Topic Review
Lactose is the principal sugar of mammal milk, with a few exceptions (e.g., sea lions and walruses), and is the source of nourishment for newborns. As a sugar, it has a major role as a source of energy, providing 4 kcal/g, and also having a low glycemic index.
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  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Recently, microalgal biotechnology has received increasing interests in producing valuable, sustainable and environmentally friendly bioproducts. The development of economically viable production processes entails resolving certain limitations of microalgal biotechnology, and fast evolving genetic engineering technologies have emerged as new tools to overcome these limitations. 
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  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Agents
Bacterial pathogens as causative agents of infection constitute an alarming concern in the public health sector. In particular, bacteria with resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents can confound chemotherapeutic efficacy towards infectious diseases. Multidrug-resistant bacteria harbor various molecular and cellular mechanisms for antimicrobial resistance. These antimicrobial resistance mechanisms include active antimicrobial efflux, reduced drug entry into cells of pathogens, enzymatic metabolism of antimicrobial agents to inactive products, biofilm formation, altered drug targets, and protection of antimicrobial targets. These microbial systems represent suitable focuses for investigation to establish the means for their circumvention and to reestablish therapeutic effectiveness.
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  • 01 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Agrivoltaic Systems Design
An agrivoltaic system is a complex system, being, at least, a spatial, an energy and an agronomic system. Its design and assessment must adhere to requirements set depending on the project’s needs in order to meet desired performance quality objectives. Different dimensions of performance need to be taken into account.
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  • 18 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Applications and Action Mechanisms of Probiotic-Based Multi-Components
Probiotic-based multi-component preparations refer to a mixture of bioactive agents, containing probiotics or postbiotics as main functional ingredients, and prebiotics, protectants, stabilizers, encapsulating agents, and other compounds as additional constituents.
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  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Role of MPO in Human Diseases and Inflammation
Myeloperoxidase (MPO), also called hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase with a particular (EC, is an enzyme found in the primary granules of granulocytic cells (neutrophils, eosinophils, and, to a lesser extent, monocytes). Lymphocytes lack MPO enzyme activity. However, the most common sources are neutrophils, where the enzyme is located at the lysosomal level in the azurophil granules.
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  • 27 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Plant
Hyperspectral remote sensing provides image data with very high spectral resolution. This high resolution allows subtle differences in plant health to be recognized. Such a multidimensional data space, generated by hyperspectral sensors, has given rise to new approaches and methods for analyzing hyperspectral data.
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  • 31 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Socio-Economic Assessment of Natural Fibers
Natural fibers, which are renewable and ecologically acceptable sources of raw materials for producing environmentally friendly products, have played a significant part in human civilization. Natural fibers are desirable bio-sourced materials as an alternative to non-sustainable glass and carbon fiber reinforced composites owing to their availability and technical viability. Natural fibers have been successfully applied to a wide range of applications, for instance, furniture, automotive, electronic industries, and building construction.
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  • 17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Olive Oil Using Gas Chromatography
Olive oil is among the most popular supplements of the Mediterranean diet due to its high nutritional value. Therefore, the authenticity of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and virgin olive oil (VOO) is of major importance for both financial and health-related reasons. However, at the same time, because of economical purposes, it is also one of the products most subjected to adulteration. As a result, authenticity is an important issue of concern among authorities and consumers. Especially, regarding consumers, they require high-quality food products which a real characterized botanical and geographical origin. To this end many analytical techniques able to identify geographical and botanical origin and consequently, guarantee its quality and authenticity, have been developed.
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  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Sex-Reversed Females of Salmonid Fish
Sex-reversed females (SRFs; masculinised females, neomales) are genetically females; however, owing to masculinisation, they are capable of producing spermatozoa.
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  • 12 May 2021
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