Topic Review
Understanding Spatial Autocorrelation
An enumeration of spatial autocorrelation’s (SA’s) polyvalent forms occurred nearly three decades ago. Attempts to conceive and disseminate a clearer explanation of it employ metaphors seeking to better relate SA to a student’s or spatial scientist’s personal knowledge databank.
  • 387
  • 07 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Tourism, Indigenous Peoples and Economic Development
Academic interest in the involvement of indigenous peoples with tourism has grown considerably over the past two decades, but the focus has been on traditional activities and facilities and there is little tourism literature which looks at non-traditional forms of tourism involvement. The entry suggests this reflects the motivations and interests of researchers and suggests that increased indigenous participation in research is to be encouraged and may be reflected in different emphases and subjects.
  • 1.7K
  • 10 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Tourism Destination Image
With the rise of user-generated content (UGC) and deep learning technology, more and more researchers construct and measure the tourism destination image (TDI) through online travelogues. 
  • 643
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Tools for Shoreline Change Analysis and Detection
A shoreline is the point of the physical border between land and water. While this definition looks simple, it is indeed challenging in its practical application. The position of the shoreline changes through time due to cross-shore and alongshore sediment movement in the littoral zone, and through changes in water levels. Shoreline change analysis and detection studies have progressed from using simple observation (description) from historical maps and topographical maps to employing high-resolution multi-temporal satellite images with remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) approaches for a better understanding of the subject.
  • 1.9K
  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
The Interaction between Urban and Rural Areas
The relationships and interactions between rural and urban spaces have long been of interest to territorial sciences. However, approaches to these issues have evolved in line with the changing characteristics of the two types of territories, reflecting new relationships and structures. 
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Aug 2022
Topic Review Video
The Image of the Smart City
The image of the city was first introduced by Kevin Lynch in 1960, and referred to the ways in which urban space is perceived by their users, and how these acts are based on mental maps, whose elements can be put into well-defined categories: paths, nodes, edges, districts, and landmarks.
  • 946
  • 16 Feb 2022
Topic Review
The Factors Impacting Commuting Time
Commuting time holds a significant role in people’s daily routines, representing the duration spent traveling between home and work in the context of daily time use. In the context of rapid urbanization in developing countries, commuting time is increasing. However, excessive commuting time can have significant economic, social, and environmental consequences. For example, longer commuting time hampers per capita income growth and reduces productivity. It also impedes social interactions among residents, leading to a decline in social and economic vitality. Moreover, commuting accounts for a large proportion of urban transportation demand and is closely linked to urban carbon emissions. Additionally, it has detrimental effects on both physical and mental health, as well as the well-being of individuals. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the factors that influence commuting time in order to mitigate its continual increase.
  • 1.3K
  • 29 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Terrestrial and Marine Datasets Integration
The entry describes the benefits associated with an accurate integration of terrestrial and marine geospatial datasets for environmental sciences. Attention is given to technology and interdisciplinarity which are playing an important role in this direction.
  • 692
  • 10 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Small-Scale Urban Green Infrastructure
Urban green infrastructure (UGI) such as green roofs, green facades, public parks, urban forests, urban wetlands, and unmanaged green sites, provide nature-based solutions (NBS) that offer a promising avenue for climate change adaptation in cities to reduce the negative environmental impacts of urbanization, such as the urban heat island effect and altered precipitation patterns. UGI supports a wide range of ES at different spatial levels including but not limited to provisioning (e.g., food, and freshwater), regulating (e.g., urban temperature regulations, noise reduction, air purification, pollination, runoff mitigation, and waste treatment), socio-cultural (tourism, recreation, cognitive development, social cohesion), and supporting (e.g., habitat for biodiversity diversity), with fewer documented health benefits (e.g., good health, mortality). 
  • 775
  • 19 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Sense of Belonging
A sense of belonging is a conjunctive interchange between the interests and the influences that guide our relationship to place. A sense of belonging is also its result: it is the formation of identity and of personhood, through participating in the production of place. To belong is a need of those experiencing place, but we can understand a sense of belonging as developed through the need to become part of the place through associative elements of kinship: responsibility to care for and strengthen place and the ability to subsist through place.
  • 1.4K
  • 20 Jan 2021
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