Topic Review
Social Sequence Analysis
Social sequence analysis is a special application of sequence analysis, a set of methods that were originally designed in bioinformatics to analyze DNA, RNA, and peptide sequences. Social sequence analysis involves the examination of ordered social processes, ranging from microsocial interaction patterns (for example, turn-taking dynamics in conversations) and interpersonal contact dynamics to the development of social hierarchies and macrosocial temporal patterns. The analysis of such patterns can involve descriptive accounts of sequence patterns, statistical event history analysis, optimal matching analysis, narrative or event structure analysis, and dynamic social network sequencing. After being introduced to the social sciences in the 1980s and a period of slow growth during the 1990s, social sequence methods have become increasingly prevalent.
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  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
C Dynamics in Mangrove Forests
Mangrove forest is an important coastal ecosystems for blue carbon. Thus, understanding the carbon dynamic in mangrove forests will help the management the ecosystem with climate changes. many research studies have been quantified the potential C storage in mangrove soil to be about 500 Mg C ha−1. However, mangrove also lost about 43.8 Kg CO2-eq ha-1 yr-1 due to its CO2 and CH4 emissions.
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  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
The Seed and the Metabolism Regulation
Seeds are the reproductive units of higher plants. They have a significant place in agriculture and plant diversity maintenance. Because they are dehydrated, they can remain viable in the environment for centuries. The dry seed is a metabolically inactive organism, but well organized to protect its components and enter intensive repair to restore metabolic activities upon imbibition for the completion of germination. 
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  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Classification of Wine Phenolic Compounds
Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites present in grapes and wine that can be formed and transformed during the winemaking process. Phenolics can be classified as flavonoids (e.g., anthocyanins, flavan-3-ols, flavonols) and non-flavonoids (e.g., phenolic acids, stilbenes).
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  • 12 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Environmental Factors Affect Parathyroid Hormone and Calcitonin
Calciotropic hormones, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin are involved in the regulation of bone mineral metabolism and maintenance of calcium and phosphate homeostasis in the body. Therefore, an understanding of environmental and genetic factors influencing PTH and calcitonin levels is crucial. Genetic factors are estimated to account for 60% of variations in PTH levels.
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  • 22 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Architecture and Composition of the Intestinal Flora
Intestinal microorganisms are composed of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, and viruses, and more than 99% of them are bacteria. Approximately 1014 bacteria are known to constitute the intestinal flora in the adult gut, and this number is 10 times the number of human somatic cells.
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  • 05 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Fish Exposed to Ammonia Nitrogen
Ammonia nitrogen is the major oxygen-consuming pollutant in aquatic environments. Exposure to ammonia nitrogen in the aquatic environment can lead to bioaccumulation in fish, and the ammonia nitrogen concentration is the main determinant of accumulation. In most aquatic environments, fish are at the top of the food chain and are most vulnerable to the toxic effects of high levels of ammonia nitrogen exposure. In fish exposed to toxicants, ammonia-induced toxicity is mainly caused by bioaccumulation in certain tissues. Ammonia nitrogen absorbed in the fish enters the circulatory system and affects hematological properties. Ammonia nitrogen also breaks balance in antioxidant capacity and causes oxidative damage. In addition, ammonia nitrogen affects the immune response and causes neurotoxicity because of the physical and chemical toxicity. 
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  • 23 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Properties of Claudin-2
Claudin-2 is a member of the claudin family of epithelial tight junction proteins expressed mostly in the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Its role as a cation-selective and water permeable paracellular channel is well studied. In addition, newly emerging strong evidence also shows that it can modulate proliferation, migration, and cell fate determination. These effects appear to be due to its interactions with cytosolic adapters, that connect it to key signaling pathways. A multitude of new data document dysregulated claudin-2 expression in many pathologies including cancer, inflammation, and fibrosis. Thus, changes in claudin-2 expression may contribute to the generation, maintenance, and/or progression of diseases through both permeability-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Based on this, efforts are underway to develop therapies targeting claudin-2 with the hope of benefiting patients with a variety of disease. 
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  • 30 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Sustainable Viticulture Method
The goal of sustainable viticulture is to determine appropriate varieties and suitable cultivation modes for different ecological types to achieve optimal land and scientific management. The quality and yield of plants should be selected to ensure the sustainable use of ecological resources and the life of vine plants. Sustainable viticulture should aim to produce high-quality vines and wine, respect people and the environment, and ensure long-term economic benefits of vines and wine.
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  • 25 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Cannabis and Male Reproductive Health
Cannabis sativa is a cheap hallucinating agent used in different parts of the world from time unknown as a part of various religious as well as social practices. Cannabis which is a special type of Marijuana can provide temporary relief from analgesia, body pain and in some other clinical conditions. But, impacts of Cannabis on reproductive health of males and females are multi-faceted and differentially fatal. In males, Cannabis can cause changes in testicular morphology, sperm parameters (in terms of semen quality, sperm morphology, sperm mortality and sperm motility), male reproductive hormones and finally causing reduced libido. In females, Cannabis can reduce female fertility by disrupting hypothalamic release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), leading to reduced estrogen and progesterone production and anovulatory menstrual cycles.  Current research suggest that cannabis may negatively impact on male and female fertility conditions. However, male sterility considering the Cannabis impact is totally lacking in human as well as in sub-human primates. However, very limited studies are available on Cannabis effect on primate female reproduction considering Rhesus monkeys. Hence, further studies are needed to validate that robust findings in animal models will carry over into human experience.
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  • 18 Sep 2021
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