Topic Review
Yerba Mate
Ilex paraguariensis (yerba mate) is a plant species of the holly genus Ilex native to South America from the family Aquifoliaceae and is used for the production of yerba mate infusion. The leaves of the plant are steeped in hot water to make a beverage known as mate.
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  • 07 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Hemiboreal Tree Dynamics
Climate change and the associated disturbances have disrupted the relative stability of tree species composition in hemiboreal forests. The natural ecology of forest communities, including species occurrence and composition, forest structure, and food webs, have been affected. Yet, the hemiboreal forest zone of Lithuania is the least studied in the country for climate change risks and possible management adaption techniques. Moreover, the adverse effects of the phenomenon of global climate change can undermine the resilience of forest ecology in terms of its capacity for natural regeneration to occur successfully on the scale of the expected time. Especially since forests are meta-networks that constantly evolve toward the successional processes and patterns that cannot be reached at an individual species level. Therefore, in the context of hemiboreal forests, assisted natural regeneration lays the groundwork necessary to consider the life-cycle features of trees that affect the organic relationships between individual species and ecological communities indirectly via their effects on growth, reproduction, and survival, such as tree regeneration strategies that correspond to the various trade-offs in the adaptations to competition, stress, and forest disturbances. With the concept of assisted natural regeneration, embedded in the principle of deep ecology, the natural powers of forest ecology can be revitalized and fast-tracked to keep up with the pace of global climate change or even overtake it ahead its disruptions.
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  • 03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
In recent years, research on spermine (Spm) has turned up a lot of new information about this essential polyamine, especially as it is able to counteract damage from abiotic stresses. Spm has been shown to protect plants from a variety of environmental insults, but whether it can prevent the adverse effects of drought has not yet been reported. Drought stress increases endogenous Spm in plants and exogenous application of Spm improves the plants’ ability to tolerate drought stress. Spm's role in enhancing antioxidant defense mechanisms, glyoxalase systems, methylglyoxal (MG) detoxification, and creating tolerance for drought-induced oxidative stress is well documented in plants. However, the influences of enzyme activity and osmoregulation on Spm biosynthesis and metabolism are variable. Spm interacts with other molecules like nitric oxide (NO) and phytohormones such as abscisic acid, salicylic acid, brassinosteroids, and ethylene, to coordinate the reactions necessary for developing drought tolerance. This review focuses on the role of Spm in plants under severe drought stress. We have proposed models to explain how Spm interacts with existing defense mechanisms in plants to improve drought tolerance.
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  • 23 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Diabetic Cardiac Fibroblast Phenotype
Diabetic cardiomyopathy involves remodeling of the heart in response to diabetes that includes microvascular damage, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and cardiac fibrosis. Cardiac fibrosis is a major contributor to diastolic dysfunction that can ultimately result in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Under high glucose conditions cardiac fibroblasts, the final effector cell in the process of cardiac fibrosis, respond by making increased amounts of extracellular matrix. This process involves multiple molecular pathways.
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  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Voltage-Gated K+ Channels
Voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels are intrinsic plasma membrane proteins mediating the selective flow of potassium ions in response to depolarization of the transmembrane electric field. Their ionic selectivity and voltage dependence allow Kv channels to be central players in virtually all physiological functions, including the maintenance and modulation of neuronal and muscular (both cardiac and skeletal) excitability, regulation of calcium signaling cascades, control of cell volume, immune response, hormonal secretion, and others.
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  • 29 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Increasing Disease-Resistance in Cereals
Nowadays, biotechnology represents our best resource both for protecting crop yield and for a science-based increased sustainability in agriculture. Over the last decades, agricultural biotechnologies have made important progress based on the diffusion of new, fast and efficient technologies, offering a broad spectrum of options for understanding plant molecular mechanisms and breeding. This knowledge is accelerating the identification of key resistance traits to be rapidly and efficiently transferred and applied in crop breeding programs.
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  • 30 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Encapsulation and Delivery of Ascorbic Acid
The L-enantiomer of ascorbic acid is commonly known as vitamin C. It is an indispensable nutrient and plays a key role in retaining the physiological process of humans and animals. L-gulonolactone oxidase, the key enzyme for the de novo synthesis of ascorbic acid, is lacking in some mammals including humans. The functionality of ascorbic acid has prompted the development of foods fortified with this vitamin. As a natural antioxidant, it is expected to protect the sensory and nutritional characteristics of the food. It is thus important to know the degradation of ascorbic acid in the food matrix and its interaction with coexisting components. The biggest challenge in the utilization of ascorbic acid is maintaining its stability and improving its delivery to the active site.
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  • 11 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Aurora Kinase B in Cancer
Aurora kinase B (AURKB) is a mitotic serine/threonine protein kinase that belongs to the aurora kinase family along with aurora kinase A (AURKA) and aurora kinase C (AURKC). AURKB is a member of the chromosomal passenger protein complex and plays a role in cell cycle progression.
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  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
 Lonidamine (LND) is an indazole derivative that was first introduced in 1979 as an anti-spermatogenic agent. Later, LND was found to have antitumor activity by interfering with the energy metabolism, especially its action on tumor mitochondria.  Furthermore, some studies also indicated that LND inhibited hexokinase II (HK-II), followed by the inhibition of glycolytic pathway, as well as pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), leading to the reduction of NADPH and GSH levels. Thus, it was usually used as a glycolytic inhibitor for antitumor research.
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  • 20 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Transcriptionally Active Chromatin Structure
Chromatin structure can either positively or negatively regulates transcription and plays an essential role in eukaryotic gene expression and cell identity. 
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  • 13 May 2021
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