cancer
Cancer Survivor (CS), the most widely used definition is: “being a CS, starts on the day of diagnosis and continues until the end of life. Three cancer survivorship phases can be distinguished: “acute survivorship” (i.e., early-stage or time during curative treatment), “permanent survivorship” (i.e., living with cancer or also called the palliative stage), and “extended survivorship” (i.e., cured but not free of suffering). Chronic pain is one of these and occurs in 40% of CSs. Chronic pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as pain that persists or recurs for longer than three month. Unrelieved pain can have considerable adverse consequences on a CSs’ quality of life.
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  • 07 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Breastfeeding on Food Allergies
Breastfeeding is the preferred method of infant feeding and its establishment is one of the primary goals for the infant. Allergic diseases are common in childhood, with increased morbidity. Food allergies are also associated with a strong negative impact on health-related quality of life and is a major public health problem. In addition, maternal exclusion of common allergens during pregnancy and/or lactation suggests that supplementation with regular cow’s milk formula during the first week of life should be avoided. Breast milk contains many active immune factors, such as cytokines, inflammatory mediators, signaling molecules and soluble receptors, which may also reduce the risk of allergic disease.
  • 337
  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Educate the Public about Dental Trauma
Traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) of hard and soft tissues within and around the oral cavity are relatively common and occur as a result of accidents during sports or leisure activities, falls, blows by objects, interpersonal violence, and motor vehicle accidents. Appropriate actions taken immediately after a trauma have a great impact on prognosis and treatment options. Effective and efficient information about dental trauma seems to be essential and many tools can be used to educate layperson about TDI. 
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  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Cholangiocarcinoma According to Different Etiologies
This scenario is even more complex in the context of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), which encompasses an extremely heterogeneous group of malignancies arising from the intrahepatic (iCCA) and extrahepatic (eCCA) biliary tree. The molecular heterogeneity of CCA has been observed not only when comparing iCCA and eCCA subtypes, but also among patients with the same cancer type (inter-patient heterogeneity), and even across the different topographic regions of the tumor from the same patient (intra-patient heterogeneity).
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  • 12 May 2023
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