Topic Review
Motherhood and Schizophrenia
Being a good parent is a very difficult task, made more difficult in the context of serious psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia. The symptoms of the disorder are aggravated by the associated stigma, by poverty, social isolation, and adverse life circumstances. Mothers with schizophrenia need to make difficult decisions, which are hampered by lack of information, social isolation, and no resources. Assistance is theoretically available but is not always accessible, and may not prove effective. Care providers to this population are recommended to partner with mothers with schizophrenia, appreciate their strengths as well as their frailties, offer a wide array of family services and social supports, monitor closely, and be generous with positive feedback.
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  • 30 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Revolutionizing HIV-1 Viral Load Monitoring in India
India continues to grapple with a significant burden of HIV infections. Despite notable progress in prevention and treatment efforts, multiple challenges, such as high-risk populations, inadequate testing facilities, and limited access to healthcare in remote areas, persist. Though the Government of India offers HIV-1 plasma viral load testing at various medical centers, aiding treatment decisions and monitoring antiretroviral therapy effectiveness, enhancing care for individuals living with HIV under the National AIDS Control Program (NACP), the nation’s large population and diverse demographics further complicate its outreach and response. Hence, strategic interventions and alternative methods of testing remain crucial to curbing HIV transmission and improving the quality of life for those affected. Dried blood spot (DBS) sampling has emerged as a convenient and cost-effective alternative for HIV-1 viral load testing, revolutionizing the landscape of diagnostic and monitoring strategies for HIV infection. Though the plasma-based viral load remains the gold standard for monitoring HIV-1, DBS-based HIV-1 viral load testing holds immense promise for improving access to care, particularly in resource-limited settings where traditional plasma-based methods may be logistically challenging. DBS entails the collection of a small volume of blood onto filter paper, followed by drying and storage. This approach offers numerous advantages, including simplified sample collection, transportation, and storage, reducing the need for cold-chain logistics. 
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  • 18 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Use of Biosensors and IoMT in COVID-19 Prediction
By using a connected network, a healthcare system with the Internet of Things (IoT) functionality can effectively monitor COVID-19 cases. IoT helps a COVID-19 patient recognize symptoms and receive better therapy more quickly. A critical component in measuring, evaluating, and diagnosing the risk of infection is artificial intelligence (AI). It can be used to anticipate cases and forecast the alternate incidences number, retrieved instances, and injuries. In the context of COVID-19, IoT technologies are employed in specific patient monitoring and diagnosing processes to reduce COVID-19 exposure to others.
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  • 29 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Virtual Forests Exposure
Numerous studies have confirmed the positive impacts of real forests in areas such as stress relief. However, not everyone can visit forests easily. Virtual technologies offer new ways of experiencing forests for people who are hindered by real-life conditions and provide researchers with a manageable mode of study. 
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  • 05 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Health Implications of Whey Protein Consumption
Whey protein (WP), commonly consumed for muscle building and weight loss, has been associated with various health concerns. Significant findings were revealed, such as WP’s potential link to liver and kidney damage, alterations in gut microbiota, increased acne incidence, impacts on bone mass, and emotional and behavioural changes. These findings underscore the complexity of WP’s effects on human health, indicating both beneficial and detrimental outcomes in relation to different posologies in a variety of settings. Be cautious for protein intaking in situations of hepatic and renal compromised functions, as well as in acne susceptibility, while possible beneficial effects can be achieved for the intestinal microbiota, humoral and behavioural level, and finally bone and muscle mass in elderly. The importance of balanced WP consumption and call for more in-depth research to understand its long-term health effects were emphasized. Health professionals and individuals considering WP supplementation should be aware of these potential risks and approach its use with informed caution.
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  • 05 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Long-Term Care Insurance
Long-term care insurance is insurance that pays for expenses incurred by individuals who are unable to care for themselves due to old age, illness, or disability, as well as individuals who need to be accompanied to medical appointments at home or in a nursing home. Long-term care insurance falls under the category of health insurance, where the subject matter is an individual's physical health condition. Usually the period of care is very long, it may be six months, one year, several years or even ten years or more. The point of care is to maintain the individual's physical functioning for as long as possible rather than primarily for the purpose of healing, and long term care insurance serves as a financial reimbursement for the cost of care. Long-term care insurance primarily pays for the daily care costs of the elderly, or those caused by illness or disability. It is usually categorized into home care and institutional care. The difference with Medicare is that Medicare primarily covers the cost of medically necessary care, whereas long-term care insurance is primarily used to pay for the cost of general life care and generally does not cover medical interventions
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  • 19 Jun 2024
Topic Review
Protein Biomarkers in Urolithiasis
Urolithiasis is an increasingly common clinical problem worldwide. The formation of stones is a combination of metabolic status, environmental factors, family history and many other aspects. It is important to find new ways to quickly detect and assess urolithiasis because it causes sudden, severe pain and often comes back.
  • 169
  • 19 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Liquorice Toxicity
Renowned since ancient times for its medical properties, liquorice is nowadays mainly used for flavoring candies or soft drinks. Continuous intake of large amounts of liquorice is a widely known cause of pseudo-hyperaldosteronism leading to hypertension and hypokalemia. These manifestations are usually mild, although in some cases may generate life-threatening complications, i.e., arrhythmias, muscle paralysis, rhabdomyolysis, and coma. 
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  • 22 Sep 2023
Topic Review
The Process of Plaque Rupture
A warning sign for impending cardiovascular events is not fully established. In the process of plaque rupture, the formation of vulnerable plaque is important, and oxidized cholesterols play an important role in its progression. Furthermore, the significance of vasa vasorum penetrating the medial smooth muscle layer and being rich in atheromatous lesions should be noted. The cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) is a new arterial stiffness index of the arterial tree from the origin of the aorta to the ankle. The CAVI reflects functional stiffness, in addition to structural stiffness. The rapid rise in the CAVI means medial smooth muscle cell contraction and strangling vasa vasorum. A rapid rise in the CAVI in people after a big earthquake, following a high frequency of cardiovascular events has been reported. 
  • 167
  • 12 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2 in South African Population
The unprecedented spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) resulted in the urgent need for rapid and reliable diagnostic tests. Accurately diagnosing individuals with infection was paramount to limit the transmission of the virus and to reduce morbidity and mortality.
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  • 08 Dec 2023
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